Frey proved that his idea was right.

When the security guard saw the picture on his badge and the detection through the metal detection door, he waved his hand and put him in directly...

Entering the Ministry of science and technology, Lyon seems to have returned to the university campus again.

Unlike Lyon, who wears a leather jacket and a T-shirt with a pair of sunglasses, people here devote their research time to the research project at hand.

The students who looked down at the report, held several thick books in their hands, and discussed "quantum mechanics", "magnetic field research" and other advanced knowledge in twos and threes undoubtedly made Lyon feel that he did not belong here again.

However, he didn't care about his incompatibility. He just sighed in his heart and began to wander aimlessly.

It has to be said that as the gathering place of scientific and technological talents of aegis, there are still many familiar faces.

Leon, who had just passed by agent weaver, the director of the Ministry of science and technology, immediately saw a man and a woman arguing not far away.

"Wow! It seems that today is my lucky day..."