Chapter 332

"Not bad. It's quite fast. I've confirmed two places at once. OK, I have plenty of time today. I'll accompany Mu Yao to have a look."|

Aunt CAI was really surprised at the efficiency of Li muyao's work. After all, this small western style building is really suitable for a plastic surgery hospital. It's not big, but it's not small. Anyway, it's hard to find a suitable house for a private plastic surgery hospital in this downtown area.

Li muyao and aunt Cai followed the agency to carefully look at the whole small building inside and outside. After watching, aunt CAI was very satisfied: "very good. After watching, I have a general appearance of decoration in my mind."

Cai Sixiu and Li muyao said this, then turned to the intermediary and said: "pretty boy, you and the landlord of the small western style building make an appointment tomorrow. We have signed the rental contract, so that we can let the decoration company in early. This is my business card. You can call me directly if you have any questions in the future

The location is particularly good, the size is also suitable, and the annual rent price demanded by the landlord is reasonable. Naturally, Cai Sixiu won't miss it. He talks with the intermediary, takes out his business card to the other party and signs it. Of course, Li muyao can't be kept busy.

Cai Sixiu also knows that Li muyao herself has been very busy recently. She is busy learning to drive and taking driving tests, and she has to find shop appearances. Now that the task assigned to Li muyao has been completed, Cai Sixiu will be in charge of the next task.

After all, Cai Sixiu has less money to buy land than Li muyao and CAI Hongsi, but he has the same shares. It's just for CAI Sixiu to take care of more things in this aspect. Only when the plastic surgery hospital is officially put into operation can Cai Sixiu slowly let go and hand over the work to professional managers.

"Come on, muyao, let's go and see the shop you want to buy for beauty." After all, this is Li muyao's first time to open a shop. I still don't know a lot about it.

Cai Sixiu, an old hand in the area, can help us avoid detours. Cai Sixiu can help us to remind the little girl Li muyao of places that she doesn't notice.

"Well, aunt Cai, now tell me what I need to do and prepare to open a shop." Li muyao originally wanted to hand over all these matters to Huang Yuying.

But in the end, Li muyao thought about it. It's all her own shop. It's better to do it by herself.

"There's nothing to prepare for opening a shop, just your own personal health certificate, business license, health license, and then the authorization letter of our beauty products.

As for decoration, I think you'd better find a professional decoration company and give you a picture directly. Your own beauty is also professional, how to decorate the bottom of my heart should probably have a number. It's mainly about products and the publicity of beauty services in your store... "

After driving for only ten minutes, Cai Sixiu could only tell Li muyao the basic information about her opening a beauty shop by herself.

Cai Sixiu thinks that she can help Li muyao solve the problems with one phone call.

But Li muyao refused: "also, his shop is all personal, and his feelings are not the same."

After getting off the bus, I went to the store that Li muyao liked. I looked around. It was really good. There was a big shopping mall in front of me, and there was parking space there. It was only three or four minutes' walk to Li muyao's store.

Around the shops are also selling women's clothing and boutiques, as well as fruit shops, it is really downtown. After entering the shop, Cai Sixiu found that the front of the shop looked small, but the area behind it was not small.

"It looks like it's more than 300 square meters. It should be 400 square meters. It seems that the shop should have used a lot of illegal area before it was built. Muyao, if you buy this shop and don't open your own shop, you can earn money by making investment.

If there is another subway in the shopping mall in the future, the price may go up.

This shop is good. Buy it. It's enough to open a beauty shop. It's just that it's not easy to separate your side from men's beauty. Do you want to ask the next door, rent or sell, and get it together

If it wasn't for being busy with the plastic surgery hospital, Cai Sixiu should open a third branch for her medical beauty shop.

"After asking the intermediary, no one in the front and back shops wants to sell them, and they have already rented them out, signing long-term contracts.

Just like aunt Cai said, if there is not enough room for men's beauty, I will not do it for the time being. When I see a suitable shop, I will continue to rent it and open a men's beauty shop alone. "

More than 300 square meters, it looks very big, but if the real decoration, men and women together to do beauty, it is not enough.

Li muyao can only decide to do women's beauty first, and take the high-end consumption route.

After seeing the shop, he also made an appointment with the agency of the shop here to sign the contract tomorrow afternoon. He took Cai Sixiu to the shopping mall not far away from the shop and sat down in a tea restaurant. Cai Sixiu ordered a pot of Tieguanyin tea. Li muyao was naturally jasmine tea. He ordered a little more heart, and afternoon tea began.

"You said you bought a house nearby? In which neighborhood? " Cai Sixiu asked after a leisurely drink of tea.

"It's Lvxin apartment not far ahead. I bought three apartments, one for me and one for my brother. The house is very good, the greening is also very good, and it's near here. I always think it's not a good thing to rent a house outside. With a house, I have a sense of belonging. "

Li muyao is quite satisfied with the house.

Last night, I chatted with my two younger brothers on QQ. They didn't want to buy a house. They said that when they grow up, they will make money to buy it. They don't want it from her sister.

However, since she bought it, let Li muyao keep it by herself and rent it in simple clothes. It's better to earn some rent than to give it to their two younger brothers.

His brothers' refusal was unexpected, but unexpected.

The two younger brothers are very smart though they are young.

"It's true that girls, who have a house, a car and a deposit, have the confidence to find a boyfriend in the future, and there is still a place to go after a quarrel. Especially when you're a girl from out of town. "

Cai Sixiu is not a girl who doesn't want to go out of town, but a girl who does leave home to work, which is not as good as being at home; After looking for a boyfriend or getting married, many girls don't want to marry in other places, just because their mother's family is not here, and they have a quarrel with their boyfriend or husband, so they have no place to hide and take in.

And this acceptance does not simply refer to the residence, but a kind of destination and dependence of body and mind.