Servants are often hit as well, but for some reason, Matthias wanted to hit Rowena or Louis.

Especially Rowena.


The carriage entered the count’s residence and he peeped out the front yard of the mansion. Unfortunately, Matthias’ servant was walking back and forth in the yard.

There were only two carriages in the Count Estate, one for Louis and the other for Paul. Matthias would have gone out on horseback.

On second thought, he could also be in the backyard. I have to go up!

After jumping out of the carriage, Louis left the cake box with the butler and scrambled upstairs. Of course, he didn’t go to his room. Matthias could have come to his room to pick a fight with him.

Which room should I go to?

It was exactly where Matthias would not find him. Fortunately, he saw no servants on the second and third floors.

Everyone must have been hiding in the kitchen or laundry room, avoiding being caught and bullied by Matthias, who was angry.

“Louis, you punk! You’re here and you didn’t even say hello?”

Louis’ footsteps increased at the sound of Matthias’ loud voice. He climbed the carpeted stairs and headed to the room at the end.

He didn’t know why, but for some reason, he was there.

He knew Rowena wasn’t there anymore.

“Damn it.”

When he was still very young, Rowena would hide Louis in her room when he had fled from Matthias’ bullying. It was before the age of eight, and it was a place he had stopped coming to since he and Rowena became estranged, but he missed her very much today.

I’m a selfish guy.

Louis ran to Rowena’s room. He turned the doorknob carefully and the door opened. It was a room without an owner, but the instructions to keep it locked did not seem to have come.

Rowena didn’t completely leave for the Imperial Palace, so it would be strange to keep it locked.

Louis quietly opened the door and hid in the room. He could hear Matthias banging at the door.

Now 16 years old, he was quite tall but still smaller than Matthias. Louis however, knew he was taller than Rowena.

Even once…

He wished he had protected Rowena just once.

Louis lowered his head quietly, recalling Rowena, who had been hit by Matthias instead of him, and fell to the floor of the hallway.

* * *


Matthias flinched at the thumping footsteps. He was sleeping on the bed, but he was asleep because he was guilty of a crime.

Paul, who burst into the door, looked very angry.


This was annoying. If the victim was Rowena, Paul would have pretended not to know, but Louis was the one.

“You idiot! What are you gonna do with your brother’s face like that?! We would have sent Louis to the palace again today! Will you go?”

That’s why he didn’t want to hit his face. The rebellious stare got on his nerves and he slapped him. Normally, he would have kicked or hit his shin, calves, or stomach.

“That’s why you only hit me once. Can’t you become an older brother and teach him?”

If it was Rowena, it wouldn’t have ended as it did. Even though Louis was younger, he was a man, and he wondered what the big deal was.

Matthias, on the contrary, had never been hit like that by Paul.

Funny enough, Matthias had never given Theo such a slap. Although Paul openly discriminated against Matthias and Theo, he did not stop the two from fighting.

Matthias had the upper hand in terms of reputation alone, but Theo was simply venomous.

Perhaps because Matthias was dissatisfied with the fact that he was taking everything from the Count, once a fight broke out, he would overtake him anytime.

So Matthias couldn’t touch Theo because he was scared.

That punk, let’s pretend he has been hit by someone else…

Of course, even if Matthias made such a threat, Louis rarely kept it because Paul wasn’t always on Matthias’ side. He didn’t know why but Paul was very fond of Louis too.

“Do you think that money to call a doctor drops from heaven?!”

Matthias jumped when he heard that he would deduct the money from his allowance the next month. This was a real injustice.

An argument between the protesting Matthias and angry Paul ensued in the drawing room.


Theo clicked his tongue at Louis’ face and cracked lips. It was fortunate that he didn’t hit his ear with his palm. If his eardrum had burst, the injury would have lasted quite a while.

Now Louis was sitting on the sofa applying medicine to it. The old servant looked at Louis pitifully.

“And Rowena? Have you met her?”

“Do you think she would want to meet people in this house?”

Theo was not particularly angry when the rough reply came back. He stood and stared at Louis.

“But she cared about you.”

“I don’t know. I don’t know if she knows I’m there or not!”