I’m Scared of My Late First Love (1)

Rowena was panicking over the unfilled stuff in the small dressing room.

Pina was excited and eager to clean up the old stuff. At least Paul had managed to buy most of the things by accepting the money he didn’t want to give.

Every time she took out her clothes, she was filled with pride that she was going to get married.

Our lady is loved this much by the crown prince! Oh my god!

Pina wanted to stamp her feet and scream, but she held it in for Rowena’s sake. She was already pestering Rowena.

“Are you going to take me with you when you get married? Without you, I will be sad.”

This was obviously an exaggeration. Still, Rowena smirked at Pina’s expression of sadness.

“Do you want to go to the palace?”

Initially, it was a principle to take some of her people along with her. Pina was a maid who had been with her since she was a child, so she desperately wanted to go with her.

“Of course! You’ll get a raise and people’s treatment will change!”

“You’ll have to learn a lot of new things. You may end up living a more frustrating life than now.”

“I can handle it. I’d rather be with you than be alone with this count without you. Hm? Please.”

Pina had already decided to leave the count before Rowena fled to another city. She didn’t want to endure his anger. It was the same with Anna.

Both had decent letters of introduction written by their respective owners.

However, in the case of Pina, the situation had changed. Now, she didn’t have to go to another aristocratic house with a letter of introduction and adapt from the beginning. Rowena won’t run away.

Besides, she seemed to have a good relationship with the crown prince, and the young lady didn’t hate the crown prince either. So to Pina, it felt like she was on the right track.

“But I wanted to tell you first. I’d be glad if you came with me.”

“Yay! That’s great! Hehe! What about Kian? Kian and…”

Pina looked around and asked with a low voice.

“What can you do with the power of the crown prince?”

“Well, I think it’s possible to appoint Kian as my escort knight, but…”

Even so, the status of Kian was different from that of a marquis. The Marquis would never give Lyria to Kian. To add to it, Kian was a mixed race.

“Let’s think about it a little more. We still have time.”


* * *

Since the two young ladies could not go out in the first place, it was obvious that they moved around together. There was a famous cafe, a costume room, an accessory shop, and so on. But there was no suitable place to attack Rowena yet.

Time keeps ticking…

The marquis was nervous. He should have expected that the two girls wouldn’t walk around late at night. If they were on their way back from an opera or a play, it would be suitable for a raid.

Security in the capital wasn’t just good, but rather excellent. If you heard a scream or saw something suspicious, the security guard would report it.

The count’s knights were of commoner status, but an escort knight named Kian was evaluated as having good skills. He was of mixed race, but his basic physical abilities were superior to those of humans.


He didn’t like that.

If I make an offer, they will definitely consider me suspicious.

He, who values

a woman’s conduct, could not recommend going out late in the evening. What if someone in a higher position suggested that Rowena should do it and gave permission?

There would be a lot of people who wanted to get close to Rowena, so he thought it wouldn’t be difficult. The marquis had the ladies investigate who was interested in the opera. He also instructed them to spread rumors that Rowena Adelia was interested in it.

However, it was worrisome that the crown prince often joined Rowena without warning.

The crown prince was strong enough to wipe out a battalion alone.

When such a crown prince is around, the assassin would not be able to use his strength. The cost of examining Rowena’s schedule was different from that of the crown prince.

As soon as he is found out, the marquis would be suspected of treason. The marquis gritted his teeth when he realized that he had to spend money separately to check the prince’s schedule. Why would such a girl steal the crown prince’s heart?

You’re such a whore! Do you think I’d let you sit in my daughter’s seat?

* * *

He felt as if he hadn’t sipped water while walking. The place he thought was just a road was a desert, and he was like a wanderer.

He didn’t feel relieved just by looking at her face and hearing her voice yesterday. He missed her the next day and the day after that, and he was anxious to meet her. He got annoyed and smashed the marble newspaper.

I’m dying.

It was getting harder to sleep at night.

He wanted to see Rowena’s face. Cecil felt frustrated when he heard her voice and wanted to hold her hand and embrace her.

He didn’t mean to visit often because he would be exposing his feelings. Furthermore, it seemed that the whole world would notice that he had fallen in love.