“My Lady, I’ve brought in a healer.”

Rowena tinted her cheeks at the maid’s voice outside the door.

I can’t believe you even asked for a healer!

Cecil was stubborn, but that time of the morning was sweet enough that she would not regret it. Rowena sighed, cooling her flushed cheeks with her hands.

She screamed all night and in the morning, so her throat felt a little hoarse.

“L-let him in.”


The door opened and a woman in the healer’s unique white clothes came in. Rowena felt embarrassed, but she lay in bed and gave up her waist gently.

The healer had just heard an explanation from the maid before entering this room. So Rowena was able to receive treatment without giving an embarrassing explanation.

“It’s done.”

“Yeah, really? Good job.”

Rowena felt relieved to feel her back refreshed. The healer bowed her head gently and left the room.

I don’t have to get this treatment every morning, do I?

According to Rowena’s observation, and what the maid said, she was a healer and a lawmaker.

Cecil was so persistent about Rowena that he had eaten with her before going to a meeting. The work would not be finished until late afternoon, so Rowena couldn’t see him at that time.

“If you want to see me, you can come to my office. You’re always welcome.”

Cecil had whispered in Rowena’s arms before leaving for the palace. Rowena’s face flushed from his touch and voice.

She fantasized about his firm arm and broad chest. Even his body temperature, which was slightly higher than hers, was vivid, and the expression on his face was clouded by pleasure as he hugged her.


Rowena shook her head vigorously at the sexual thoughts clouding her mind. It seemed like a lewd demon was sitting in her head.

Last night was her first time, but she liked it with Cecil. Rowena was embarrassed by the fact, even though she had felt good with him.

What the hell am I doing?

Cecil was very nice to her. He overlooked the situation in many ways and accepted embarrassing requests without saying anything. It was also seen from the reactions around her that she was receiving special treatment.

However, simply because he did a good job would not have made him so repulsive to her. Cecil had something to reassure Rowena.

Despite rumors that he had a violent and brutal nature.

I think I miss him even now.

When she thought of Cecil, her heart beat a little faster. Even now, just thinking about Cecil with her hand on his chest made her tremble.

I-I don’t think it was this fast when I liked Kian…

Rowena was very brief, but there was a time when she liked Kian. Why not? Neither the family nor any knights in the family protected Rowena. Who fought for her until she was locked in a warehouse?

It’s natural to have a crush of course.

But the very day after she realized that she was attracted to him, her light first love was crushed because she went to play at Marquis Wenson’s. It was over.

Kian and Lyria fell in love with each other at first sight.

Rowena realized that fact and immediately gave up on Kian. Even if her heart was not easily moved according to the will of a human being, she was able to accept it because she had been compared to Lyria.

Matthias always compared Rowena and Lyria and mocked Rowena for being ugly.

“You look disgusting! No one will look at anything like you!”

She had the kind of face that makes someone’s stomach churn!

“Miss, may I tell you a secret?”

With Rowena crying on her lap, the nanny said affectionately. Little Rowena looked up at the nurse’s wrinkled face.

“Everyone in the world has a different fate. So each of them meets and marries people who they think are beautiful and handsome.”

“But everyone says Lyria is pretty.”

“To me, Lady Rowena is cuter and prettier. Of course, Miss Lyria is beautiful, but she is no match for you.”

You’re the prettiest girl to me. Whispered her nanny, hugging Rowena tightly.

“So you will be able to meet someone who says you’re the prettiest.”

Rowena agonized, recalling the friendly nanny’s face.

I don’t think His Highness ever said that.

If she tried to recall, she thought he did, but she wasn’t sure. Whenever he came close, her chest pounded so much that she couldn’t understand half of what he was saying.

She couldn’t remember if he had said she was pretty or not. He seemed to say she was cute quite often.

But you chose me over Lyria…