"Ha, poor God dwarf, you don't think people are ungrateful when you catch them, do you?"

When rocky saw Hestia, he suddenly turned to the passing Yeya and burst out laughing.

When he heard Loki's words, Hestia could not help but let go of disappointment. He had caught Yeya's hand.

It's true that the rare animals in "eurali" do not accept the favor of the gods.

Even those business people who are not "adventurers" are almost all non combat members of their "dependents".

Although the number of "dependents" is not equal to strength, there are so many people in oulalie. Even the beggars generally have "dependents" to belong to.

No matter how you look at it, the image of Yezai doesn't look like a "non benefactor".

Even if sealed with divine power, the gods still have eyes to distinguish good from evil.

In the eyes of Hestia and rocky, Yeya is undoubtedly the so-called "good boy".

This is why Hestia can't find a "relative" until now.

In fact, with her figure and appearance, it should not be difficult to find a few prostitutes.

But Hestia, compared with other gods, was more like looking for family members to serve as his subordinates.

So she didn't want to find a guy with impure purpose to become her family, so she ran into a wall everywhere.

And children of this quality can not be "ungrateful".

"Well, I think I've always seen the little brother in front of me somewhere. Isn't it that ACE saved the little brother yesterday?"

Just as Yeya wants to leave, the two girls behind rocky suddenly look at Yeya and say.

Yeya also found that the Amazon sisters in the group he met yesterday were following the flat breasted goddess?

"Tut, it's really that shameless little guy."

The werewolf Berg is also here. The only one who is not here is ace, the former "sword girl".

It turns out that they are all the "dependents" of this goddess, so this man's beauty is Eulalie's famous "Rocky".

"Do you know this little brother, Diona?"

Rocky was stunned when she heard the Amazon sisters' words. She didn't expect that they knew her best children.

"I don't know, but this little brother was almost killed when he had a big meal yesterday. It was ace sauce that saved him."

Diogne also explained, but they didn't expect to meet each other twice in two days.

"Eat the overlord meal? But I can't see that he would do such a thing. "

Rocky was a little curious, and indeed, as she said, there was no problem with her character.

What's more, his temperament and self-confidence are not the people who make "overlord meal".

Of course, rocky didn't make a mistake, because the one before yesterday was not really him, just a passer-by NPC arranged by the system.

(here, the identity assigned to the protagonist by the system will become Yezai himself after Yezai crossing. Even if Yeya leaves later, the character will disappear together.)

(this is also the reason why the black bullet, Yeya, has to stay behind. Of course, it doesn't exist in itself. It's a green one.)

"What's impossible? What I hate most in my life is this kind of greedy guy who is afraid of death. "

One side of the werewolf Bert, heard Rocky's words, immediately angry.

And the opposite night ya, hear the words of Wolfman Berg, also not happy.

He wondered, this werewolf is sick, again and again, again and again against himself.

Yesterday, for the sake of his kindness, he did not care.

But once again today, I met Yezai, who had no grievance and no enmity. Yezai would no longer make peace.

"Brother wolf dog, your strength is not the capital of your nonsense. Where do you see that I am greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Yeya also plans to leave. Although he doesn't want to cause trouble, he is not afraid of it.

"You dare to confuse the arrogant wolves with dogs. I'll tear you up now!"

As you can see, this werewolf is also a hot tempered man. By night Ya such a say, immediately angrily rushed out, even beside the Amazon sister, have no time to stop.

You should know that in "orali", there is no special way such as "Duel", but killing people has to meet the judgment of the gods.

"Bert, don't be impulsive, if you kill each other..."

Rocky is also silly. If her family killed other families without any reason, she would be implicated and sent back to heaven.

"Come on, let's see the weak in your eyes. It's not as weak as you think!"

What makes Hestia and rocky even more surprised is that the night they thought they should run away, they even took the initiative to meet them!

You know, Burt, the werewolf, is the adventurer of "LV5" who is about to reach "lv6".

Even in the whole "eurali", it is also famous for its existence, and even has the title of "fierce wolf".

And the green haired kid? Hestia and Loki didn't know that Aurora had such a character.

That is to say, the other party may not even be a "Lv2".

Because once the level reaches Lv2, the adventurer will get the title.

And this "title" is decided by these idle gods.

If Yeya ever won the title, rocky thinks that with her memory as a God, it's impossible not to remember each other's existence.

Is the result of the battle between "LV5" and "LV1" worth mentioning?

The other party will be torn by bertson, but now Bert has been so angry that he can't listen to what rocky said.

Wolves are creatures with extremely fast speed, not to mention werewolves with LV5 level.

The distance between the two people is tens of meters, the werewolf is almost instant.

Hestia, who was standing beside Yeya, only felt that there was a strong wind coming from his side, which made him unable to open his eyes.

Night Ya figure impressively, already appeared in the middle position!

Burt's claws collide with Yeya's fists, and the wind blows around the booth.

Because of the strong impact, the ground also sank into a huge pit.

At this time, the people around them also found out that there was a big fight in the street. They rushed back to inform their gods to come to see the play.

"He can't be ordinary! I must get this child

Originally thought that Yezai would be in a different place, rocky was excited to see Yezai fighting at this time.

The other side's level is no more than "Lv2", which rocky is quite sure, because the other side has no "title".

And with only "Lv2" level, the ability to fight "LV5" of Bert, this child is priceless!