Chapter 542

Three minutes later, Chu Ran Ran left Xinfeng bookstore, Huo Jiling returned to the position of the queue just now, and just arrived at their checkout.

"Come on, don't worry. Have you seen our bill? More than 5000 yuan can go to the service desk to draw a prize. Now we have two chances to draw a prize. Let's go and have a play. "

For three baskets of books, if you pay 10000 yuan or 5000 yuan, you can get a lucky draw; Originally, Huo Jiling never wanted such an opportunity, but today he wants to take Li muyao to the lucky draw to make her happy.

The arrival of Chu Ranran just now obviously affected Li muyao's mood.

Although Huo Jiling doesn't know what happened to them before he saw Chu Ranran, Huo Jiling knows that it must be because he met Chu Ranran that Li muyao had a very bad experience.

Li muyao breathed out a few deep breath: "OK, let's go to the lottery to see what's good."

When you get to the service desk, you take out the bill and give it to the other party. The other party directly takes out a square box with a round mouth that can be put into the hand. Then I looked at the prize. It was actually the complete works of Harry Potter novels signed by the author Rowling. There was only one third prize and two second prizes.

The first prize is the complete set of Harry Potter, and each book has its own signature, which is also the first edition in English.

It can be said that this set of Harry Potter signatures has a certain collection value, especially for those fans who like this novel.

And "Harry Potter and goblet of fire" was released last month, Huo Jiling also took Li muyao to the cinema.

But I don't want to meet JK Rowling's Autographed complete set of Harry Potter novels in golden city. Lucky!

"Moon cake, let's get a first prize."

Huo Jiling was also surprised to meet JK Rowling's complete set of Harry Potter signature novels. Before, he had a collection of his own. When he was abroad, he asked for someone's help to get his signature.

Before the novel was made into a movie, Huo Jiling liked it very much.


Li muyao was amused by Huo Jiling's affirmative tone. Like Caimao, she felt that such a lottery was in her pocket. Well, Li muyao didn't reject it either. She reached in and took out a ball at random, handed it to Huo Jiling and said to him, "ah Ling, open it up. If it's the first prize, we won't smoke."

Huo Jiling naturally took the white ball, opened it and took out the note in it, which read "first prize".

"Congratulations, moon cake. I won the first prize. Thank you. I love this gift! " Huo Jiling smiles and gently hugs Li muyao, then releases her and takes the note to the staff at the service desk.

Looking at the first prize note above, the staff was obviously stunned for a few seconds, and then looked at Li muyao and Huo Jiling with complicated eyes. Just now, when they heard the couple say that they must win the first prize, the staff still laughed: young people are really confident, but many people have said so. As a result, the lottery has been held for more than a month, and no one has been able to take the first prize successfully.

Today, however, it's really a random draw.

Li muyao also laughed happily and asked the staff, "is there only one first prize? There is no mention of the prize here. May I ask what it is? Is it also a reward book? "

There is a grand prize, but there is no prize.

Originally, Li muyao wanted to draw a first prize and go back, but she thought that it was too wasteful to throw away the lottery roll in her hand. Let's draw again. The second and third prizes are still Harry Potter books, and they are not complete.

"No, it's the VIP card of Xinfeng bookstore. All Xinfeng bookstores can use the VIP card all over the country, and it's 50% off when you pay for it. There are only ten in China, but I've heard that no one has ever won the lottery. Would you like to try your luck again, madam? I think you have a lucky draw in your hand

The handsome girl was so lucky that the staff advised her to have another one.

After all, there are more than 100 Xinfeng bookstores in Jincheng. There are more than 5000 or 6000 bookstores in China.

The VIP card is used by bookstores all over the country, and all books are 50% off.

This card is very cost-effective whether it is used by oneself or lent to others.

"Well, I'll try again. This card is more affordable than the reward book." Li muyao also thinks that she is going to take the college entrance examination next year, and she must continue to buy a lot of review materials. She also has two younger brothers, who are only in junior high school now, senior high school in the future, college, foreign language and so on. They all need to buy a lot of books.

Then there is the student aid fund run by Li muyao in her hometown. She also wants to donate a library to her three alma maters of primary school, junior high school and senior high school. The books in it can be directly bought with this VIP card!

Huo Jiling is also surprised that Xinfeng bookstore has such a VIP card.

"Moon cake, don't be nervous and relax, just grab one. It's OK to win or not. " Huo Jiling can't be too straightforward, but he is worried that they are too greedy to draw the second prize, which will bring bad luck to Li muyao.

Li muyao confidently smiles at Huo Jiling, her face is full of ease, because only she knows, as long as Li muyao likes it, the chance of winning the lottery is 70% or 80%.

He took another shot and gave it to Huo Jiling: "ah Ling, open it and have a look."

Huo Jiling took the ball again, twisted it, opened it and took out the note. There were still three words "grand prize" written on it. Huo Jiling fondly held Li muyao's lucky draw hand and kissed her lips: "moon cake, great!"

"Look, is this the grand prize of Xinfeng bookstore? Do you need to register anything?" Huo Jiling knows that not all the stores of Xinfeng Bookstore have been connected to the Internet. If you really want to let such a VIP card customer enjoy this card, all Xinfeng bookstores across the country will recognize it and give 50% discount.

The detailed information of the customer naturally needs to be registered by computer.

First, the staff was forced to feed a wave of dog food by Huo Jiling kissing Li muyao's hand. Then, they were shocked by Huo Jiling's words. They were stunned for several seconds before they replied: "you two wait first. I'll call the manager to come here now, because this is the first one in our thousands of bookstores that has been temporarily selected by customers, and this kind of respect VIP 50% discount card, They are also kept by our manager.

Just a moment, please. Sit here and have a rest. By the way, your books can also be sent home by our supreme service. "

While calling, the staff asked another staff member to come to serve Li muyao and Huo Jiling.

This is the first VIP customer of xinfengdian bookstore.