This reporter is naturally Ye Qi, a female reporter of Jiangling TV station, but Chen Hansheng doesn't know. He is still walking around depressed in the office.

Kong Jing, with a solemn face, answered two calls from time to time to get the latest news from friends in government units.

Nie Xiaoyu is also nervous and concentrated. As Chen Hansheng's full-time secretary, she must follow the boss's ideas at this time.

"Jingling bell ~"

Chen Hansheng's cell phone suddenly rang. He took a look and found that it was the TV station Ye Qi. He directly pressed it and didn't connect.

At this time, there is no time to talk to her.

Unexpectedly, ye Qi was very persistent. After two consecutive calls were hung up, she sent a message with a "Ding" sound.

Ye Qi: do you want to talk? Maybe you need the help of media friends at this time.


Chen Hansheng didn't understand this inexplicable message and replied "?" past times.


The message comes back again.

Ye Qi: about the investigation team sent by the above.

"I'm going out."

When Chen Hansheng saw the information, he dropped a word and immediately drove out of the office.

"It's not young Chu and little fish, otherwise it should have been picked up long ago."

Nie Xiaoyu looked at Minister Chen's back, rubbed his chin and analyzed: "but without saying the identity of the other party, the pace is still in such a hurry. More than 90% are women."


Kong Jing turned her head and asked.


Nie Xiaoyu shrugged his shoulders: "I'm speculating who Mr. Chen went out to see. After all, as a little secretary, I must always know the whereabouts of the boss."

"You are so boring ~"

Kong Jing shook her head. The young man's mentality is good. He can still think nonsense at this time.

But then again, it seems that there are not many other ways at this time except waiting.


At the gate of a Starbucks in the central square of Jiangling District, a group of white-collar workers sat under the sun umbrella. They drank coffee, tasted the taste of early spring and talked leisurely.

Some men are good at chatting and often tease their female partners to cover their mouths and smile.

Just then, a black Land Rover, like a small tank, stopped slowly at the edge of the road teeth under the "buzzing" engine.

The white-collar workers were stunned. Their eyes focused on the "Landrover" brand. Some people didn't know them. Land Rover was still rare in 2005.

However, they did not ask questions, but looked at it silently. The original noisy atmosphere was a little depressed.

The door was opened, and from the driver's seat came a young man who looked like a college student. He was wearing a simple hooded sweater and jeans. He was not a high-end goods. With a cigarette in his mouth, he peered impatiently at the Starbucks sign.

When a cigarette was finished, he closed the door with a loud bang.

"Creak ~"

Until the college student pushed the door in, the group of white-collar workers laughed again. It seemed that nothing had happened just now. The men continued to look for topics, and the women echoed.

However, when everyone glances at the huge and brand-new Land Rover, there will still be an obvious pause.

In the process of chatting, if other luxury cars stop, the process of "lively silence lively" will be repeated.

What an interesting phenomenon.


This college student is naturally Chen Hansheng. He doesn't know where ye Qi knows the news of the "inspection team", otherwise he won't come.

But it's not surprising to think about it. Ye Qi is a TV reporter herself. She has a wide range of channels to get information. Her boyfriend is also the deputy section chief of the Publicity Department of the district government. This kind of thing can't be concealed from her.

"Han Sheng, long time no see."

Ye Qi said hello enthusiastically, took the initiative to call the waiter and paid for a cup of cappuccino for Chen Hansheng.

Chen Hansheng smiled, because they had a short "flirting" and deliberately plunged into Ye Qi's fish pond, so they still knew her better.

If it was a scum woman, ye Qi didn't really play with the feelings of boys, nor did she ask for expensive luxuries and indulge in enjoyment like Huang Hui.

Ye Qi works hard and often works overtime;

But on the other hand, when she and her college boyfriend Zhang Eryu didn't completely break up, she took the initiative to show kindness to young talents such as Chen Hansheng or the youngest deputy section chief of the district government, and also declared that she didn't have a boyfriend.

