– Chapter 18 —

When Isabella gave a wink, the lady in waiting brought the tea that seemed to have been prepared from the beginning.

The red color that reflected on the glass made the tea, which was made of fruit, look sweet and delicious.

Erin brought the new teacup in front of her to her lips.

And as expected, the fruity flavor burst in her mouth as soon as she took a sip.

It was a sweet taste that made her smile automatically.


“Yes, Mother.”

Erin looked at Isabella and replied.

Isabella looked at her and spoke with a soft voice.

“In the future, you can continue to do that.”


“You don’t have to pretend to be alright and force yourself to drink something you don’t like. Eat what suits your taste.”

Somehow those words sounded really meaningful.

So she thought that there must be a different meaning behind them.

There was no way I could just go and tell her what tea I preferred.

What’s the point of saying this when it’s just the two of us?

And why didn’t she say that to Aiden, but to me instead?

Complicated thoughts kept coming to mind.

She couldn’t fully grasp the Duchess’s intentions.

“…Yes, I will do that.”

Nevertheless, Erin nodded and answered.

For now, all she could do was accept what the Duchess said as it is.

“So you’re getting along well with Aiden.”

When the Duchess talked about Aiden, Erin was a little nervous.

“Yes. We’re on the same side.”

She said that intentionally with an innocent smile.

It was not wrong. She was determined not to be swayed by what Whitney said to the Duchess.

Erin was eagerly waiting for what the Duchess would say next.

“Okay. Keep getting along with him in the future.”

Her words were bland and formal.

There was no other mention about Aiden.

‘I don’t know how you feel towards Aiden…”

After that, the Duchess only said a few more words to Erin.

She didn’t say anything about Whitney.

Was she really such a quiet person?

Erin already had two cups of tea.

The Duchess didn’t even touch the dessert while Erin had eaten more than half of it.

Erin’s body, who was still 10 years old, couldn’t bear it as time went on and was moving against her will.

As she put down her teacup, the Duchess opened her mouth once more.

“Well, if there’s anything you want, you can tell me.”

“Anything I want?”

“Erin too, is a part of the Leinster Family, so you have the authority.”

Isabella was saying that she would share some of the power she had.

‘You only saw me at the wedding, yesterday, and today. But you’re going to give me authority?

That kind of thing is usually only given when you can trust the other party completely.

Of course, that didn’t mean that Erin was granted authority just because she had married into their family.

Erin’s eyes widened instantly. She stared at the Duchess, forgetting to even blink.

However, the peaceful looking Duchess would never say empty words.

“I still don’t understand much about this kind of thing.”

For now, she decided to take a step back.

Erin put her hands on top of her legs politely and tried to carefully decline.

“If you don’t understand, you can ask me.”

“Ah, right. Since I heard you’ve gotten a lot closer to the employees here, do you want me to give you authority over them?”

At the sudden suggestion, Erin’s jaw dropped.

With a surprised face that she couldn’t fix, Erin was just blinking, while the Duchess had a calm face as if she had expected this from the beginning.

“In our Leinster family, our duties consist of understanding the mansion affairs and redistributing work to the employees, and we do this four times a year. It just so happens that now is the time, would you like to try, Erin?”

Getting along with the employees wasn’t easy.

And distributing work.

It’s not an easy task, even for adults, and even the slightest mistake could easily cause them dissatisfaction.

“Yes, I will give it a try!”

But Erin answered immediately.

At the same time, this was an opportunity.

In this mansion’s work system, Whitney’s influence had long since spread throughout the mansion.

Erin becoming the little madam was not an issue that could be handled recklessly.

So the Duchess was now giving Erin the authority she most needed.

“Mother! I will do my best!”

“Alright, do your best.”

The Duchess burst into laughter and cheered at Erin’s enthusiastic expression.

Erin, who was leaving the Duchess’s room and returning to her own room, suddenly stopped.

‘What is it….?

It felt like she was missing something.

Erin slowly recalled what had happened in the Duchess’s room a while ago.

Looking back, it was more like an ordinary tea time.

The most enjoyable time for many aristocratic ladies.

In the afternoon, it was a time to invite a close acquaintance or a guest to enjoy tea and have a small conversation.

Or, It could be a time for the family to gather and have casual conversations while drinking tea.

