"Mr. Chu has a brilliant eye."

Real Yunluo did not deny it.

Although he concealed the edge of the sword, it was still too conspicuous for Chu Chaowen.

The reason why the other party would come here is not for him, the elder of Taiqing palace, but for the sword.

"I don't know if Chang can take a look at the sword?"

Chu Chao said in classical Chinese: "I have no malice, but this sword makes me feel familiar."

"If you don't tell lies in front of the real person, this sword is really what Mr. Chu thought. It's no stranger to you." The real man Yunluo seems extremely frank.

Chu Chaowen listened, but he was silent.

After a long time, he asked, "how can you get this sword?"

"Booty." The real man Yunluo replied.

Chu Chaowen nodded in silence: "your palace is very skillful in Taoism. I always admire you. But I don't know if you can borrow this sword from our school for some time? It will be returned later. "

The real man Yunluo shook his head: "I hold this sword at the moment, and I have important tasks in my body. If Mr. Chu really wants to, he'd better follow me?"

Chu Chao said in classical Chinese: "I need to report the news to our headmaster immediately."

The real man Yunluo nodded: "then wait for me to come back, and then visit your sect in person."

Chu Chaowen was slightly silent.

He didn't care about qinglongzong.

But Taiqing palace is another thing.

He was not afraid of the other side, but if the other side helped the northern sect, they would be miserable.

Therefore, in the face of Yunluo, Chu Chaowen had no choice but to clasp his fist and salute: "so, welcome Taoist priest."

"On behalf of the poor, ask the leader of the expensive school Han." The real man Yunluo said that he left with Tong Kai, the elder of qinglongzong.

Chu Chaowen watched the two Taoists leave with complicated eyes.

Without delay, he immediately returned to the southern clan of Shushan and met the leader of Nanzong in an emergency.

Yunluo immortal, Tong Kai, went to the east together.

Their goal, of course, is the eastern Xinjiang, or Chang'an city.

At the moment, in Chang'an city tens of thousands of miles away, the Lord Zhang is projecting Mr. Wu Yun to interrogate the prisoners in the Tianxun hall.

It's not so accurate to say prisoners.

The other side just happened to meet, blocking Chang'an people's way to take the sea bottom Xuan jade.

It is invincible to Chang'an, so that the system does not trigger the defense mission outside the city.

However, the mirage demon was caught back in Chang'an, it was hard to avoid uneasiness.

Mr. Wu Yun looked at each other and could not feel the fierce breath of the demon king.

"I don't mean to be an enemy to anyone. I just want to live my own life on my own." Mirage demon helpless said: "that sea bottom Xuan jade, let you also have no harm."

Mr. Wu Yun looked at each other and said calmly, "you have to understand one thing. No matter it's Haixuan jade or anything else, it belongs to my majesty."

Mirage demon can't help but smile: "is it the meaning of King's land in the whole world?"


Mr. Wu Yun shook his head: "heaven and earth belong to my emperor."

The mirage could not help blinking.

This tone is really a little big

However, the current situation is stronger than people, she can only helplessly bow her head: "Sir said yes."

"Your Majesty has always been generous, and I have always wanted to follow suit."

Mr. Wu Yun said: "it's really unintentional to read you, and I won't be hard for you, but you have to know how to advance and retreat."

The mirage demon heard the words and kept silent for a short time. Then he asked, "does it mean that I will not be free in the future?"

"See how you understand the word" freedom. " Mr. Wu Yun's tone is not slow.

The mirage was silent again.

After a long time, she said, "I am willing to serve your majesty."


Mr. Wu Yun nodded: "if you want to do something for your majesty, you have to practice well first."

Then he raised his hand.

All of a sudden, a ray of light fell on the eyebrows of the mirage demon.

The mirage immediately froze.

At the same time, the light of Mr. Wu Yun's fingertips recovered.

When the light comes back, it looks like a blood line.

Blood line in Mr. Wu Yun's fingertips condensed, like a blood colored ball.

Mirage demon came back to God and saw the ball, but it was not very surprising: "do you want to take my blood essence and cultivate the practitioners of the evil way?"

Mr. Wu Yun said calmly: "you have too many problems. There are some things that you should not be in charge of."

Although his voice was peaceful, he called the mirage demon to listen to the cool behind.

"I'm a big talker. Excuse me, sir." Shen demon quickly bowed his head and apologized.

Although the other side took her blood, but also taught her some training methods.

This makes her have the hope to impact the realm of demon emperor.

Mirage demon was surprised and pleased.Mr. Wu Yun in front of him also became more mysterious.

Seeing that it is clearly a human being, why does the other party know such exquisite cultivation methods of demon clan?

Mirage demon didn't dare to ask more questions, so he stepped back.

The person who appeared in front of her was the snake meteorite.

Giant snake a pair of vertical pupil, cold gaze mirage demon: "after, behave, understand?"

"Yes." Mirage demon to promise.

She had been able to resist the snake in the realm of demon emperor in the North Sea. She enhanced her magic power mainly by virtue of a large number of Dark Jade on the sea floor. At the same time, she took advantage of the enemy's bright and dark nature.