Finally, her first boyfriend Zhang Eryu was kicked away by her.

When Chen Hansheng was "bankrupt" before, she visited CAIDA as a friend. After returning, she immediately determined the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend with the young deputy section chief.

Later, they didn't have any contact with each other, but sometimes when they met on the road, ye Qi would say hello politely, still like a friend.

In short, she embodies the complex and real side of human nature.

Chen Hansheng has analyzed that Zhang Eryu, her boyfriend in college, still has a place in Ye Qi's heart. After all, this is a beauty without any external factors.

Later, she herself, including her current boyfriend, just chose and considered from the perspective of the future after ye Qi's vision was wide.

If you really want to stick a social label, you should linger around "green tea" below "slag woman".

"What is Han Sheng laughing at?"

Ye Qi asked curiously when she saw Chen Hansheng's expression.


Chen Hansheng said bluntly, "elder martial sister ye called me. She must have an idea about this inspection team."

When ye Qi heard Chen Hansheng calling "elder martial sister Ye", she paused and said, "that shell..."

"That's right."

Chen Hansheng directly admitted: "the fruit shell is mine."


Ye Qi watched Chen Hansheng half ring, then lowered her head and stirred the coffee.

The metal spoon touched the ceramic cup wall and made a "jingling" sound.

Since the establishment of nutshell, ye Qi has been very interested in her work, including the mysterious boss behind it. However, nutshell doesn't want to talk to her.

Recently, with the intensification of the war between the fruit shell and the new century, ye Qi went to the door of the fruit shell every three or five times.

In the afternoon, the boyfriend of the Publicity Department of the district government disclosed the news that "the inspection team is about to investigate the plagiarism of nutshell and new century products" to Ye Qi. Out of her professional sensitivity, ye Qi immediately realized that this might be an opportunity to "uncover" the real identity of the nutshell boss.

So after Kong Jing's white passett came out, ye Qi followed slowly, but she saw "old acquaintance" Chen Hansheng.

She was only three points sure, but seven points doubted, because it was too incredible.

Later, after sending the tentative message, when Chen Hansheng promised to come over, ye Qi was six points sure.

Now Chen Hansheng finally admitted himself. Ye Qi's eyes suddenly became complicated.

This is an enterprise with a registered capital of 30 million.

Even the fruit shell and the "fight" in the new century deeply affect the hearts of the district leaders. The two factories can even put on airs in the district leaders. The leaders will not be angry, but also "coax" them with laughter.

I just never thought that the fruit shell was Chen Hansheng's enterprise. What did I miss before?

Chen Hansheng is only a junior. He has confessed to himself before!

"Han Sheng, would you like to explain the process from rocket 101 to fruit shell?"

Ye Qi said faintly.

"Ha ha ~ in fact, there's nothing to say. It's better to be lucky."

Chen Hansheng laughed twice and thought I needed to explain a chicken handle to you. I didn't explain much about little fish and Shen Hanhan.

"All right."

Ye Qi sighed. She could see that Chen Hansheng's eyebrows were beating. She took the initiative to say, "I don't know the specific inside story, but according to previous examples, the superior inspection team won't come down for no reason."

"Shake people in the new century."

Chen Hansheng said: "our two families are restricted from selling at the same time, which is good for the new century."

"Well, the nut shell just doesn't want this to happen."

Ye Qi pulled her hair behind her, revealing her small ears and flashing earrings, and began to analyze it from the perspective of a reporter.

"In fact, from the perspective of the leaders of Jiangling District, they don't want this to happen. If the sales of large factories in the area are stopped, it will not only affect the GDP, but also damage the image of attracting investment. I suggest you put pressure on the district government and transfer the pressure to the inspection team through the leaders."


Chen Hansheng nodded, which was inevitable.

"On the other hand."

Ye Qi continued: "our media can carry out biased reports, give pressure in this regard, and strive to shorten the inspection time as much as possible."


