Chapter 198

"Now, my father CAI and the store manager CAI can help solve the problem of that batch of ready-made clothes in stock. As long as I invest a certain amount of money, the clothing factory will be able to operate again; But some partners and suppliers before the clothing factory all need to find again.

Anyway, there should be a lot of troubles, and the investment will not be less than 10 million.

Now it's up to the other party to come up with the cooperation contract and the development direction plan of the future factory. "

Li muyao explained, but Huo Jiling understood.

It's hard for Li muyao, who is totally unprofessional and doesn't know what to do, to recite the important points of the facts so succinctly; What's more, the listener is a business genius like Huo Jiling, who can grasp all the important information in an instant to understand, analyze and digest it.

"Moon cake, your father CAI and store manager Cai, there should be other things for you to pay attention to?"

According to Li muyao, the other party doesn't need to find Li muyao to invest at all. As long as there is cash flow, the factory will return to its original state within half a year. People who can open such a large clothing factory should have some contacts. It should be easy to borrow money. If you can't borrow it, you can still go to the bank.

Who can borrow money from relatives and friends now?

What's more, businessmen, who don't owe bank debts, the more they owe, the more prosperous their business is.

"Well, yes. The main reason is Huang Jie, who is looking for my cooperation. Now she has no credibility. No matter her relatives, friends or banks, she is not willing to lend money to her.

Of course, the most important point is that we all want to take advantage of Huang Jie's hard hit period to undercut her clothing factory. Because the land of her factory does not belong to the state, but has signed some agreements with the state.

Other people have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars of rent a year. Sister Huang doesn't use it. But father Cai said that the land and work have signed joint agreements with the departments in the industrial zone.

I can't understand it, and I can't figure it out. That's why I want sister Ying to go to work tomorrow and have a look for me. "

To tell you the truth, Li muyao was a little stunned when she received store manager CAI and saw sister Huang again. For example, sister Huang's affair was not a big deal. Later, she learned that because she divorced her ex husband first and then kept a little man, she was trapped; Before and after by two men pit, no, should be calculated by the same ex husband.

Huang Yuying is not the only one in the Huang family. She also has relatives.

There are many people who want the factory and the land. For example, Huang Jie's ex husband has worked in the clothing factory for so long. Of course, some of her contacts have their own connections. In addition, her ex husband has united with some relatives.

Sister Huang can't borrow money from her relatives and friends. She can't borrow money from the bank. She has to go through all kinds of procedures, such as various kinds of shirking and cards.

For this reason, sister Huang would jump out of her own circle and find store manager CAI as a middleman to introduce some investors to help her. Huang Jie is willing to sell part of the equity, but she hesitates to sell the whole factory.

As father CAI and Li muyao said, maybe they are reluctant to part with it!

No one is willing to hand over to others what his family has created; In the past, sister Huang had some love brain. She fell twice in a pit, but now she is sober. Both Cai's father and Cai's shop manager thought it was profitable, so they introduced it to Li muyao for investment.

Anyway, the three of them are partners in the future. They all show some sincerity first.