I’m Scared of My Late First Love (11)

He told the coachman his destination, the town where Adelia estate was, and the carriage set off. Two imperial knights followed next to the carriage as if escorting.

In the rattling carriage, Lancelot reclined part of the veil. Even though there was a lamp hanging near the window of the carriage, he thought it would be okay if it was this dark.

“When we arrive at the Countess, you explain to the Count. I will not explain this to the count in this way.”

“I will.”

She replied in a giggling voice. Lancelot glanced at her, but Pina pretended not to notice and avoided his gaze. At the same time, the sneaking gaze was annoying.

If Pina had not chosen Lancelot in the first place and hadn’t asked him to dress up like this, there would be no such thing.

“… Are you going to follow the Lady into the palace?”

“Of course. I’m her personal maid.”

“I see.”

Somewhere, with a satisfied smile, Lancelot became suspicious. As soon as he asked what it was, one of the knights running side by side with the carriage approached the window.

When he opened the window, the knight said, his eyes shining.

“Someone is following you. Do you have any idea?”

The knight’s words made his blood boil.

“Someone’s following me? I think the count took all the guards…”

Paul Adelia had no thought of sending an escort for Rowena, who might return.

Pina didn’t know, but the royal knights knew Rowena had been asked by the crown prince to guard her.


At Lancelot’s call, Jack released his spare sword and handed it over to Lancelot. Lancelot fell from the window and drew curtains to the window. Then he drew his sword and said,

“I’ll protect you, hide behind me.”

“Ah, yes!”

Pina nodded with a nervous face. As soon as she answered, an arrow hit the carriage. Pina shrank down with a low scream.

Lancelot hid her behind him and was alert to the sound of the horse’s hooves approaching. Soon the attacked horse began to run wild.

* * *

The flare was fired when the royal carriage carrying the Rowena arrived at the Imperial Palace. Cecil immediately noticed the situation. The important crown prince and the future crown princess had entered the Imperial Palace. The manpower that escorted them became the reinforcements, and they ran to save Lancelot and Pina.

Rowena, worried about Pina, was restless even after arriving at the palace, waiting for news.

Maybe a couple of hours?

The royal messenger opened the door of the drawing room and announced the news.

“Both the knight and Lady Adelia’s maid are safe!”

Cecil immediately turned to Rowena who shrugged her chest in relief. He looked at the messenger and wrapped his arm around Rowena’s shoulder next to him.

“… The maid must be unhurt, right?”

“Yes, the reinforcements arrived in due course and they are safe. The maid is coming to the palace, as Her Majesty has commanded.”

“Okay. What about the assassins?”

The messenger clouded his face at the question.

He said they killed themselves when they arrested those who had survived, whether they were professionally trained or not.

Cecil frowned at the news that no one had been captured alive. Things happened right, but it was half a success. This is going to happen again until we figure out who was the guy that asked for it.

“Did you contact the temple?”

“The high priest said he is coming.”

Cecil nodded with satisfaction. On the surface, it was intended to treat the crown prince’s prospective fiancée, Lady Adelia, but he decided to have them married right away by letting him officiate.

It was a good situation to hide from other nobles.

Cecil decided to settle for no one being hurt on this good day. Rowena’s temperament meant that if someone had been seriously injured or died, she would have refused to get married.

He can’t forgive anyone who dared to hurt Rowena, but he would have to let them live a little longer.

* * *

At the Adelia Estate, Paul was groaning as he was being treated. He screamed, even though he had taken enough painkillers to not feel the pain. The orthopedist ignored Paul’s scream and skillfully started treatment.

The orthopedist was famous for not going to visit anyone who was originally a marquis or less, but he especially gave way to the Adelia family who were to marry into the royal family.

When the orthopedist stepped down after carefully organizing the broken bone with a device similar to tweezers, it was the healer’s turn next.

When the healer started treatment, the cracked bones and flesh began to heal. This was also possible because he was a skilled healer who did not care about money.

“Argh, I’m going to die!”

Rowena never called for an advanced healer even if she fainted after being hit. It was to prevent rumors from leaking outside.

Matthias, with folded arms, looked down at his father with an irritated face as Paul screamed.

“Who?! How dare you make the prince’s father-in-law like this? Dad, you’ve seen his face, haven’t you?”

Matthias asked, but Paul only grumbled without answering.