Under Lyon's expectant eyes, a faint green light ball slowly appeared from the other side of the portal.

Lyon never thought how beautiful green was.

Until this moment!

When he fixed his eyes on the green light ball emitting bursts of light, the name of this skill suddenly came to his mind:

[spider induction]

"Is that it?!"

Before Lyon's shock faded, the next second, the relevant content about this new skill was like a memory suddenly injected into his brain, allowing him to instantly master the principle of this skill called [spider induction]!

After closing his eyes and repeating the memory of this skill several times, Lyon was 100% sure that he could see people everywhere, people who wanted to escape the battlefield, and the warring parties who wanted to fight

There is a very sharp contrast between the belligerents.

On one side are the well-equipped Asgard army in gold armor; On the other side are predators of all races and with uneven equipment.

Among them, the most eye-catching people on the battlefield are the female soldiers with a sword and a shield in one hand, and SHIV, one of the four warriors in Xiangong!

A bright silver armor, like a beautiful scenery on the battlefield, makes countless enemies want to approach involuntarily.

However, it was the sharp blade that greeted them!

Even if all the four warriors in Xiangong arrive, the situation on the battlefield is still not optimistic.

The other side seems to be prepared, not only tough melee weapons, but also powerful energy guns and particle guns.

As time went on, Schiff found that there were fewer and fewer Asgard soldiers around him.

Qiang! With a sound of, she pushed away an enemy trying to sneak attack with a shield and turned around, but found that an enemy holding an energy gun was aiming at herself with the dark muzzle!

Without waiting for her to respond, suddenly, a huge rainbow beam shrouded the enemy!

The next moment, a familiar hammer flew out of the light column.

The high-speed flying Thor hammer, after knocking down an enemy, suddenly stalled and flew back to the rainbow beam again.

A big hand in a bright silver scale, "pa", firmly grasped the hammer.

At the same time, the light column dissipated, and Thor's tall and burly figure appeared in front of the crowd.

As soon as he came up, Thor jumped up with his legs!

"Ah ah..."

With a low roar, Thor fell from the sky, holding the Thor hammer, and smashed to the ground.

The hammer of Thor, shrouded in a faint light, hit the ground hard, and a thundersnake beating around suddenly turned into a scattered current to destroy all the enemies around.

Looking at the brave Thor, SHIV's inner stubbornness was also inspired and couldn't help saying:

"Everything is under my control..."

However, Thor's answer made her a little discouraged.

"Then why did everything turn into a sea of fire?"

With a smile, Thor jumped into the enemy's circle again and began his performance

As Thor destroyed the rainbow bridge leading to the nine countries in the battle with rocky, the nine circles fell into chaos one after another.

Fortunately, in the battle of New York, Thor and the Avengers defeated rocky and zitari's army and brought the cosmic cube back to Asgard. With the power of the cosmic cube, Odin soon repaired the rainbow bridge.

So, in order to make up for his mistakes, Thor led the Asgard army to calm the chaos everywhere.

Warner Heim was the third country where he personally fought to calm the chaos.

Of course, in the view of Thor, who has always been full of confidence, as long as he plays his own game, no matter who the enemy is, he is not afraid.

Even if the rock giant standing in front of him is more than three meters high and has a wide arm and a round waist

Looking up at this special opponent, Thor smiled and said what he thought was very normal:

"I accept your surrender."

Hearing this sentence, the enemies around him burst into laughter, as if they thought his sentence was very funny.

However, Thor doesn't think so.

As he smiled, he shook the Thor hammer and hit the jaw of the rock giant.

With a bang, the rock giant turned into sand and stone

Thor's strength, like a big hand, grabbed the throat of many enemies and made the whole battlefield silent!