Twisted Engagement (2)

Ever since the day he killed the traitor at the party, most children fainted on the spot whenever Cecil pulled out a sword.

But Rowena was giving him a confident expression and answering.

“Wait a minute.”

Cecil’s eyes again studied Rowena.

The investigation into Lyria’s best friend, Rowena, was also carried out when he conducted a surrounding survey to make Lyria his fiancée.

She was the daughter of an honored Countess of Adelia, who was the same age as Lyria.

She seemed like a naive and kind lady who cared about her friends.


Rowena was puzzled at Cecil’s sudden silence. She was wary of his eyes changing from before.

What’s wrong with him? Is he still mad about Lyria? If he is, his tone is too calm.

“… Do you think I’m handsome?”

Rowena nodded gently at Cecil’s sudden words. Hehad a strange smile on his face.

“Answer me. Don’t just nod your head to a member of the royal family.”

“Y-you’re handsome! If the children get together, they will say that you’re handsome!”

She wondered why it was so important, but Cecil agreed. He knew he was handsome. It was a problem because he was as stunning as a lion or a tiger.

“Young kids are scared of me. Do you think they’ll think so?”

“Yes, of course! I’m scared of the crown prince, my heart is pounding!”

“Well, is that true?”


Without knowing the direction of this strange conversation, Rowena affirmed.

Cecil said with a smirk.

“Then you can be my fiancée.”


Rowena was dumbfounded for a few seconds because it was such a ridiculous thing to say.

“What do you mean……. I wasn’t even selected to be  a  fiancée…….”

“It’s the same for whoever goes up for the position. After all, it’s my choice. I will tell you as soon as I return to the palace.”

Rowena’s parents had never paid much attention to her, but Cecil was about to change that. Rowena managed to pull herself together and looked back at Cecil.

“No! Hey, that’s not how an engagement works! Why me… Your Highness, is there something you like about me?”

“Like you?”

Rowena choked up at Cecil’s light answer.

“But why me?”

“Because you’re not scared of me.”

When Cecil answered, Rowena opened her mouth in amazement.

“Oh, I’m not! I am scared of Your Highness! I’m very, very scared!”

“Hmm, are you raising your voice at me because you’re scared of me?”

For a moment Rowena lowered her voice in embarrassment.

“It’s because I’m embarrassed!”

Cecil smirked and approached Rowena, who was still on her knees. Then he grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her up.


Surprised, Rowena grabbed Cecil by the arm. Rowena’s eyes grew bigger as he got closer, Staring into Cecil’s deep blue eyes.

“…I don’t think it’s a lie to say that I look handsome.”

Rowena’s heart jumped as he whispered. She grinned and quickly pulled away from him to hide her flushed face, and Cecil let go.

She was the first person to react like this towards him, so he didn’t feel so bad. In fact, he liked her expression.

“Did your heart pound?”

Rowena, who avoided eye contact while placing her hand on her chest, stared at Cecil in disgust. At the same time, her face flushed even more, causing a wider smile on Cecil’s face.

“The marriage proposal will occur within the week. As soon as the date is set, you will enter the imperial family, so be prepared.”

Cecil walked past Rowena and headed for the banquet hall. Rowena quickly followed his footsteps.

“Oh, but, Your Highness! I… I mean, about me! I have a lover!”

Cecil at the sound of the lie she told without thinking. As he turned around, the look on his face was grimmer than before.

Even more so than when he was told Lyria didn’t want him.

“…Who is that?”

Rowena instinctively decided that she should not say his name even if it was false. She didn’t know what this prince was thinking, but he seemed to be intending to kill him.

“Well, I don’t know. No! It’s not this… Oh my god!

Cecil turned around and glared at Rowena. But his expression was much more relaxed than before.

“How dare you lie to the crown prince?”

“N-no! It’s a lie….”

Rowena replied in a slowly shrinking tone. Cecil squinted his eyes at Rowena.

“Then you can say who the person is. If you can’t answer, I’ll charge you and your family with contempt of the royal family.”


Rowena went pale as she was faced with a situation where she had to answer falsely. She was trying hard to figure out who’s name to mention. Cecil spoke, holding her arm.

“I’ll give you two seconds. two… one!”

“Well, Your Highness! You are my lover!”

After she said this in a hurry, there was a moment of silence.

The next moment,

“Pfft, hoho…… Hahahahaha!”

Rowena broke into a cold sweat as Cecil burst into laughter. He appeared to be in a good mood, so she and her family seemed to be safe for the moment.

“Cough… I’m your lover? Well, yeah, I’ll give you that because we’re getting married soon.”

“Ah. It’s settled.”

Rowena thought, drooping her shoulders. The crown prince, who was known for having a bad temper, wanted to marry her.

“Come here. I’m your lover, so I’ll escort you to the banquet hall,” said Cecil, reaching out his hand.

Rowena was momentarily taken aback by his grin, his voice, his face, and why he was so handsome.

Cecil giggled.

“What’s the matter? Was your heart pounding again?”

For a moment Rowena’s face turned red again. A little escaped Cecil’s lips in an innocent response.

“Ah… it’s not!”

Rowena walked past Cecil and towards the banquet hall. Cecil followed closely behind her.

He felt a little strange in his heart, a little ticklish.

“Is your heart beating a little bit?”

Cecil looked at Rowena’s back with strange eyes as she walked ahead of him. A smile thickened around his mouth.

* * *

The Wenson family’s engagement cancellation was done quietly and deliberately. The crown prince first offered to put the engagement announcement off for a few days, and then ended it.

The reason for the cancellation was that the Marquis of Wenson had hidden the fact that Lady Lyria Wenson had another lover.

The Marquis of Wenson, unaware of this, turned red and questioned Lyria.

“Is this true? Lyria, who’s your lover?”

Lyria shuddered without saying anything. Even if she wanted to name Kian, he was a lowly aristocrat with only one knighthood.

If the Marquis found out, he might force them to separate or kill him.

“Well, I don’t know…”


As the Marquis of Wenson, who was almost a swordmaster, struck the desk with his fist and left a dent in it. Marquis Wenson was not directly violent towards Lyria but did not mind threatening her.

“The crown prince is a cruel man, but he can’t lie about this! Tell me the truth!”

Lyria knelt down on the spot and begged.

“I’m sorry, dad! I’ve already broken up with him so…”

“What’s the use of breaking up now! You added oil to the fire. You’re still my daughter!”

In tears, Lyria feared how the hell it had leaked out. If the crown prince knew about it, he might try to retaliate against Kian because he was a man of brutal nature.

‘What do I do?’

“The crown prince is holding our family accountable! He officially said he will overlook your deviation, but the consequences can’t be light! How are you going to take responsibility for this?”

Lyria simply broke down in tears. She had clung to Rowena to persuade the crown prince, but she didn’t expect such results.

As the angry Marquis of Wenson took a big step toward her, Lyria, who was trembling, immediately fainted.

Marquis Wenson was shocked for a moment at the sight of his unconscious daughter but clicked his tongue.

He thought that her being the prince’s partner was too much anyway, but it was still regrettable.

“Stupid thing!”

* * *

Rowena was worried to hear that Lyria had been locked up. Marquis Wenson was very angry, and for a while, Lyria had refused to accept guests.

“Until when? How long will she be locked up?”

“That’s until the Marquis is longer mad. I don’t know. I really shouldn’t have told you that Lady Lyria had been locked up.”

“Why is the Marquis angry?”