It's been ten minutes since I came out of the a.i.m. headquarters building

Ophelia Sarkisian looked back at the building of pioneer technology, and then sat in a black Mercedes Benz that had been waiting for a long time.

"Where are you going, madam?"


This time, Ophelia, who specially went to the United States from Europe, was not just to speed up kirian's research.

Such a small matter can be completed as long as a hydra's younger brother is sent casually. She doesn't need to go out in person at all.

This trip to the United States, there is a more important task waiting for her to do.


Sitting in the car heading for the airport, Ophelia played with her golden hair tips and recalled the recent leaders' meeting.

Time goes back 15 hours ago

In an old noble castle in the suburbs of London.

The four leaders of Hydra gathered again in a study full of Victorian style.

They are discussing how to deal with Leon Coulson.

At first, the Hydra leaders thought Leon Coulson was just a mole ant.

Even after learning that he was alone and secured the guard of roxen's entire underground facilities, they just sent someone to contact the "hand and meeting" killer group in New York to try to bury him in the simplest and direct way.

However, Leon Colson, who failed in the assassination of shouhe and continued to survive, has been haunting them like a stubborn ghost!

And come out from time to time and do some damage

This also made the Hydra slowly began to pay attention to this once indifferent little shrimp of the Divine Shield Bureau, and put his name on the list of dangerous people.

In particular, the recent death waiter incident alerted the leaders of four Hydras and specially held such a meeting for him.

Lyon would be honored if he knew.

After all, not everyone can let the powerful Hydra pay so much attention to

In the study, Gideon Malik, Baron Strack, Ophelia Sarkisian, viper, and Alexander pierce sat around a round table.

Baron Strack, wearing lenses in his right eye and dark green clothes, is making a final summary:

"Destroy our cooperation with roxen..."

"Now, kill the super killer we sent to eradicate Wade Wilson..."

"Unconsciously, he has become a threat to our existence."

"We can't let him continue to destroy our plan like this! We must find a way to get rid of this stubborn guy!"

If Lyon were here, from Baron Strack's angry words, we can roughly guess the context of the death waiter being assassinated by super powers!


Let the death waiter become such a mutation gene research institution. The funder behind it is actually Hydra!

A few months ago, while the death waiter killed the responsible Francis, he also destroyed the whole research institute, which led to the termination of the hydra's mutant gene program.

Angry Hydra sent three super power killers with monitoring collars to kill the death waiter and his beloved woman, Vanessa.

However, it was stopped by Lyon who suddenly passed by, and even lost three super capable men!

However, the only good thing is that in that war, Hydra finally confirmed the rumors of Lyon's super power.

It's impossible to suppress three superpower killers alone except superpowers

The other three, listening to Baron Strack's speech, were silent and fell into thinking.

Baron Strack's excitement and anger are understandable.

The project of developing semi mechanical soldiers in cooperation with Roxon and the mutant gene project are all projects presided over and followed up by him.

In order to make Hydra obtain more powerful power and soldiers!

However, the failure of both plans was haunted by the shadow of Lyon.

How can this keep Baron Strack from getting angry

"Maybe we underestimated this young man too much from the beginning..." Pierce, sitting at the corner of the round table, pushed his glasses. He looked dignified and complicated.

He doesn't know much about Lyon's "men"

He just had a faint feeling that this young man might be a great obstacle to their rule of the world

The atmosphere in the study gradually became thick with Baron Strack's speech.

At this time, Gideon Malik, sitting on the main seat with his hands and fingers crossed, suddenly said:

"Those who dare to obstruct us have turned into the dust of history, and Leon Colson is no exception!"

As soon as the voice fell, he looked at Strack sitting aside and asked in a deep voice, "how many superpower killers do we have left?"

"Not much, only five."

"So, if we send the remaining five people, can we ensure that this trouble is buried under the deep soil?" Gideon Malik asked again, looking at Strack's gloomy face.

However, in the face of this problem, Baron Strack, who was still angry, did not lose his mind and shouted silly words such as "sure!" and "if I don't take his head, I won't come back".

He is not sure.

In the dead waiter incident, people have seen how outstanding Lyon's combat effectiveness is.

Whether the five superpowers can kill Lyon is still an unknown question.

What's more, even if you can kill him, how many super power killers will you pay?

Three? Four?

You know, these five super power killers are the few survivors since they started the mutant gene program two years ago.

Is it worth paying such a heavy price for Lyon alone?!

These thoughts hovered in Strack's mind. Finally, he decided to use the safest way:

"The restart of the semi mechanical soldier program is coming to an end. We can wait until the research of the semi mechanical soldier is completed, and then..."

Before Strack finished, Ophelia Sarkisian, who sat quietly watching the play, suddenly opened her lips and interrupted:

"Let me do it!"

This sentence made everyone here turn their attention to the beautiful woman with blond hair and blue pupils.

"Ophelia, are you sure?"

"I've always wanted to be a man who can destroy our plans many times..." the blonde whispered as she stretched out her pink tongue and licked her red lips very seductively:

"I think he and I should have a lot of common topics..."