Xue Ting opened her mouth, restrained her heart beat, reached for the key and said, "you are so generous. Thank you..."

Looking at the pictures of gle on the Internet, the Mercedes Benz logo of the big Trident star in the front of the car filled her heart in a moment. It's really a beautiful car. She is a poor girl with average grades. Although she was admitted to Zhejiang University, she never thought that she would be able to drive gle and land 850000 yuan of gle in her life

Of course, it's not totally unexpected. After all, she has a good face and figure.

It's just, I didn't think it would be so easy to open it without graduation.

"Conditional." Chen Chuan brings back the key.


Xue Ting opened her mouth and asked, as if it were a bird waiting to be fed.

Chen Chuan a smile: "the condition, you said."

"I said it myself?" Xue Ting bit her lip and said, "I... I'll go to see you once a week. I'll pay for the ticket myself, and I'll pay for the room."

"What room? The presidential suite? "

"Can't afford, not so much money..." Xue Ting vomited tongue, "general big bed room, anyway, must be clean and tidy that kind. I work hard to earn money and try to open a better room. "

"What else?" Chen Chuan asked.

"And... And..." Xue Ting bowed her head and said in a low voice, "you can be as direct as you are in the car at noon today... Don't wear it... I take medicine."

Chen Chuan threw the key to her and said, "go shopping. Before five o'clock, brush out the card. "

"Yes, yes. Well, if it's a car... Can I go straight to the Mercedes Benz 4S store in the auto city to pick it up? "

"Yes, it's all paid. Just go in and say your name. You can fill in the insurance and pay all the expenses. "

"Yes, thank you." Sitting in the car, Xue Ting bows and thanks. Holding a 100000 yuan shopping card and the key to her Mercedes Benz, she opens the door and gets off.

On the way to the shopping mall, I feel like stepping on cotton, which is not true. This is really a magic and lucky day. At noon, she was driven to the Yangliu Bank of the West Lake to enjoy the scenery. She was beaten by a P. in view of her safety, she took the initiative to ask for direct watering. As a result, I didn't expect that when I came back, I was given a car with a value of 850000 and a shopping card with a value of 100000.

"Life... Seems to turn a new page." She quickened her pace and walked into the mall.

10 Ten thousand yuan, you can buy a lot of things in Yintai city. Especially for a junior girl, there are too many good things that she wants but can't afford.

When Xue Ting returns to the shopping mall, she sees some roommates trying on their clothes at the high-end clothing store on the first floor.

Roommate Z came out and asked, "Xue Ting, where have you been? If you don't spend money quickly, people will take back the shopping card at five o'clock."


The key of Mercedes Benz gle fell out of Xue Ting's pocket.

"Eh, the key to Lu Anting's C-class car? You went to the car to get your things? " "No, it's not a class C key. There's no key case on it. What kind of key is this? "

Xue Ting squatted down, picked it up and said, "this is... I tell you, don't tell other people."

"What's the matter? Is it mysterious

Xue Ting looked around and said in a low voice, "this is from Mr. Chen..."

"Who? Lu an Ting's husband Small Z frowns, "Hey, you got the roommate husband... What are you doing?"

"Keep your voice down, don't talk nonsense!" Xue Ting glared, "first, I'm sure that Mr. Chen is not Lu Anting's husband. They are not familiar at all. I've been observing since the morning, and they don't interact. Second, I didn't mess with it. He did it when I was driving out for a ride just now. "

Xiao Z covers her mouth, looks at Xue Ting, and looks up and down. It's true that Lu an Ting has a high face value and belongs to the level of big beauty, but Xue Ting is not bad either. However, Xue Ting's family is poor and she has no money to dress up. The "shuangting" in their dormitories are all Wang level beauties who walk on the road and have a high rate of return.

Moreover, Xue Ting is taller, 170 cm in length and has longer legs. Standing beside Lu Anting, of course, she is tall and has more momentum and temperament.

"You've been driving for about an hour at noon, and you've been fooled... I'll tell you, why did you go so long? Did the sports car drive into the West Lake, and the water flooded the engine?" Small Z suddenly way.

Xue Ting said with a coy smile: "it's true that you said so. There was a lot of water, almost flooded the car..."

"Screw you. Come on. What's going on? What's going on?""Use your brain power to imagine that a young and handsome man just picked up a sports car and drove out for a ride. The poor girl in the co driver's car is tall and beautiful. Sitting in the car, you can't help but look at the handsome driver a few more times, one or two eyes. When the driver looks back, they see the right eye. In such a luxury car, the four eyes are opposite. The car goes slowly along the beautiful embankment road and slowly drives into the forest on the bank... "Xue Ting tells us.

"Who moved the hand first?" Asked little Z.

"I don't remember. All of a sudden, I was knocked down by the co pilot, and then I didn't know how. When my clothes were gone, I sat on him, and he held my waist..." Xue Ting said.

"Stop, don't talk about it. I don't like it! Say the back Z interrupted.

"Back there... You want to hear about it. I'm too embarrassed to speak. In the back, my legs are very sore. He asked me to kneel on the ground... "

"You... I said back, later, who would like to listen to you back and front, later? I said the development of things. What happened later? They'll give you a ride? " I'm in a hurry.

Xue Ting nodded: "then we drove back and we went to dinner together. At the gate of Huaishi restaurant, he took out the car key and gave it to me. Without any request, he said I was very good. He was very satisfied and wanted to give it to me. I didn't dare to think about it at that time. Later, when we finished eating, he gave us five shopping cards. I realized that the car key was real. So I went to him and he gave me the car key. "

"Bull! A good-looking person is just unusual. About a P, about a car. What kind of car? "

"He said it was gle."

“GLE? Mercedes Benz's gle? Really? How can... That car is expensive. The son of the richest man in our village has a car. It's driving in the wind. The sister of the co driver will change it. " Small Z surprised way.

Xue Ting took the key of the car and said, "I searched it. It seems that the landing cost about 800000."

"Yes, do you know that the ceiling of 95% of normal people in their life is 34C, that is, BMW 3 series, Audi A4, Mercedes Benz C. If the opportunity is good and the ability is good, try hard to get to 56e, that is, 5 series, A6, E level. That's the ceiling. If you go up, it's hard for ordinary people to afford to spend. Unless they have money at home, it's really hard for them to rely on themselves. It's not born without it. " Small Z way.

"It's not that hard. I think the streets are full of Porsches. BBA is a streetcar. There are many rich people. As long as you are willing to work hard, believe that you can do it, don't give up, and endure hardships, you will have a bright future. " Xue Ting said, "always believe that good things will happen."

"So, you have more temperament than Lu Anting, a kind of strength of being born in poverty but not admitting defeat. Your parents will be glad to know that you have met a good person now. For the first time, well, he lavished money on you. He should be a good man. " Little Z said, "I'm happy for you."

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