A Mess (4)

Lady Adelia is also very unfortunate.

It wasn’t even a secret that the Count Adelia’s family blatantly discriminated against their daughter. It was obvious that it was revealed on the outside, so everyone was just pretending not to know. Discrimination between sons and daughters was not uncommon until a few decades ago.

“Well, miss. The guest is…”

At the words of the maid, Maryen asked for understanding and got up from her seat. She had called another person, who she was suspicious that he had probably dug up information about her, as a guest here.

Maryen, who left the drawing room, greeted Kernan standing in the hall with an anxious gaze. He had just come after receiving a letter bearing the pattern of a signet ring without one horn.

“Who are you?”

“I came here after receiving a message. You called me…”

Kernan was wary of his surroundings as if he was in trouble if anyone saw him. He knew last night that Emilia hadn’t returned to the mansion after going out.

He was on the lookout for something, but suddenly a letter came to the residence. The tone was similar to Emilia, but it was questionable whether it belonged to Emilia.

“Oh, show the guest around.”

It wasn’t necessary for her to step out and see him face to face, but Maryen wanted to see the face of the person who had asked Emilia about her information.

Since you don’t know when the opponent will bite your neck, shouldn’t you keep an eye on him?

When she ordered the servant, the servant ran to Kernan. Kernan moved on, looking suspiciously at Maryen, who turned around.

Is she really here?

He knew Emilia was vicious, but he didn’t know she was this crazy.

She had something to do with Rowena Adeliad, but to come to this mansion. Could it be that she was trying to make fun of the desperate Lady Adelia?

I feel a bit uncomfortable.

The location where the attendant guided him was also close to the room where he was supposed to commit the crime. Kernan moved on, wondering whether he should go back or not.

In front of the reception room, there were imperial escort knights of each young lady. As he walked past them, Kernan felt a chill in his spine.

When he glanced toward the drawing room, he heard the voices of young ladies laughing inside. As one of the knights looked his way, Kernan tried to turn his head nonchalantly.

Somehow, a man dressed as an imperial knight looked at him closely.

After passing the drawing room and passing the curving hallway, he entered the corner for a while. The attendant pointed to the other side in front of him and said.

“It’s the first room.”


He knew this structure. When they decided to use the Count Otis’s mansion as the place of the crime, they already knew the layout.

She’s a really crazy young lady.

The second room in that hallway was chosen as the place of the crime.

But why did she call me?

Kernan hurried along, thinking that he had finished his business quickly and left. It was uncomfortable to stay at Otis Estate for a long time because of what he ordered.

As he turned the hallway, he happened to meet the men standing in front of the door. They were all recruited by Kernan to do the job.

Kernan knew their faces, but they didn’t know Kernan. So, standing at the door, he flinched and they stared at Kernan as if they were wary.

For a moment, he was embarrassed, but Kernan opened the door of the next room, pretending not to know. They thought that the room where they are about to commit the crime is magically soundproofed.

Installing soundproofing magic in a room was a luxury that only dukes and royalty could afford.

The Count Otis family made it possible through time and space, but couldn’t borrow the power of magic.

Damn it! Why did they…?

The room where Kernan entered was a normal bedroom, just like the room next door. However, it was clear that the room was spacious and even had a bathroom, which was used when a member of an aristocratic family stayed or hired a private tutor for a lord.

There was a bed with purple curtains down, covering the bed, a few chairs and a sofa, but Emilia was nowhere to be seen.

“What is it?”


There was a scream. Kernan winced and shuddered. The scream that just rang out was unusual.

It’s not a woman’s…

Ahh! Uhkk!

Urgh! Ah!

No matter how I hear this…

There was no way that the poison in the glass had made Rowena Adelia insane. He heard that the poison doesn’t have that effect. Sensing an ominous feeling, Kernan ran to the bed in the middle of the room.


As he pulled back the curtains hanging on the bed, the face of the person lying in the middle of the bed was revealed. It was Emilia Hasler.


It’s a trap!

As soon as he realized, Kernan turned his back and ran to the door. Although he was Emilia’s subordinate, he had no loyalty to her, since he was a fraud to the bone. They only had a mutually beneficial relationship.


Kernan, who opened the door vigorously and came out, stiffened. This was because the prince with a fierce face was smiling in front of him.


“Oh my, oh my…”

In the arms of the prince, Lady Adelia, who was breathing heavily, was held. She was also affected by the poisoning.

The crown prince was here?! Then the scream I heard earlier…

“Put him in that room there.”

“The medicine they had ran out earlier.”

Ironically, they even possessed a powerful drug with an aphrodisiac effect. There were eight men in all.

They planned to drug and rape Rowena as well as the ladies-in-waiting. It was said to be the worst aphrodisiac that would make both men and women lose their temper and rush into action.