I’m Scared of My Late First Love (6)

Just imagining it made him sweat. He had already asked several nobles to finance his business. Most aristocrats accepted it and some even gave advance money.

If that happens, it’s all because of the silly girl! How dare a daughter not listen to her father!

Though he thought so, Paul regretted it. If he had endured a little longer, things would have been easy to solve, so he couldn’t. He was a man who never learned to put up with it.

Why does a man have to put up with it! That’s the fault of girls too.

In the entirety of it, he felt it was unfair.

The world was inherently about the weak and strong. The weak deserve to bow their heads politely under the strong, but the girls didn’t do that. They raise their opinion by doing useless things without knowing anything.

Yes, the crown prince can be coaxed out of this moment. Then…’


Paul’s shoulders bounced off the sound of not knowing whether the door was opened or smashed. He was essentially used to the violence he wielded, not the one he received.

His father beat only his sister, and he never placed a finger on Paul. There were only compliments, hugs, and petting hands that he gave him.


All the excuses he thought he should say when he met the crown prince disappeared when he saw his face.

The face was so beautiful and manly that it made him jealous, but it was scary. It was a terribly distorted face, even though it was an expressionless face.

The young and beautiful prince walked without hesitation.


It felt like Cecil was clenching his fist, and then his vision went white. Paul flinched as his head flew back.

Violence was such a thing.

How to respond? What did I do wrong? It’s not going as it should. He just felt like he had to get out of the moment.

“Which hand?”

“Uh… what?

It wasn’t easy to move his chin. He could tell just by the feeling that his jawbone was dislocated from the blow just now. However, he thought he would have to answer so that his neck wouldn’t fly away.

“You didn’t answer, so I will guess. You must have been right-handed.”

Cecil gave him a very cold grin. Paul finally came to his senses as Cecil approached him and grabbed him by the arm.

“Y-your Highness, I’m sorry… Mhm?!”

The approaching knight closed Paul’s mouth. It was because of the way he screamed and he was wary of spreading the disturbance outside. The opera performance had already begun, and they could not be heard from outside, but it was just in case.

Cecil pressed Paul’s hand on the sofa table and received a marble ashtray from the knight. Then, with an indifferent face, he struck Paul’s hand.

“Ugh! Urgggh!”

Paul’s desperate cry rang in the knight’s arms. Cecil, the crown prince, was a cruel man. There was a reason why people whispered about the evil crown prince.

With an indifferent expression, Cecil smashed every bone in Paul’s hand. With his own hands, without soiling the knight’s hands.

“…If you do something again, I will strike your spine and make it impossible for you to get out of bed again. Do you understand?”

Paul barely nodded, shedding tears and a runny nose. He was afraid. He had never been overpowered by such men, though he had surrendered to those who were above him or physically strong.

Cecil let go of Paul’s hand as if he were letting go of something dirty. The knight also let go of Paul’s head, and Paul silently shed tears. He had already given up his dignity as a nobleman.

“I will take Rowena Adelia to the palace. She will stay in the palace until the engagement ceremony, and she will never return to you. Do you have any objections?”

Paul opened his mouth trembling with a frosty stare.

“Ah, how dare I… What can I ask you…”

“As of today, members of the Adelia family will not be allowed into the royal family. You are only allowed to attend the engagement and wedding ceremonies with great grace…”

Cecil’s eyes looking at Paul were full of fury that he wanted to cut off his neck right that moment. Paul rolled his eyes, unable to face him.

“If I hear your voice in the hall, I will cut off your tongue. Do you understand?”

It was hard to say yes there.

So who’s holding Rowena’s hand in the ceremony? In addition, many nobles will attend the wedding, and it will be revealed that the relationship between the royal family and Adelia Family has gone awry!

“A-at the ceremony, holding her hands… I’m her father! Isn’t it…”

There was a gleam in Cecil’s eyes.

“Her father? Is there a father who uses his fist on her daughter? I have never seen such a man live. Mostly because I’ve killed them all.”


The frightened Paul went silent.

“I will not call you a relative of the royal family, nor shall I call you Rowena’s father. If you go around using the royal family or Rowena’s name, I’ll kill you.”

Cecil didn’t kill Paul here simply because he didn’t want to postpone the engagement and wedding. After that, the way to kill Paul without Rowena knowing was already thought of.

“Don’t even contact Rowena without my knowledge. I think Rowena must have been surprised today, so I just don’t want to surprise her with your blood.”

You can try me if you want to die.

Cecil turned away as if he had said that out.

Paul had lost all his strength and slipped on the sofa. It hurt like hell as he touched the table with his injured hand, but he couldn’t make a sound. This was because the crown prince had not yet left the room.