The third-party investigation team was not in a state of complete lack of communication. On the morning of April 6, under the coordination of Jiangling District government, the leaders of nutshell and the new century held a short meeting.

It was Kong Jing who took part in the nutshell, and Hong Shiyong who took part in the new century. Although they were fighting against each other behind their backs, when they met at the venue, they were hypocritical and polite.

"What's the matter? I feel manager Kong is a little haggard recently. Is there too much work pressure?"

Hong Shiyong smiled like a fat Maitreya. He seemed very concerned and said, "a beautiful lady like you must pay more attention to maintenance."

"Inevitably haggard."

Kong Jing smiled: "after all, it's not easy to get to today step by step from scratch. We have indeed paid a lot of energy. Of course, what we should thank most is the full support of Hong Zong in the new century."

Hong Shiyong choked. He wanted to satirize Kong Jing. After all, the fruit shell has been in a dilemma recently.

Unexpectedly, Kong Jing's backhand is a sarcasm. The "growth" of the fruit shell is really inseparable from all kinds of support in the new century, although it is not Hong Shiyong's real intention.

"Manager Kong, there is reincarnation in the way of heaven. Who will be spared by heaven?"

Hong Shiyong sank his face: "don't think that just a blue light can hold the throat of the new century. We have found alternatives and are paying close attention to research."

"Really, congratulations to President Hong."

Kong Jing said expressionless, "but I also pass that sentence to you. The heaven has reincarnation. The heaven spared who. Although the fruit shell is not strange, it is still within the scope of commercial competition. If you involve the third-party forces, don't blame us for having no bottom line."

"Hum, wait and see!"

Hong Shiyong dropped a word and walked into the conference room with his head up.

To be honest, Hong Shiyong is really a little flustered. The fruit shell is completely a rogue enterprise. I don't know how many sinister tricks there are behind it.

The top priority is to do a good job of MP4, make use of the good relationship with distributors in the new century, give priority to sales, and leave the nut shell far behind.

In fact, Kong Jing is no better. This confrontation is bluffing. In short, you can't be weak.

Before long, the investigation team came. The team leader Xie Tianxin was in his 60s. He had a serious national face, gray hair and unsmiling.

This kind of meeting is the same as the freshman entrance meeting. The leaders of the school always say happy first, and then it's the student representative's turn to speak.

So first, the district leader of Jiangling delivered a welcome speech. He was wordy for more than 20 minutes until Xie Tianxin's eyebrows were twisted like a twist, and the district leader let the microphone out.

Leader Xie's speech was clean and concise, and he only emphasized three points.

"First, this investigation is right about things and not about people. I never knew the new century. I never had a dispute with nutshell. It's just the responsibility."

"Second, before the exact results come out, the nut shell is not allowed to sell MP4, nor is it allowed in the new century."

Hearing this, Hong Shiyong looked at Kong Jing with pride.

The new century cannot be sold because the products are not well produced;

The shell can't be sold, so we have to worry.

"Third, it's about discipline!"

When Xie Tianxin talked about this, his voice suddenly became loud: "in the process of this investigation, we will not participate in any banquets, nor do we want to meet any guests in private. I hope everyone can abide by this agreement. I hope it will not be difficult for each other. Thank you for your cooperation."

Team leader Xie's attitude is to set a tone. He hopes to carry out it in a fair and just environment and not be disturbed.

"This concludes my speech. Do you have any questions?"

Xie Tianxin glanced and said, "if there is no doubt, we will enter two factories to obtain evidence. I hope Manager Hong and manager Kong can actively cooperate..."

"Hello, team leader Xie. I have questions."

Kong Jing opened her mouth. She came here with questions.

Xie Tianxin raised his head: "manager Kong, please."

"If in the investigation, no evidence of fruit shell plagiarism in the new century is found."

Kong Jing asked, "then can we put the fruit shell out of the customs in advance, because we have accumulated a lot of products. Every day we wait, the loss of the fruit shell will be one more day."

Hong Shiyong listened and gave a disdainful "cut".

