"Shishi, your uncle Xiao has found another wet nurse."

After hanging up, LV Yuqing vowed, "even if her condition is worse than Wei Hongyan this time, I definitely want it!"

"In fact, as long as the baby likes it."

Bian Shishi comforted and said, "the ID card has been sent to Xiaoyu. As long as the wet nurse can hold on for a few days until Xiaoyu returns home, everything will return to normal."

However, LV Yuqing closed the door to Professor Gao and was not good at the senses of the provincial people's Hospital, so he discussed with Bian Shishi to go to other hospitals for further consultation.

But when she was ready to leave, Bian Shishi looked at the end of the obstetrics and Gynecology corridor and said with some worry: "aunt Lu, that woman was so strange. She stood there when we first arrived. Now we are going to leave. She still stood there and put her upper body out of the window several times. It looks very dangerous."


LV Yuqing looked down her eyes. It was a rather thin woman's back. She seemed to be relatively young. Indeed, she often stood on tiptoe and looked downstairs, as if she was measuring the height.

After a while, he drew back and seemed to be hesitant. LV Yuqing frowned. The man seemed to have a sign of suicide.

The obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the provincial people's hospital is on the 6th floor. If you really want to jump down and not die, you are also seriously injured. However, there is a mess and noise in the corridor. Doctors and nurses didn't notice this scene.

Some patients waiting for treatment found it, but they didn't go to inquire, or no one thought that someone would commit suicide in the hospital.

"Let's go."

Finally, LV Yuqing shook his head and said, "we have a lot of things ourselves. There's no need to worry about others."

With that, LV Yuqing went downstairs with Bian Shishi's arm.

"Ah... Ah..."

Bian Shishi thought about whether to remind the security guard of the hospital, so as not to blame himself for any accident.

Even if people don't want to commit suicide, it doesn't take much effort to remind them.

However, on the first floor, before waiting for Bian Shishi to find the security guard, LV Yuqing suddenly sighed: "forget it, we'd better go up and ask."


Bian Shishi was a little surprised. It's not like aunt Lu's style.

"If it had been before, I wouldn't have been troubled. What does it have to do with me not to commit suicide?"

LV Yuqing said with emotion: "but since the little fish was born, I'm worried that God will blame me for leaving so indifferently. It doesn't matter that I'm an old woman. I'm just worried that I'll be angry with the baby, so just go and have a look. Who let me meet it."

"OK ~"

Bian Shishi smiled and nodded. She knew it was the truth.

LV Yuqing really loves Chen Zijin too much. Even though the so-called "karma" has no scientific evidence, as long as it may involve small fish, LV Yuqing with obsessive-compulsive disorder doesn't want those things to happen.

So when they returned to the 6th floor, LV Yuqing and Bian Shishi hurried to the end of the corridor. They were afraid that the young woman had jumped down during this period of time and was wronged.

Fortunately, she seems to be watching.

LV Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief and patted each other on the shoulder: "hello."

The young woman probably didn't expect someone to say hello to her. She turned her head in surprise and looked at LV Yuqing and Bian Shishi.

LV Yuqing and Bian Shishi's "appearance" is still very reliable, so the young woman's defensive eyes weakened a little, but she asked vigilantly, "what's the matter?"

"No big deal."

LV Yuqing did not directly ask "do you want to commit suicide", but gently reminded: "you always lean out of the window. It's too dangerous."


The strange woman replied in a low voice. Her facial features and figure are quite good, and she has a faint bookish spirit. She is likely to have studied in college.

Just pale and sad.

In the face of some indifferent reactions, LV Yuqing didn't care too much. He smiled and said, "when I was young, everyone would encounter some difficulties. After I quarreled with my wife for a while, I impulsively thought of drinking some pesticides. Now I think it's lucky that I didn't drink it, otherwise how can I see my daughter grow up."

The woman understood the kindness in LV Yuqing's words. She said in silence for a moment: "thank you, but my difficulties are not only family relations, but also lack of money. I'm about to lose my grip. In fact, I might as well jump down and relax."

LV Yuqing and Bian Shishi looked at each other. "Money" is probably the most meaningless thing for LV Yuqing.

LV Yuqing didn't need money, and because she and Liang Meijuan came back to take care of their children, Chen Hansheng gave them a bank card respectively. He didn't say how much balance there was. In short, he just "brushed it casually".

However, LV Yuqing will not "show off her wealth" at will. She said quietly: "everyone will be short of money, but as long as people live, money can always be earned. You should also have children. If you really jump down, what will the baby do?"

When the young woman heard "child", a trace of sadness flashed across her face and her eyes turned red.

