The Marriage Of The Crown Prince And His Wife (6)

After completing his role, Theo got off the Virgin Road, entered his seat, and sat down. He had no wife yet, so the seat next to him was empty.

Louis, who sat in the back seat, patted Theo on the shoulder as if he had done well. Theo glanced back at Louis as if he was arrogant and smirked.

It was because Louis was looking at Cecil and Rowena with sparkling eyes.

Cecil, who wore a wedding suit, seemed to glow. The blue-black hair matched unexpectedly well with the white suit.

Rowena, wearing a thin veil decorated with jewels, seemed to be the same. Her veil hung only behind her head, so the view to her face was open.

Naturally, looking at Cecil’s hand covering Rowena’s waist, Theo guessed that the two had already slept together.

That’s right. That crown prince…

There was also the idea that it was better. Marriages between aristocrats often ended up falling apart because they didn’t spend the first night well.

Looking at Cecil’s reaction, it seemed that the two could get along well in the future.

For this day, the Priest from the temple said words of blessing with a solemn face. Praise for God, the imperial family, the emperor, and the empire was not missed.

He knew the nature of the crown prince. After the congratulatory speech, which was neither too long nor too short, the two were declared married.

Although they were already listed as married in the temple, the wedding itself was special.

It showed that two people are officially married to each other. Rowena looked at Cecil, feeling her heart full.

His hand, which was already wrapped around her waist, pulled her. When Rowena looked at him, Cecil’s blue eyes shone as if they were ecstatic.

No, this is…

It was a look she had seen a lot. She was happy to see him look at her like that, but there were a lot of people watching here!

A feathery kiss fell on Rowena’s lips, which closed her eyes. Rowena opened her eyes and saw teasing blue eyes.

“I should do something racy when it’s just the two of us.”

Cecil, who left another light kiss on the corner of her mouth, hugged Rowena. Cecil moved proudly while Rowena grabbed his arm in surprise.

Earlier, the children that opened the way were busily sprinkling flowers. They were children called from a distant relative of the royal family.

Is Liliana doing well, too?

Her heart ached when she thought of Liliana, who would have only registered in the temple after their wedding. Rowena looked at Cecil, thinking she was living well.

They had reached the end of Virgin Road before they knew it.

Cecil kissed her lips again when their eyes met. A stronger kiss than before caused applause and cheers among the nobles.

“I’ll make you happy, Rowena.”

“Me, too, Your Highness.”

A soft finger without gloves touched Cecil’s cheek. Rowena whispered as she looked at the beautiful man who was now completely her own.

“I’ll make you happy, too.”

Rowena kissed Cecil on the cheek and smiled brightly.

* * *

As expected, the Marquis’ carriage was leaving the city. Kian immediately went on a chase, but it was not easy to even leave the city.

“He’s going to go up to the capital anyway.”

The arrogant Marquis of Wenson was a man who couldn’t think that he should be with his daughter because of his mixed race.

He wanted to raid and rescue Liliana before the carriage arrived in the capital, but things were not going well. For now, he thought he had no choice but to go up to the capital and visit the lady.

Does she want to meet me?

The Rowena he knew would be happy to help them, but he wasn’t sure because she was in a different position than before.

Isn’t it true that people change when their position changes?

She could have risen to a high position and refused to mind their affairs.

In addition, she was no longer a daughter of a count, but a crown princess of the Empire.

It was highly likely that it would be hard to approach her.

He could approach Theo first, but Theo was a cautious man. He will never deliver Kian’s words to Rowena.

All that was left was to meet Pina and the people around Rowena. The problem was that Rowena took away most of her close employees when she entered the palace.

Kian had some acquaintance with them, but didn’t know who they were living outside the count’s house.

So it wouldn’t be easy to get in touch with them.

It’s not too late. If I meet Lady Rowena, as long as it’s before the Marquis of Wenson marries Liliana away first…

Their marriage came first, but it was clear that they would lose priority over the marriage of an aristocrat because he was of mixed ethnicity.

Kian went through the forest in agony and fear. It was the shortest distance to the capital before Liliana entered the marquis’ grasp.

Please don’t be too late!

* * *