When the war comes, no one knows that it will be so fast

The huge fluorescent screens and billboards of skyscrapers crashed, causing violent riots in the crowd.

Countless New Yorkers, screaming bitterly, fled in a hurry, trying to escape from this terrible hell under the attack of the alien army.

On the avenue in front of New York's central railway station, countless vehicles were hit by energy beams and exploded to pieces. Everywhere, there was thick black smoke.

The alien army falling from the sky is like a ruthless executioner, destroying everything in sight one after another!

In an instant, the whole Manhattan ignited a raging war.

For these ugly aliens, this is a Carnival


"Stark, we're heading northeast at your three o'clock."

Stark, who was chased around by a small group of zitari air force, was secretly relieved when he heard Natasha's voice.


"What's the situation? Did you stop by to buy takeout?"

After joking, before Natasha answered, stark said to Natasha on the other side of the communication while flashing in the air to avoid the energy beam from the rear:

"Go up Park Street and I'll lead them to you as targets!"

On the other side, Kun fighters carrying four Lyons also joined the team against the zitari army.

Inside the fighter, Leon, with his eyebrows locked, also "snapped" and opened his equipment box.

In the rectangular suitcase, Lyon's various equipment are quietly stored.

Black Tang Dao "dark moon"!

Folding reverse bow and an arrow barrel full of arrows!

And some other things exclusive to field agents

Lyon didn't think too long. He directly hung the arrow barrel and Tang Dao behind his back. Then, put all the "explosion boys" into the equipment bag on the thigh side.

Finally, insert the folding reverse bow handle into the waist and take it at any time.

This is war!

All he can do is to use all means to kill these aliens who dare to invade the earth!

Steve, standing aside, was also the first time to see Lyon's complete combat form, and his face was a little surprised.

Noticing Steve's eyes, Leon also looked down at his dress and smiled mockingly, "I know, knives, bows and arrows? They are a little out of date..."

Steve raised his shield and smiled back: "Hey, man, an old guy in an outdated star striped tights, with a shield in his hand, is sitting next to you..."

Before they could relieve their tension before the war, Natasha, sitting in the co pilot's seat, suddenly interrupted them:

"Guys, sit down!"

As soon as the voice fell, Natasha controlled the 20mm heavy machine gun under the belly of the Kun fighter and gave a wave of flank blows to the small group of enemy troops behind Stark's ass!

Dada, dada!

Machine gun bullets, as if they didn't want money, kept venting on each other.

The violent explosion was heard everywhere, and about a dozen zitari air combat troops suddenly turned into fireworks!

Then, the Kun fighter plane suddenly pulled up and flew to the top of the stark building.

Even if Hawkeye's driving skills are too outstanding, in the process of climbing, in the face of the small zetari air combat forces that continue to attack, Kun fighters are still somewhat damaged in battle.

Fortunately, the armor of this Kun fighter is fairly passable, but there are several more scars on the wing and surface.

Flying over the open-air balcony of stark building, the two Thor brothers, who are exchanging Asgard's martial arts skills, came into view.

"Look! Thor and rocky are there! We can shoot him directly!"

Natasha's idea was very simple and rough. But this is an unwise plan.

Not to mention whether the machine gun can kill rocky or not, just taking such a huge target as a Kun fighter close to rocky is tantamount to using itself as a target!

You know, rocky still holds a spiritual Scepter that can emit energy beams. One shot is enough to destroy Kun fighters!

So Leon is not going to do that!


Leon spoke and stopped eagle eye's attempt to manipulate the Kun fighter to get close to rocky.

"Thor can deal with rocky. Our primary goal is to block the alien army and find a way to close the cosmic cube!"

Among the four people in the Kun fighter, Steve, who should have rich war experience, has the most say.

However, because of Lyon's relationship with the other three, they are very close. In addition, the strategic policy put forward by Lyon is more wise and clear.

So, vaguely, Lyon replaced Steve and took the role of commander of the four man team

"Time doesn't wait. What's the next step?"

The eagle eye, holding the joystick tightly, asked loudly while controlling the Kun fighter, making various dodge movements in the air and circling with the enemy.

"I know Dr. shavig. He is a very cautious person. Even under control, he may keep a final means to close the cube. So, Clint, you send me to the cosmic cube first!"

"I see!"

As soon as the voice fell, I didn't wait for the Kun fighter to turn around, but suddenly encountered a blow!

An unknown energy beam directly hit the right turbine engine of the Kun fighter, and the whole fighter was shocked!

Lyon and Steve, standing in the cabin, had a shaky foothold and almost fell together.

"Di! Di! Di! The fighter engine is damaged and the flight power is seriously insufficient. Please land as soon as possible!"

The cold voice of machinery echoed in the cabin, reminding everyone of the dangerous situation they are facing at the moment.

"Hold on!"

Under the control of eagle eye, Kun fighters with thick smoke on one side of the engine began to hover gradually downward.

Just then, Leon noticed through the glass of the fighter plane that the top of the stark building was below. He quickly weighed various options in his mind. Finally, he clenched his teeth and shouted:

"You find a place to land as soon as possible. I'll find a way to go down myself!"

Before the words fell, Lyon leaned against the bulkhead step by step, moved hard to the tail of the Kun fighter, stretched out his hand and pressed it vigorously, "click", and the hatch at the tail began to open slowly.

Steve, who firmly grasped the handle on the top of the cabin and hung his whole body in mid air, suddenly changed his face when he saw Leon's move and immediately asked:

"Leon, what are you doing?!"

Standing on the edge of the fighter cabin door, the strong wind pouring in continuously rustled Lyon's hair.

At this moment, facing Steve's face full of surprise and doubt, Lyon just smiled, opened his arms and whispered:

"See you later!"

The next moment, as soon as he fell back, he jumped down from a height of hundreds of meters!