Ye Qi raised her head: "Han Sheng should also have something to do with it. The senior students of the University of Finance and economics, business partners and other friends and elders can make use of it... Do you need me to introduce some to you?"

Looking at Ye Qi, who was quite positive, Chen Hansheng waved his hand: "no, we also have acquaintances in the legal and educational circles."

"It's all right. You can come to me when you need it. Didn't you delete my mobile phone number?"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

For Chen Hansheng's refusal, she also feels normal. The business of fruit shell is not small. Chen Hansheng must have his own contacts.

"How can I delete the phone?"

Chen Hansheng was habitually teased: "I didn't even delete my previous SMS."

"Oh ~"

Ye Qi lowered her head and looked happy.

"So still say ah, there must be some friends who like money."

Chen Hansheng secretly sighs that Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu don't talk about it, and Wang Zibo can't count, but even after Hu Linyu and Bian Shishi know their identity, they seem to have no feeling.

Hu Linyu is such a fool. He also hits me hard all day. He doesn't know how to respect RMB!!!

Look at Ye Qi's reaction, tut tut... Comfortable.

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Qi noticed that Chen Hansheng had been staring at herself. Although she was a little embarrassed, she still asked.

"Oh, I mean, you're fine. There should be some friends like you."

Chen Hansheng reacted from his lust and said.

Seeing ye Qi's slightly stunned look, Chen Hansheng hurriedly added: "it's a pity that we all have boyfriend and girlfriend now."

"Han Sheng has a girlfriend, too?"

Ye Qi was stunned: "when you were rocket 101, you seemed to be single?"

"Yes, I found one later."

Chen Hansheng smiled: "I'm ugly and short and have a big temper. I often scold me for being too lazy and not doing things in time."


Ye Qi frowned: "if the information is not returned in time, I think we should first worry about your accident. How can we dislike it?"

"That makes sense!"

Chen Hansheng nodded in agreement.

Look, at this opening, the familiar smell is back.

Ye Qi is definitely not a scum girl like Huang Hui. Huang Hui has no lower limit. Being strict can be considered a fraud.

However, ye Qi's position is much higher. She took the initiative to invite Chen Hansheng to Starbucks and enlightened a young multimillionaire very "considerate".

"In addition, you have opened such a big factory. You have to worry about the food, drink and Lazar of hundreds of people."

Ye Qi left her red lips and said, "I can understand. In fact, you are not really lazy."

"That's right!"

Chen Hansheng patted the table: "elder martial sister ye, you know me too well. It's rare to have a confidant in life."

Chen Hansheng was very saving face and performed just right. At this time, don't ask: "elder martial sister Ye was so considerate. Why did you seldom contact me when I went bankrupt?"

Everyone is a scene person. It's just a cup of coffee. It's good to close and break up.

"Elder martial sister ye, I'll go back and prepare first. What business cooperation will there be with the TV station, and then take the initiative to contact."

Chen Hansheng stood up and said.


Ye Qi was a little disappointed, but she was soon covered up and said with a smile, "I'm back on the stage, too. Can it be convenient for President Chen to send it?"

Chen Hansheng didn't care about this. Just when she got on the bus, ye Qi asked half jokingly and half seriously, "Hansheng, can I take the co pilot? I will vomit in the back. I hope your girlfriend doesn't mind."

"It's all right. Just do it."

Chen Hansheng said without hesitation, "if she dares to mind, I'll change a girlfriend."

"No, no, you get along well ~"

Ye Qi smiled happily. After sitting in the soft co pilot, she twisted her hips a few times. While feeling the spacious and open of the SUV, she asked, "it's said that this car costs 900000. Even the smuggled waterwheel costs more than 400000..."


Chen Hansheng said discontentedly, "can I buy a waterwheel in my capacity? It must be the full price. I despise that kind of half price auction car!"

"Indeed ~"

Ye Qi looked at the noisy Chen Hansheng with some small stars in her eyes.