"Stop thinking and have a good rest. There are no unsolvable difficulties in the world."

LV Yuqing was ready to leave after telling her. She thought it should be almost like this. Today, she reluctantly dissuaded a suicide incident. God will never blame herself and the little fish again.


However, LV Yuqing just turned around and the young woman behind her suddenly said, "aunt, your family should be very rich. Can I borrow some money from you?"


LV Yuqing thought, I'm just trying to persuade you, but I'm not going to borrow money.

"How do you know I'm rich?"

LV Yuqing asked.

"Your dress, jewelry, and

The young woman pointed to LV Yuqing's bag: "I know this brand is Prada. For foreign luxury goods, a bag costs tens of thousands."

LV Yuqing looked down. This is why Chen Hansheng often went out to talk about business. When he returned home, he often brought some gifts to flatter his mother-in-law and thank her for helping him take care of his children.

I didn't expect to expose my "identity" here, but LV Yuqing was not related to each other and still didn't intend to borrow money.

"Aunt, if you hadn't just come here, I might have to jump."

The young woman's eyes were filled with tears: "please, I want 20000 yuan for emergency..."

"Little girl, why are you like this!"

LV Yuqing was very unhappy. He seldom meddled in his own business. Unexpectedly, he was cheated.

When there was some stalemate, the poem was half silent and spoke: "we don't know you. We just met by chance. Why should we lend you money? And 20000 yuan is not a small number. How old are your children?"


The young woman was stunned. Why did she suddenly pull the child, but she responded quickly and immediately replied, "it's been more than four months."

"Are you in good health? Do you have breast milk?"

Bian Shishi continued to ask. LV Yuqing looked a little sluggish. She also understood Bian Shishi's idea.

"I've always been in good health. When I was in college, I took part in the sports meeting every year, and breast milk is also available..."

Although the woman who wanted to commit suicide didn't know the purpose of Bian Shishi, it seemed that they needed "breast milk".

"Let's talk in the car."

LV Yuqing waved her hand and interrupted. She didn't even think of it, but after being reminded by Bian Shishi, she suddenly found that the person in front of her seemed quite suitable.

His appearance and figure are OK. I learned from the dialogue that he has studied in college and knows Prada brand. He looks like he is 24 or 25 years old. If there is another physical examination report, the threshold conditions will be met.

Therefore, in the Buick business car downstairs of the hospital, LV Yuqing strictly asked about the other party's basic situation.

This woman's name is Bai Yu. Her name is very self-restraint, but her life is not very good.

Bai Yu was supposed to be very happy after she got pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, but her mother-in-law family was very son preference. Not only did she not see her once, but even her husband felt very ashamed.

At the beginning, he boasted that this baby was a son. Unexpectedly, Bai Yu was so unlucky that he didn't want to talk to him at all.

"How could there be such a person!"

Bian Shishi angrily scolded: "my daughter is not her own child. She is really inferior to Chen Hansheng!"

In the hearts of Shi Shi's classmates, Chen Hansheng probably became the last bottom line of a man. The guy who is not as good as him can hardly be called a "man".

"Cough... Cough..."

LV Yuqing, his mother-in-law, coughed: "Chen Hansheng still loves his own daughter very much. Like Lao Xiao, he is also a daughter slave. So... Xiaobai, where are your parents?"

"My father died early because I came to Jianye from a distant marriage. My mother has always disagreed with my husband's marriage."

Bai Yu lowered his head and said, "I once went to her, but she didn't even let me in."

The reason why Bai Yu borrowed money is also simple. Her child has some heart problems. The doctor recommends an early operation, so that the baby can recover slowly in the process of growth.

If the delay is too long, it is likely to become a chronic heart disease. The operation cost is about 30000 yuan. However, Bai Yu resigned when giving birth to a child. Even if he gathers left and right, there is still a gap of 20000 yuan in the operation cost.

Just now the doctor was telling her that if she didn't pay the money, the child couldn't continue to be hospitalized.

"Hey ~"

Bian Shishi sighed, "distant marriage, son preference, evil mother-in-law and child illness", which often appear in bosom friend magazine, were hit by a woman at the same time. No wonder she wanted to jump from a building.


LV Yuqing looked at Bai Yu for a while and said slowly, "you've said so much. Let me talk about the situation facing our family. If we can really cooperate, it's unintentional."

Next, LV Yuqing left her daughter abroad because she could not return for some things, but her granddaughter was less than seven months old. In weaning and continuing breast milk supply, the whole family chose breast milk supply, so she wanted to find a wet nurse.