Don't others know that they don't know? Now the second round of stability test of fruit shell is not over, and it has not entered the mass production program. There is a fart accumulation product!

Kong Jing, a woman who looks gentle and moving, has learned to sell misery to put pressure.


"Once we find that there is no evidence, we must release it at the first time," Xie Tianxin said with certainty


After the meeting, Kong Jing returned to the office of Tianyuan East Road and reported the specific contents to Chen Hansheng.

"I see. Sister Jing, go back to the factory and continue to stare. By the way, cooperate with the investigation team."

Chen Hansheng put his feet on his desk and casually flipped through the computer mail.

"What about you?"

Kong Jing asked, "will you go to see people play chess later? If not, just go shopping with your girlfriend. In short, you can only wait now."

"I'm not in the mood. Who else to accompany?"

Chen Hansheng shook his head impatiently.


Kong Jing thought she heard wrong. Does her girlfriend still have "who to accompany"?

"I mean

Chen Hansheng also reacted and sat up straight calmly: "at this moment, I'm not in the mood to accompany anyone. I'm most at ease only with the fruit shell."

"Oh ~"

Kong Jing smiled: "then make it clear. I almost misunderstood. I'll go back to the factory first."

"Ho Ho, Ho Ho, ho ho ho ~"

Chen Hansheng gave it to elder sister Kong with a dry smile.


In the afternoon, the investigation team really entered the fruit shell electronics factory to collect relevant evidence. There was no deliberate difficulty in attitude, just as team leader Xie Tianxin emphasized that it was impartial.

In the evening, the investigation team didn't even eat in the fruit shell canteen. It is said that five people ate several cages of soup bags on the street.

On April 7 the next day, the shell MP4 finally passed the second round of stability test.

Originally, according to the plan, this was the time to pick the victory fruit, because after two rounds of stability test of the fruit shell, it was ready for mass production and listing.

Kong Jing and Li Xiaokai came over with the latest MP4 products and found that Chen Hansheng was mixed with Zhong Jiancheng again.

"Hey ~"

Kong Jing reluctantly shakes her head. She doesn't urge, but walks behind Chen Hansheng and looks at him silently.

All the couriers gathered here are Zhong Jiancheng's couriers. They are very familiar with Chen Hansheng. After all, Chen Hansheng was also a part-time college student under Zhong Jiancheng's hands, so it seems nothing to boast and drink beer together.

However, Kong Jing used to be the leader of Zhong Jiancheng, with elegant temperament and charm. When she stops here, these people are subconsciously restrained.

"No more, no more."

After discovering this situation, old Youtiao Zhong Jiancheng shouted to drive Chen Hansheng away: "you're always repentant. Give up your position quickly."

"Fuck off, who doesn't repent here."

Chen Hansheng is not happy.

"You're not going, are you?"

Zhong Jiancheng simply chased the others away. Finally, only Chen Hansheng sitting by the chess table and Kong Jing standing there looked at each other alone.

Some couriers feel sorry and quietly say to Zhong Jiancheng, "for an hour, Chen Hansheng often squats here to play recently. It seems that he has something in mind. Let's play with him. It's his brother in the end."

"Pooh, Pooh, I'm not as smart as you?"

Zhong Jiancheng was chewing betel nut and spitting rubbish and scolded: "when Chen Hansheng found me three years ago and blocked the door of the office to ask to be the general agent of the University of Finance and economics, I knew this dog was not simple. You can only see that he has encountered problems recently, but can you see that he doesn't lock his eyebrows today?"

"What do you mean?"

The courier was stunned.

"I guess chess is still a little enlightening. Chen Hansheng may have figured out a way, so let's not delay him and Kong Jing."

Zhong Jiancheng lit a cigarette, took a few breaths, and said with emotion, "it's really betel nut and smoke. The magic power is boundless. I haven't seen such difficulties when making rocket 101 this dog day."

"As the old saying goes, the greater the difficulties, the more benefits. If Chen Hansheng turns over this time, he doesn't know how much money he will make."

