[task "guide" is released, please pay attention to view!]

Hearing this hint, Lyon, who has a bottom in his heart, naturally happily took over the new task entrusted by Frey: guiding people.

This task can also be called: Captain America's nanny

Just after Lyon took over the task, a man who had slept for 70 years woke up slowly in the New York branch of aegis more than a dozen blocks away.


"Another throw! It's a goofy out of bounds..."

"So, the Dodgers tied the score to 4-4..."

In a room with soft colors and gentle breeze, simple furniture is placed.

The table, the radio on the table, and

An iron frame bed of a strong blonde man sleeping.

Steve Rogers frowned and gradually opened his closed eyes.

The snow-white ceiling, the constantly rotating ceiling fan, the strange room layout and everything made a trace of confusion appear on his firm face.

Am I dead? Where is it?

Too many questions filled his mind.

Urgently in need of an answer, he turned over and sat by the bed in the constant commentary of the game.

Observing all kinds of details in the room, Steve Rogers's blue pupils seem to be full of puzzlement and exploration.

Everything is so unreal, as if he was driving an aircraft and hitting a glacier at the last moment.

However, the intact body reminds him of a very intuitive fact: he didn't die, but survived.

In that case, the remaining question is: where is this?

Just as he turned his head and looked out of the sunny window, the sound from the radio attracted his attention again.

"Rizzo scored! Reese is running to third base and durochet is waiting to replace him..."

Before Steve finished listening to the live commentary of the game, a brown haired woman, wearing a women's military uniform, pushed the door in


At the same time, the motorcade carrying Frey, Lyon and others gradually approached the New York branch.

In the car, Frey is still explaining the focus of the task to Lyon.

"I hope you can help him..."

Suddenly, a phone call interrupted him!

With a frown, Frey raised a finger to Lyon, motioned him to wait, and then connected the phone: "hello?"

On the phone, soon came the anxious voice of the team leader in charge of the captain of the United States:

"Sir, Captain Rogers is awake! He found that our arrangement has escaped from the branch and is running towards Times Square."

The news did not make any change on Frey's dark face.

Because, very coincidentally, Frey, Lyon and others also happened to be near Times Square in the New York branch!

"Sir! There he is!"

At this time, everyone in the car, through the car mirror, saw the blonde man wearing a white T-shirt and standing blankly in Times Square.

"Do you need to order him to be subdued?" the agent sitting in the co pilot turned to Frey for instructions.

Hearing this proposal, Lyon glanced at the brave brother and couldn't help laughing: did you say that the U. S. team was uniform

"No, let's get off to meet him!"

Zhi ~ ~ ~ Z~~~

With several brake sounds, several black Chevrolet Suburbans blocked Steve Rogers's way in an instant.

"Take it easy, soldier!"

Just when he was at a loss, a cry from behind made Steve turn around.

What came into view was a black man wearing a high necked sweater and a windbreaker. He was dark all over and had only one eye.

Behind him stood a tall young man with brown hair in a black suit.

These two people, of course, are Frey and Lyon who came to meet the American team.

While his agents controlled the order, Frey stepped forward and walked to the puzzled American team.

Lyon followed and came to Steve Rogers with Frey.

"Listen, I'm sorry for the performance, but..." as soon as the voice fell, Frey paused, gave the other party a little time to prepare, and then continued to explain: "we think it's best for you to accept it slowly."

"Accept what?"

Looking as like as two peas old Steve Rogers in the seventy years old photo, Frey still spoke the cruel truth: "you've been sleeping, captain..."

"Slept for nearly seventy years!"


Let Frey and the U.S. team talk about their lines there, Lyon looked at them carefully. According to the legend, Steve wuwukai, who has the heart of a child, the temperament of a leader and the system of his own

Neat short blond hair, coupled with that resolute and heroic face, people can't help thinking in their heart: This is a man to rely on!

At this time, the American team, who had finished the classic line of "I missed a date", looked at the black suit agents around and the young man standing behind Frey and giving himself a potential pressure, and couldn't help asking:

"Who the hell are you?"

Frey didn't answer, but pointed to the car behind him. "Get in the car first."

Steve, full of doubts about the new world in front of him, saw Frey, an insider, just like a drowning man caught a straw. After a little thought, he dived into Chevrolet.

Lyon replaced the agent who was originally sitting in the co pilot and also sat in the car.

With the departure of the team, a small riot caused by the American captain was over.

The onlookers of New York also dispersed one after another.

However, no one can imagine that the dazed blonde youth is the legendary soldier who gave his life to defeat the evil * * 70 years ago

On the other side of the car, with Frey's explanation, Steve soon understood what the relationship between the s.h.i.e.l.d. and the scientific strategic Corps he had been in was.

Frey also told Steve about the end of the world war, the cold war and other major changes in the world.

After that, before Steve continued to ask questions, Frey pointed to Leon sitting in the co pilot and said:

"That's agent Lyon. In the next days, he will help you adapt to your current life. You can tell him if you need anything."

As soon as the voice fell, for some reason, Frey stressed, "anything!"

Lyon, who had been a background board and bodyguard for a few minutes, was finally able to officially get to know the captain of the United States.

Lyon turned his head, stretched out his right hand, gently shook hands with the US team and smiled:

"Hello, Captain, it's a pleasure to meet you."