(sure enough, I still need to add some elements I like. I'm a big red lotus bull!

"Ma Yin, are you ok?"

While holding the scissors of "two sections of all things" to hill attacked by will, he anxiously looks at Ma Yin who is in crisis.

"Now, do you still have spare power to worry about your companions?"

Wearing blue armor, will, who has used the "noble chariot", hit everything with one blow. The huge impact directly knocked Hill upside down and broke a huge tree.

Will's strength, if you really want to evaluate it, is no less than brand.

As a former Navy, his own strength is quite excellent, but his imperial "noble chariot" has been developed to the extreme.

Even Estess once commented that will has reached his own limit. If he wants to break through again, he needs to find a new way.

And will himself is the only one who can successfully master the two "imperial tools" at the same time!

You know, it's a feat that even people like Esther and bud can't do, but will can.

In addition to his personality, he is just a proper "leading role model". Even when Yezai saw it before, he once thought that will was the "real leading role".

To get back to the point, will has a strong strength, and hill, not to mention supporting Ma Yin, is in a situation of being overwhelmed.

"Hill is being held back, facing the regenerative biological emperor tools, as well as the powerful emperor tools users.

I was injured in one arm, and I was totally unprotected. It's really a big crisis... "

Therefore, for "romantic Fort · pumpkin", crisis is power, and this unprecedented crisis will also bring powerful power to romantic fort.

Originally, she would have found the "core" of the creature type imperial weapon in front of her by giving her some exploratory attacks, but now the enemy is obviously not ready to give her this opportunity.

"Xiao Bi, go up and crush her!"

Seleu's expression has completely collapsed, and he can't see the sweet appearance before. The replacement of Yan Yi's expression can be called Yan Yidi.

"There's no choice but to gamble."

Ma Yin with one hand to lift the romantic fort, now she out of the crisis, enough to let her play a powerful shot.

This gun can even blow out half of the body of this huge emperor in front of him, but whether it can blow to the core depends entirely on luck.

If it does not destroy the hidden and "core" in its body, it can regenerate indefinitely.

A huge pillar of light, from the romantic fort in the hands of Ma Yin, plowed across the ground, bringing out a deep gully.

The huge Xiaobi, who came forward, was also directly wiped away half of his body by the light column. The light column left a gully burned by high temperature on the ground and finally disappeared in the sky.

Looking at the giant with one hundred arms standing still, as soon as she wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, she heard the voice of seleu.

"Xiao Bi, crush her!"

Only half of the body of the hundred arm giant, eyes suddenly flash a red light, the body began to regenerate quickly, and a catch ready to escape the Ma Yin.

"Wrong bet..."

Ma Yin was caught by the giant with one hundred arms, and her bones began to moan under the great pressure of the giant with one hundred arms.

And Ma Yin also can't help the pain, the pain of wailing up.

"Will you die in such a place? Sorry everyone, I can't accompany you to build a new country.

I'm really happy to be with you. Ma Yin likes you best

Ma Yin left a sad smile. As she was dying, what came to her mind was not her hometown, but her former playmates.

"Ma Yin! Ma Yin

Hill saw that Ma Yin, who was caught by the giant with one hundred arms, almost gave up his defense and rushed to Ma Yin's direction.

Will's attack on her, Hill also ignored, even if he was beaten to spit blood, the latter still firmly rushed to the direction of Ma Yin.

But Hill's position is too far away from Ma Yin. With her present distance, even if she got there, it would be useless.

"Hill, I'm sorry..."

Mayn's vision began to blur, and the intense pain had made her almost unconscious.

"The Royal Savior!"

But at this time, a blue beam of light, but across the whole battlefield, penetrated the hundred arm giant, caught Ma Yin's whole arm!

"Bata, Bata, Bata"

This is the sound of metal armor contacting with the ground. All the people on the scene also looked at the man who joined in the battle.

He was dressed in red and white armor, with a round shield in one hand and a conical cavalry spear in the other hand. The red cape behind him floated with the wind, and the force grid was almost full.

And whether it's the armor of the opponent or the shield weapon, the shining metal luster is extremely bright, which seems to tell the public that the armor is not anything at all.

Needless to say, it's possible that the marshal is better than Yeya. Yeya can only play trumpet again because it's hard to show up

"Wantonly for the hypocrisy of justice, to judge the sins of others, I red lotus Knight Beast will never admit that this is justice."

Tall red lotus Knight Beast, slowly out, will be injured Ma Yin completely behind.

"A new companion? But as long as it is sin, it will all be punished by our seleucian justice! "

No matter who the people who come to seleuco, those who prevent her from avenging her teacher and standing on the side of "night attack" must be eradicated.

Buckle the trigger in his hand, two machine guns in seleu's hand spit out the teeth of fire, and start shooting madly at the positions of Yeya and mayn.

"Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!"

The bullet is frantically shooting on Yeya's body, but it makes a jingling sound, which can't even pierce his defense.

"You who sell your soul to the devil, bullets can't break through my armor."

Yeya, play Hi, two lines in a set after a set, but it is obvious that the other party was bluffing.

"Is this armor the same as will's noble chariot?

Xiao Bi, tear him up with the woman behind him, and carry out the absolute justice to the end! "


Xiaobi roars back. Although he can't break through the defense of the other side, seleu doesn't believe it. Xiaobi of the hundred armed giant doesn't break the armor of the other side.

Xiao Bi roared forward, his body soared into the air, then opened his big mouth and began to rotate at high speed in the air. His mouth was full of sharp teeth. At this time, it was like a large meat grinder. Once it was twisted, the end would not be very beautiful.

"I don't know who you are, but thank you for saving me. I almost lost my ability to move. You'd better take hill and leave."

In the face of the menacing giant with one hundred arms, if Yezai wants to hide himself, there is no problem.

But Ma Yin, who was just behind him, had been pinched and broken a lot of bones. Now, let alone running, it was quite hard to stand up.