Growing Feelings (8)

“I heard what the butler said. In a few days, your highness will send me a gift. I heard that the head of the palace told the count…”

“Wow! You should have that too!”

Stomping, Anna looked at Lyria. Lyria looked troubled.

“My father won’t like it.”

“Ah… Well, I guess so. I’m sorry. I didn’t think much.”

“Instead, I’ll deliver it to you!”

Pina said, tapping confidently on her chest. Anna replied, looking at Pina with lingering eyes.

“Yeah, you’ll probably gobble the things up with those big eyes of yours.”

At Anna’s words, Pina nodded her head with a sad expression on her face. Rowena smiled and looked at Lyria and Kian. He was whispering to Lyria, asking if she was envious. Because it would be difficult for him to even buy a gold ring. Lyria shook her head.

“Kian, you’re my treasure…”

The whisper was small, but Rowena heard it clearly.

Ugh, goosebumps.

But it was nice to see Lyria smiling shyly because she looked happy.

Can I be happy, too?

Rowena suddenly remembered Cecil and shut up. It occurred to her that he did not seem to dislike Rowena. She thought she just needed to hurry up and get married, but she had kissed him…


When Rowena, whose face was swollen for a moment, hit herself on the head, the two maids, Lyria, and the escort driver were surprised and looked at her.



“N-no! All of a sudden, miscellaneous thoughts… Ugh, devil, go away!”

Rowena shook her head ignoring the tremors of her heart. The eyes he showed when they kissed, and the hot touch were unforgettable.

* * *

It was not like a thorn growing in her mouth, but a needle growing in her seat. It was only a kiss. They just put their lips together once, no, several times.


Cecil flapped the papers he was looking at, pushed them aside, and frowned.

The crown prince had been in such a bad mood for a few days. He kept looking down at his hands

As if something had slipped out of his grasp and everything was twisted.

There’s only less than a month left before the engagement…

They didn’t have a separate appointment because he didn’t need one. They weren’t even close in the first place, so he didn’t think Rowena, who’d done her business, would visit him again.

If he knew this would happen, he thought he should have asked and made Rowena come and go often.

“Damn it.”

They were not even in a relationship, but what was this feeling? Suddenly Cecil realized that he had no dating experience.

It wasn’t for any particular reason. It was just that he had no desire.

How could he say this? There were as many people as the water droplets in the ocean, but for her, it was annoying because she seemed to have a lot of experience.

In that respect, Rowena was just like him, and he liked it. He prayed for the same when he chose Lyria among the young ladies.

Of course, according to Cecil’s sharp sense, Lyria didn’t seem like a young girl who had ever touched anything. However, he thought she was better than the high-ranking noble girls who had other secrets behind their fresh faces. Although he ultimately made the wrong choice.


If he knew this would happen, he wouldn’t have kissed her. He had never felt so anxious about a woman.

It wasn’t just a kiss. Just holding that small body, feeling the breath, and listening to the sound of her heart seemed enough to soothe this heat.

What are you hesitating about? If you want, why don’t you go and meet her?

Cecil, who was agonizing, sprang up from his seat. It was not appropriate for him to be at odds over something as he had just thought.

If he liked it, he could get it. If the other person is a person, he can make her his own whether he persuades or seduces her!

* * *

It was unexpectedly difficult to locate Rowena. He told the Count that he would meet Lady Adelia.

It seemed that he did not expect the crown prince to visit unexpectedly.

It was Cecil, who had already departed from the palace, even though he knew Rowena was not in the Earl’s residence.

For now, he decided to go to the area close to the Earl’s residence. He said she was in the Marquis’ carriage, so he thought she would stand out.

Where is she?

Even if the capital was wide, the carriage with the family crest on it was bound to stand out. The carriage of a high aristocrat had large and colorful inscriptions so that no other aristocrats or commoners would make mistakes. Therefore, Marquis Wenson’s carriage would stand out.

In addition, most of the high-ranking nobles preferred large carriages. Therefore, the main road of the capital was large and wide so that several carriages could come and go.

“There’s nothing here!”