What Erin and the Duchess just did was no different.

The Duchess looked comfortable from the beginning until the end.

But at the same time, she maintained a stiff posture that never relaxed.

From her head to her neck, back, and waist, it was as if there was a straight line that never bent.

Even when she drank the tea, without a single mistake, she moved as naturally as water and without ever moving the cup.

It must be because she has been doing it for a long time.

But still, Erin felt more comfortable rather than stressed when dealing with the Duchess.

She never smiled widely with her mouth open nor did she ever furrow her brows, but the Duchess continued to look at ease.

It seemed to be a good sign and a big offer for herself.

Of course, it might just be Erin’s imagination, but at least it felt that way.

The Duchess, in the end, never mentioned a word about Whitney.

She knew what Whitney reported about Erin, after all Erin had already been told from an employee who had secretly overheard their conversation.

So no reaction was another response.

What is she thinking?

Maybe she didn’t believe what Whitney said.

However, it was the Duke and his wife who entrusted Aiden to Whitney all this time.

If they didn’t trust Whitney, they would have changed her with someone else.

At least the trust in Whitney is still valid.

‘Is she testing me?

This was more likely.

But then Erin remembered what the Duchess said.

“You don’t have to pretend to be alright and force yourself to drink something you don’t like. Eat what suits your taste.”

When Erin first heard it, she was puzzled.

That word, strangely, left an impression on Erin’s mind.

Depending on how you perceive it, it sounded like she supported Erins actions.

Perhaps even if she does trust Whitney, she doesn’t want to thoughtlessly judge her either.

Watching carefully, the Duchess also showed interest in Erin who just became her daughter-in-law.

“Then I’ll really do it the way that I want.’

Erin made up her mind, remembering what the Duchess said.

In fact, she had already made up her mind before that.

Even if the Duchess’s intentions were the opposite of what Erin interpreted, Erin still wouldn’t change her mind.

“It’s a good thing to have one more reason.’

Erin’s lips drew a pleased smile.

Late in the evening, Erin visited Aiden’s room.

The two talked about what happened today and chatted together.

Most of the time, Erin talked one sidedly, and Aiden responded enthusiastically.

“Aiden. I’m on a mission this time.”


“Yes. I’m the little madam here now, so I need to have the authority. Mother entrusted me with the management of the employees.”

Erin showed off with a smile.


Aiden’s eyes widened slightly.

He was reacting as if he had never expected Erin and the Duchess to spend time together

“Yes. Today I had tea with mother.”

“Was it uncomfortable, by any chance?”

Aiden asked anxiously.

“No, it was alright. Let’s drink together with her next time.”



Aiden didn’t answer.

As if he had a hard time imagining such a figure, his forehead narrowed and then loosened.

“I won’t do that kind of thing with you two.”


“I never had a private time with my mother and father.”

“Then let’s do that in the future!”


“I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. You don’t hate it, right?

Aiden shook his head gently.

“If you’re worried, you can just trust me. I’ll talk a lot so you don’t feel uncomfortable.”

Erin, who was keeping an eye on Aiden’s reaction, said with a big smile.

Aiden felt at ease just by looking at Erin’s face.

“If it’s awkward, I’ll hold Aiden’s hand. What do you think?”


Aiden had always admired Erin.

She always only had positive thoughts.

Whenever Aiden thought something was difficult, she easily solved it.

Aiden always felt like he was getting too much from Erin.

He wants to be able to protect Erin by himself.

Even if Erin falls, he desires to be the one who catches her and keeps her safe.

When he thought that, an idea suddenly came to mind.

Aiden slowly opened his mouth.

“That mission, do you want to do it?”

He wondered if Erin took on such a burdensome task because of him.

At the serious question Aiden asked with his worried gaze, Erin immediately noticed his change of heart

Aiden was determined to stop Erin if she had been forced in the slightest to do it.

Erin stared at him for a moment, then widely opened her mouth

“Yes. I want to do it!”

Erin shouted out firm and bravely.

It was obvious what Aiden was thinking.

She was pleased to know that he cared about her, and at that moment, Erin’s playfulness kicked in.

Erin tilted her head and raised the corners of her mouth.

“Aiden, are you worried about me now?”

Aiden’s eyes moved around.

She could see him turning red from the neck up