"Aunt, I can. I have enough milk

Bai Yu is very excited. If it's something else, he really can't take it out, but if he's feeding, it's just perfect.

"Don't worry."

LV Yuqing said faintly, "in fact, I found a wet nurse yesterday, but I lost it. Your basic conditions are good, but you don't know your current physical condition. Why don't you go to the 'eight items of blood transfusion' examination now? If there are no infectious diseases, you can try it."

"I won't have these diseases!"

Bai Yu was very confident in his body, and then looked at LV Yuqing with hope: "aunt, that..."

"You don't have to worry about the reward."

LV Yuqing paused and said, "if it's really determined, let's not discuss it again. In short, all the expenses of your daughter's operation are given by our family."

This reward far exceeds Bai Yu's expectation. Maybe this is a kind-hearted man with money.

Bai Yu was moved and was about to kneel down. LV Yuqing held her arm and said, "I'll do something good. If I have a blessing, I hope to leave it to my little granddaughter. Let's leave a phone first. You can take advantage of the hospital to draw blood before work, and we'll talk about the results tomorrow."

"Thank you, aunt!"

Bai Yu tells LV Yuqing his number, which is really a win-win outcome for both sides.

Bai Yu needs money for medical treatment. LV Yuqing needs a wet nurse with good conditions and saves a child by the way. It really fits in all aspects.

On the way home, LV Yuqing called her husband to report her "achievements". Lao Xiao thought it was very good, but now there are two wet nurses.


LV Yuqing was in a good mood and said proudly, "it's better to choose more. Let's let the baby choose by himself."


Lao Xiao thought for a moment and said, "if the nanny in Hong Kong City is more suitable, we will still bear the operation expenses of Bai Yu's child, but don't do it privately. Donating it in the name of nutshell electronics is also a soft advertisement for Chen Hansheng's company."

"Critical moment."

LV Yuqing said, "you'd better face Chen Hansheng."

"What else can I do? You are the same."

Old Xiao sighed: "he is Zijin's father in the end, but we still can't give him a good face. I'll do a good job of intimidation at any time."

"How old are you? Change one."

LV Yuqing spat and returned to the downstairs of the riverside apartment. He saw Chen Zhaojun walking with a small fish.

"It's getting dark."

LV Yuqing asked, "Why are you still outside? Be careful that the baby has a cold."

"Then I have to ask the little devil."

Chen Zhaojun looked helpless: "since she came out to bask in the sun in the afternoon, she refused to go back. She cried as soon as she stepped into the elevator."

Old Chen said as he moved towards the elevator. Chen Zijin was laughing with his grandmother. Suddenly, she saw that she was getting closer and closer to the elevator. Her small mouth was wronged immediately.

When the elevator "Ding" opened the door, the little fish's tears had been wrapped in his eyes. There was a momentum of "if you dare to step into the elevator, I'll cry and show you".

"Why do you love acting like your father?"

LV Yuqing pretended to be angry. In fact, he happily patted his granddaughter's little ass.

"You go up first."

Chen Zhaojun tightened his granddaughter's collar a little: "I'll show her around again. Maybe she wants to go upstairs when it's dark."

"Then you should also pay attention to rest."

LV Yuqing shook his head. The poem in the elevator said, "Uncle Chen has probably held it for several hours. It's difficult to lift his arms tomorrow."

"I'm so used to children. I don't know who can control her in the future."

Although LV Yuqing's tone is distressed, there is always a feeling of "Versailles".

Compared with Bai Yu's father-in-law and mother-in-law, look how much Chen Zhaojun and Liang Meijuan love their granddaughter. This is the real grandparents.

"The fly in the ointment is that there is also a granddaughter with this treatment."

LV Yuqing thought faintly.

At dinner in the evening, Wang Zibo also came. While listening to LV Yuqing's "adventure" in the hospital, they waited for the arrival of the second nanny in Gangcheng.

Bai Yu's experience made everyone sigh for a while. When LV Yuqing and Bian Shishi helped the baby take a bath, Chen Zhaojun, who was watching the news, suddenly said to Wang Zibo, "Zibo, send a text message to Chen Hansheng about Bai Yu. He always needs to know. I type slowly and you type flexibly."

"OK ~"

Without much thought, Wang Zibo immediately took out his mobile phone and sent it to Chen Hansheng.

It should be early in the morning in the United States, but Chen Hansheng returned quickly, with only six words:

I see. Forwarded.


Wang Zibo looked at the mobile phone screen and wondered, who does Xiao Chen want to forward to?


(4600 words for a monthly ticket, approaching the Spring Festival, happy New Yea