A Box of Cookies (4)

But since she was more excited than worried, Rowena agreed. The relief of finally being married also added to her excitement.

Like Cecil, Rowena also didn’t want to spend the night alone after signing the marriage vows. She didn’t want to spend the day being someone’s wife and yet lonely.

To add to that, the imperial room seemed to be more than four times larger than Rowena’s bedroom in the count’s house. In the room, lying on a large bed and looking at the high ceiling, she felt vulnerable.

But she allowed it. She was married to him anyway.

After she had taken a bath and put on her pajamas, Rowena was on high alert as she was being attended to by the royal maids. Cecil promised not to do anything, but she didn’t know much about him.

Even Rowena wanted to reach out to Cecil and fall into that broad chest, but she wondered how he felt.

M-my heart is about to explode.

She had just learned about the feeling of love and had become fond of it, but now that she was married, she had pretty much jumped the stage.

“It’s done, lady.”

“His Highness is waiting.”

The royal maids did not know that Rowena was married to Cecil. They only thought that the crown prince, who was about to be engaged, was trying to seduce his prospective fiancée in advance.


Rowena was flustered and her face was flushed. Everyone knew it was before marriage, but she was embarrassed to enter Cecil’s bedroom shamelessly. But those who worked in the imperial family must be very tight-lipped, so it was unlikely that this would leak out.

“Your Highness, Lady Adelia is here.”

“Tell her to come in.”

Cecil’s high-pitched voice rang from inside the room. Rowena was pleased to realize that he was also nervous. She liked that this excitement wasn’t just hers. That meant that he was thinking about Rowena too.

As the servants standing in front of the door opened it, Rowena entered, dressed in a silk gown. Cecil in navy blue pajamas was getting out of bed.

Her feet were impatient in her slippers.

Cecil’s bedroom was spacious with a roofed bed in the middle. The bed was lined with thick veils on each side.

“You’re supposed to sleep over there.”

Rowena flinched at the sound of the door closing. Originally, the royal servants rarely made a sound when they opened and closed the door, but this time, they seemed to be in a hurry.

When she turned her head again, Cecil was right behind her. Smiling at the startled Rowena, he flung his arms around her.

“Oh, my, Your Highness!”

She wanted to say that she could walk on her own, but he was already taking her up to the bed.

Aren’t I heavy?

He threw her flip-flops away from her feet and removed his too. Then he moved to the middle of the bed with Rowena in his arms.


She knew he wouldn’t drop her. Cecil had been gentle ever since he decided to engage Rowena, even though his speech was rough.

It was very sweet of him to drop her off on the bed, lie down next to her, and pull the blanket over her. Rowena felt warmth from her heart to her arms, and she snuggled in and hugged the blanket.

Her heart thumped. She was so nervous yet she felt something warm and comfortable.

Rowena finally realized that she had never felt this way except when she was very young.

She felt protected.

This was a safe place. Normally, she would never let go of herself in the arms of a loved one. When she realized it, Rowena felt like crying.

Even in the arms of the nanny who wanted to protect her, Rowena didn’t feel protected. It was because she knew that her father, who wielded absolute power within the count, could be violent against her at any time.

Can I trust this guy?

Her body knew before her heart. Cecil had never treated her carelessly.


Cecil was startled by the tears. He came close and examined her expression in embarrassment.

“Rowena, why… Are you sick?”

The best healer would have been called in for treatment. Cecil tried to get out of bed right away, wondering if there was a problem. But Rowena grabbed his hem and kept him from getting up.

“It’s nothing. It’s because I’m happy.”

The whispering voice contained a faint sense of shame and tears. Cecil embraced Rowena and lay on his back.

“I haven’t done anything for you yet. What are you happy about?”

An unmistakable shyness was revealed in his rough voice. Tears dropped from Rowena’s eyes. Cecil regretted what had happened earlier, feeling his hem wet with Rowena’s tears.

I should have made him unable to use both of his hands.

I’m not letting him off the hook just because he is your father.

He would never forget this feeling. Cecil vowed to keep Adelia’s men away from Rowena no matter what.

His sharp blue eyes shone coolly in the dark.