At the same time that Yeya's hero rank was promoted, his "hero title" was also changed.

Because Yezai's final fighting posture with polos is called "golden warrior", which is more in line with Yezai's situation.

However, the change of the title was rejected by the tornado. She felt that the "tyrannical cold wind" was quite good, and there was no need to change it.

"Sister, help me peel an apple."

At this time of the night, all wrapped up like a mummy, is receiving snow feeding.

Injured night ya did not return to Qiyu home, but was determined to tornado back home.

With the tornado forced to take away, there is blowing snow this sister.

Tornado has made up his mind, can't let night Ya and blow snow, again with Qiyu this dangerous person contact.

In fact, if you can, the tornado is to let Yeya and chuixue resign from the "hero" position and stay at home obediently.

Yezai shows that it doesn't matter. If you really want to be a "hero", you don't need to stick to the title of "hero".

What's more, he is also disgusted with the current situation. Because of the big rise in fame, he has to be surrounded by a large group of people when he goes out of the door.

But for the tornado request, blowing snow is directly refused, even without a trace of hesitation.

It's a joke to ask her to resign from the position of "hero". I don't know how loud her recent name of "snow blowing group" is!

Before the "hero Association", if we want to say the most famous organization, then it should be the "vest group" where the vest venerable.

Because this is the only organization with "S-class hero", but now her "snow blowing group" has completely surpassed the "vest group".

"Vest group" has S-class heroes, and so do their "snow blowing group". Moreover, the ranking of S-class heroes is higher than that of vest masters!

And because Yeya's high appearance, unlike the flabby fags like the vest master, there are a lot of heroines who come directly to show their admiration, indicating that they want to join the "snow blowing group", in fact, in order to get close to Yeya.

Similarly, the snow blowing with high appearance but big figure is also the pursuit goal of many male heroes.

Therefore, their brothers and sisters can be said to kill both men and women, and the blowing snow group has expanded a lot recently.

There is no way to take the younger brother and sister directly, so the tornado can only use the old method to ban the younger brother and sister.

But it doesn't matter whether it's night or blowing snow.

Because Yeya can't move at all now, let alone go to the outside.

Blowing snow has to take care of her seriously injured brother. Recently, she has not been involved in the affairs of the "blowing snow group", so the ban is no threat to them.

Moreover, tornado is very busy every day. After all, it is the hero with the highest attendance rate and has no time to watch them all the time.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong!"

Just when the tornado wanted to blame his brother and sister, who had been bothering him, the doorbell that had not rung for a hundred years was rang!

Unable to stand the wind and snow scolded by my sister, I quickly put down Yeya's half eaten apple and trotted to open the door.

Before I got to the entrance, I heard someone talking at the door.

"Teacher Qiyu, is it too impolite for us to visit directly?"

Jenos looks at the bald head beside him, he also doesn't understand why Qiyu has a whim today and suddenly wants to visit Yezai.

"Jenos, it's very impolite of you to think. Yeya, as my best friend, he was injured. It's not natural that we should come to see him?

And we didn't come here empty handed. Didn't you see that I brought some consolation? "

He also mentioned that the transparent plastic bag in his hand contained the bean sprouts he had just returned from the bloody battle in the discount supermarket.

"I see. It's teacher Qiyu. I've learned something again."

Janos took out his little notebook and began to take notes.

When the snow opened the door, I saw a bright bald head, and a scattered yellow hair, showing such an expression.

"Oh, Yeya's sister, we've come to visit Yeya.

You see, we've got the condolence goods! "

Said bareheaded on a face of meat pain will be hundreds of yen a big bag of bean sprouts, stuffed to a face of ignorant forced blowing snow, self-care went in.

"Excuse me..."

Janos looked at the blowing snow, and followed Qiyu's steps to go in, leaving a face of muddled blowing snow, looking at the bean sprouts in his hand.

"Is this a kind of... Consolation?"

In principle, Qiyu is now A-level hero, and jenos is an S-level hero. Their lives should not be so embarrassed.

But while jenos is an S-class hero, his equipment is also expensive. If he wants to be strong, he has to charge money!

And bareheaded is even more speechless, every time I receive a task and rush to the corresponding place, the strange person is either intercepted or disappeared.

If you want to get paid, you have to solve the incident. Bareheaded almost always comes back empty handed.

God is just like joking with bald head. Every time the queer person required by the task can't be met, it's all other queer people.

But when bareheaded take these other strange person to receive reward, the hero Association actually indicated that, is not the mission goal, cannot provide the reward.

So bareheaded, they are sad. In a few days, they may not even be able to afford bean sprouts.

The reason for visiting Yezai this time is very simple. In name, it's to visit my best friend. In fact, it's just to come here to have fun. For this reason, bareheaded also brought a package of bean sprouts

That's their food for the whole day. I swear to eat enough today.

Yeya had promised him before that he would invite him to a big meal. He should not forget it.

Before I saw the night, at the end of the corridor, Lori, with her hands on her shoulders, floated in the air, blocking their way.

"You are not welcome here. Please leave!"

A layer of green light appeared on the tornado, a look of refusing people thousands of miles away.

She understood that since she got to know bareheaded, the degree of her death at night was in a state of soaring straight line. She had to kill this symptom completely!

Cherish life, stay away from bareheaded!

"Yeya's sister, we're here to visit Yeya. We've brought some consolation goods!"

Baldheaded always stressed that he brought consolation goods, saying that he could not steal chicken and eat rice, which was a big bag of bean sprouts!

After hearing the bald head's words, the tornado was even more upset. The clothes on his body were windless, and a strong pressure began to cover the bald head and jenos.

The height and age of tornado are always the same as those of younger brothers and sisters. Although the bald head just didn't mention it, it's almost the same.

"I'm Yeya and the snow blowing sister... Sister! Not my sister, you know? "

Tornado even gnaws her teeth. As a sister, she hates to be regarded as the youngest. This is also her fault

Qi Yu behind of blow snow mouth corner suppress smile, but also don't forget to remind, this is their home, tornado super power will destroy here.