Now the snake meteorite has known that she is a mirage demon, and she is especially wary of magic. At the same time, she has no sea bottom Xuan jade to enhance her magic power. Under the ebb and flow, she is no longer the opponent of the snake.

At present, the snake meteorite can be regarded as the shoulder of the demon clan in Chang'an city.

This mirage demon, Zhang Dongyun naturally handed over to the snake meteorite to manage.

When he opened his hand in the Daming Palace, the red ball appeared in the palace.

The next moment, the girl who was summoned by him stepped into the hall.


Ao Ying saluted Zhang Dongyun.

With a wave of his hand, the blood red ball floated to Ao Ying.

Ao Ying looked at it and knew what it was: "demon blood?"

"Shen's blood essence."

Zhang Dongyun said: "your father should have taught you how to practice the second kind of demon blood?"

Ao Ying nodded: "my father has taught me."

Aokong's cultivation method, naturally will not hide from his daughter.

However, the daughter's next practice which kind of demon blood as the second way, let aokong painstakingly.

Of course, aokong is proud of his own mountain moving ape. However, if he wants his daughter to become a black haired gorilla, he hesitates.

The dragon in the sky rises above the sky and the snake lies under the earth.

The two are also good cooperation.

Since the meteorite broke through to the realm of demon emperor, the blood vessel of the meteorite changed into an eagle and was completely purified into a snake.

It is ready-made to practice the change of snake and snake.

The snake itself is one of the top demons, and even has the reputation of the Lord of the earth.

In addition to the snake, Chang'an city also retains the essence of the golden winged ROC bird, which is also a good alternative project.

As a result, Ao Ying himself is hesitant.

"To cultivate more than one kind of demon blood, you can either learn from your father's strong points to make up for your weakness, or you can strengthen it."

Zhang Dongyun said: "as far as you are concerned, you can learn from each other's strong points to make up for the weaknesses. The snake and the golden winged ROC are not as good as the mountain moving ape. To strengthen it, this is the most suitable one for you."

Ao Ying looked at the mirage in front of him and nodded gently: "uncle is reasonable."

"This mirage was caught by the eleventh younger brother after he closed the door. It's because he doesn't know it yet. It's ok if you want to wait for him to go out and make a decision." Zhang Dongyun said.

Ao Ying shook his head: "my father knows, and certainly agrees with your judgment."

She took a deep breath, and then according to aokong's teaching method, drew a trace of blood line from that blood cell, and then integrated into her body, condensed the second blood.

With Zhang Dongyun's care, it's not a problem.

"The second change of practice is just on the road. When can we combine the two changes and become a master of our own, just like the eleven younger brothers, can we be regarded as a person who has entered the world."

Zhang Dongyun looked at Ao Ying and nodded approvingly: "talent is really outstanding."

Ao Ying stabilizes the second blood species in his body, nourishes each other and grows rapidly, and pursues the realm of the first blood species.

After a long time, she declared her meritorious service and said thanks to Zhang Dongyun: "thank you for your advice."

"Go down and practice yourself."

Zhang Dongyun waved his hand.

Watching the other party leave, he nodded to himself.

Ao Ying has made some achievements in the second level of magic cultivation. I believe that he will be able to attack the Ninth level of the devil road more quickly.

Aokong is indeed worthy of the rare magic genius of all ages, and his creation of Dharma is indeed unique.

As he was thinking, his expression suddenly moved slightly.

The old blood shadow demon, who has been closed for many days, is out of the pass.

In the city of the sky, an old man dressed in blood red clothes suddenly walked out of his house.

He had a calm look, no sorrow, no joy.

It's the old blood shadow.

The old devil took out a Jinling and shook it gently.

Soon, a young Taoist appeared in front of him.

Taoist looks calm, no waves, obviously used to an old devil under the door.

The glory and glory of the past seems to have passed away to young Taoists.

What matters is the present, and the future

"Congratulations, sir." In the past, Xie Zhao, who was high enough to forget the truth, saluted the bloody old devil.The old devil nodded slowly: "in this period of time when I closed up, can there be great events happening inside and outside Chang'an?"

Xie Zhao will report all the big and small things to the old devil.

The old devil listened quietly without interrupting.

Xie Zhaozheng said, suddenly his heart moved slightly.

Chang'an City, and even in the sky city, many people feel it.

Below the inner city, a purple light suddenly rose.

Purple light flickering, like a purple gold dragon, flying in the air, issued a mighty dragon chant.

But in the sound of dragon chanting, in addition to endless majesty, it is also full of evil, fierce and vicious images.

The purple gold dragon's shadow flashed away and then split into two in the air.

as like as two peas, the two dragon is swirling in the air, and finally becomes two golden purple suns.

Two days of contention for brilliance, it seemed that the real sun on the sky was also darkened.

During the two rounds of purple and golden sun, a sound of wild laughter came out at the same time:

"Mr. Xueying, I'd like to ask you a second or two."

The sun, the two big wheels of laughter rise together.

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