– Chapter 25 –

Aiden was informed of what happened last night about Whitney.

However, he trained in the morning without giving any response.

He was once really distressed and scared.

When Whitney’s merely called Aiden’s name in a low and pessimistic voice, he lost all his will.

Whenever that happened, Aiden seemed to be swallowed up by endless darkness.

He thought he couldnt get away from Whitney’s words that she had brainwashed.

So he thought Whitney’s disappearance would pour out his emotions.

He thought he might be confused about something that feels so unrealistic.

But it wasn’t.

He was relieved.

The fog that was blocking his vision seemed to have disappeared and became clearer.

However he didn’t feel any emotion other than that.

His mind was strangely calm.

The moment he was swayed by Whitney’s words felt far away.

It was already time for Aiden to change his clothes after training and head to the office.

Isabella was waiting for Aiden.

Aiden greeted politely and waited.

He waited patiently for her to dismiss him.

But she never spoke a word, and instead stared at Aiden in an awkward silence.

Though she had a lot to say, Isabella’s lips remained shut.

She refused to give up, and continued to stare Aiden down.

Though his gaze was in her direction, Aiden stood still with an expressionless face, his eyes glazed over.

She could tell how far she was on Aiden’s heart.


“Yes, mother.”

She had a posture that didn’t seem to let anything go.

And in a way, the greetings were too stiff for it to be something between a mother and her child.

Isabella saved all of this and it was all in her mind.

She approached Aiden cautiously.

She wanted to give him a big hug.

But she couldn’t hug Aiden.

At that moment, she knew what Aiden was going to say.

“I’m…..sorry……” She apologised.

That was the only thing she could do for her son.

It was too late of a regret, but she couldn’t help but say it.

She can’t change the matter now, but she didn’t want to regret it anymore.

Isabella spoke softly but resolutely to Aiden.

“You can do whatever you want from now


Since Aiden is the successor, she thought it was inevitable to endure many things despite his young age.

Because it’s his duty as a successor.

There was no role Isabella could play there.

So little by little she tried not to pay attention to Aiden’s problems.

Now she knew how wrong that was.

‘I should’ve protected Aiden. I should’ve always been paying attention to Aiden since I am his mother.’

I will no longer let Aiden bear it alone.’

I will support and protect whatever it is, as far as Aiden is concerned.’

She made up her mind.

Aiden did not answer any of her apologies.

His mouth didn’t drop.

He feels strange.

He had never seen his mother like this before, so he was confused about how to react.

Aiden thought his parents wouldn’t pay much attention even if they knew about Whitney.

The one responsible for the problem is Aiden himself, and so he thought it doesn’t really matter what is the cause of the problem in the first place.

As long as you are a Leinster, you are responsible for solving the problem in anyway.’

Since that’s what Aiden learned.

But the Duchess’ reaction was different from what Aiden expected.

The Duchess, who had been silent for a long time, shed tears in her eyes.

“Aiden. For all this time, I didn’t know anything……I’m sorry.”

The Duchess bowed her head. There was nothing else she could say but sorry.


Aiden, who was stunned by the Duchess’ sudden act, slowly called her.


“I am okay.”

Aiden looked the Duchess right in the eye and said that.

He didn’t just say it because he found the right word.

Aiden was already fine because of Erin.

And in sight of his mother today, the prejudice he had so far has also been a little torn apart.


The Duchess’ eyes trembled.

“I am really okay.”

Aiden said it again one more time.

He didn’t say it out of courtesy to reassure the Duchess.

He was really fine.

When he said he was okay, Erin suddenly came to the Duchess’ mind.

Erin, whose existence Aiden felt unrealistic.

One day, suddenly, showed up and said she was on his side, and said she’d protect him.

In fact, just saying that encouraged him and made him feel better.

So he didn’t think she’d solve the problem unconditionally.

It was okay even if she didn’t do that.

But he underestimated her.

She really kept her promise.

When you look at life as a whole, 10 years is a small and insignificant period of time.