Although the "confrontation" with sister Xiao Ye is still very pleasant, I still have to face a lot of things about fruit shells when I go back.

The stability test can't be stopped, and the production can't be stopped either. The employees in the factory are expected to have some mood swings.

However, according to the information from Comrade Zhang Weiyu, vice captain of the new century security brigade, the employees there heard that there was a problem with the MP4 electronic screen, and their mood fluctuated more.

In short, things have become like this. It's no use worrying. We must wait until the inspection team comes down to explore the truth and deficiency.

This round of contest was indeed won by new century and Hong Shiyong.

The next morning, Chen Hansheng came to the office bored, dealt with the affairs in the mailbox for a while, and ran outside to watch the clock. They played chess.

Chen Hansheng has talked about cooperation with Cheng Dejun, chairman of Shentong. Zhong Jiancheng is also a franchisee of Shentong express in Jiangling District, Jianye city. However, this big gangster in his forties is very satisfied with his current life.

I earn hundreds of thousands a year. When I'm bored, I sing a song and press a motorcycle. I only talk about money with technicians, never about feelings. My life is very natural and unrestrained.

Now the weather is getting hot. When we are at noon, we should wear short sleeves. Chen Hansheng is holding a can beer. He squats under the Wutong tree and smiles at others.

In the afternoon, Wang Zibo came over with a convenience bag in his hand.

"What's up?"

Chen Hansheng drooped his eyelids and didn't want to take a haircut.

"Registered company."

Wang Zi Boyang raised the bag in her hand, which was full of personal data such as ID card, Hukou book and so on.


Chen Hansheng remembered that the milk tea shop in shiziqiao is currently being renovated, but after opening, the ordering system developed by Wang Zibo and his classmates will be used.

Last year, in order to encourage faxiao, Chen Hansheng asked him to open a network software company from "Wang Gong" to "Wang Zong".

Now I almost forget that Wang Zibo still resents the title of "President Wang".

"I don't care about you now. Let Xiaoyu deal with it."

Chen Hansheng takes out his mobile phone and calls Nie Xiaoyu. The little secretary is now familiar with these processes.

Wang Zibo could see that his best friend was in a bad mood and didn't dare to ask more questions. He squatted next to him and smoked with him.

When Nie Xiaoyu arrived, Chen Hansheng waved and asked them to talk by themselves.

"You want to start a company?"

Nie Xiaoyu was surprised when she heard about Wang Zibo's intention: "yes."

Wang Zibo smiled awkwardly: "I have to work hard for you. I don't understand the program."

"Little things."

Nie Xiaoyu didn't refuse, stretched out his white palm and said, "in addition to these materials, give me another 200 yuan."


Wang Zibo didn't doubt him. He immediately handed over two notes: "do you want 200 yuan for the registration of the company?"


Nie Xiaoyu rolled it in his hand and said with a smile, "registration is free. 200 yuan is my errand fee."


Wang Zibo was stunned. The cost of running errands is so expensive. We are still friends.

"Hey ~, just teasing you."

Nie Xiaoyu didn't put it in his pocket and gave back 200 yuan to Wang Zibo. Instead, he seriously warned: "anyone who wants money can give it. Zibo, you can't be a big boss if you start a company like this."

"Well, how can I be a big boss?"

Wang Zibo asked.

Nie Xiaoyu is a ghost horse spirit. Chen Hansheng can't decide sometimes. Where can he.

"How's it going?"

Nie Xiaoyu turned his eyes and shouted at Chen Hansheng, "Minister Chen, I'm tired recently. Can I apply for a salary increase..."

As soon as the little secretary was halfway there, he saw Chen Hansheng smashing the beer can in his hand and scolding, "the dog still wants to get a raise? Just dream about it!"


Nie Xiaoyu looked at the cans at his feet, turned to Wang Zibo and said, "whoever wants money from him, he not only doesn't give it, but also beats people. Such people can be big bosses in the future."

Wang Zibo:······