But for Aiden, until now, that 10 years has been everything

Erin solved the problems he had been struggling and couldn’t even deal with.

I wondered how such a person could show up in front of me.

Thanks to her, he now has the power to do anything he wants.

His world has changed from before and after Erin’s presence.

He felt unrealistic like a dream.

That’s why he continued to want to hold onto her so that she wouldn’t disappear.

There was always Erin at the end of Aiden’s gaze.

And Isabella also knew what Aiden was looking at.

“That’s a relief.”

There was a smile on her face.

Tears were still around her eyes.

“I am so glad that child became your wife.”

Not that the Duchess relieved her guilt had subsided thanks to Erin.

But because this whole time, Aiden hasn’t been alone.

She was relieved Aiden had someone who he could rely his heart on and gave him strength.

Isabella’s fingertips trembled.

She wanted to hug Aiden so bad.

She felt thankful and sorry.

However, she held it in.

And she has a little wish.

May the day come when she can hug Aiden.


A few things happened in the meantime.

It was handled quietly, but there was a rumor going around in the Leinster mansion.

However, it didn’t leak out because of a thorough crackdown, except the key line of Whitney, the nanny of the Leinster family, was punished and kicked out for her evil deeds.’ and ‘The Young Lady, Erin Leinster, played a part in bringing this to light.’

However, the rumor changed a day later.

Whitney, who had been kicked out, was found dead.

It caused a growing interest in the rumor, and it was noisy for a while, but soon it quieted down.

Logan is picking up rumors from behind.

However, at the gathering of Duchesses, some of the talk about Whitney’s death circulated.

She didn’t die in an accident, there must be someone behind her death.

But the alleged person behind it was unidentified and they moved into another gossip.

Days passed before a series of disturbances broke out and completely subsided.

Aiden, who was heading to his room after training, turned his eyes to the employee who was cleaning from the opposite side.

Usually, Aiden would never care where the employee was.

But today, he even sighed after looking at his employee for a long time.

Aiden had not forgotten his promise with


Have contact with someone other than Erin for at least 3 seconds a day.

He made a promise, but when he tried to accomplish it……

His body didn’t move. He didn’t want to.

For Aiden, having contact with someone else felt dirty in itself.

He didn’t want to touch anyone who wasn’t Erin.

‘But it’s a promise, so I have to do it.’

As soon as he made a promise to Erin, he couldn’t let her down by breaking it.

Also, he wanted to keep his promise and get the reward from Erin.

Aiden approached the employee closely.

The employee was cleaning the stairs.

She was cleaning from top to bottom, and Aiden was behind her.

Aiden’s walk as he climbed the stairs slowed down.

He’s staring at the employee’s back and trying to reach out with his immoble hand.

The employee tried to step back and kicked the bucket she had left behind.

At that moment, Aiden grabbed her arm on one side and a bucket on the other.

“Sir Aiden……?”

The employee looked back at Aiden with surprise at his sudden touch.

And when she saw the water bottle down there, she was contemplating.

“S-sorry, I am really sorry. Sir Aiden…….”

Aiden didn’t pay any attention to the employee’s mistake.

After counting just one, two, three seconds, he quickly took off his arm.

“It’s dangerous. Be careful.”

“…… Thank you.”

The employee, unknown to Aiden’s circumstances, suddenly realized that he had caught her and greeted her.

But Aiden, who had no intention of helping her, passed by without saying a word.

He made the contact he needed to make first. That was it for Aiden.

There was no further conversation with the employee.

He could feel the employee’s eyes in the back, but Aiden just walked away.

The employee, who was puzzled by the sudden situation, watched Aiden blankly until she couldn’t see his back.

“Just now Sir Aiden…… he smiled, didn’t he?”

And murmured in disbelief as he left.

It’s the first time for an employee who had only seen Aiden, who always looked a little angry.


It was an admiringly charming smile.

But Aiden didn’t even realize he was smiling

Aiden thought his face was stern all along.

For a moment, his lips went up unconsciously to recall the compliments he would receive from Erin.

– To Be Continued –