Perhaps it is because of staying in the dark for a long time or having a special hobby for darkness. The interior of the flagship of the dark elf is almost dark except for the scattered red light on the machinery and equipment.

In order to light up the interior of the spacecraft, after arriving at the bridge area of the spacecraft, Lyon came to the control room for the first time and turned on the lighting of the whole bridge area of the spacecraft!

After solving the lighting problem, Lyon skillfully found Asgard's interstellar beacon on the control panel and set the spacecraft to automatic navigation mode.

Before long, with a burst of "boom" engine sound, the huge spacecraft slowly took off


After leaving watheim, the spacecraft soon entered the boundless space.

Through the glass window of the bridge area, she gazed at the beautiful space scenery. Jane's eyes were full of curiosity and excitement.

As an astrophysicist, Jane has an almost obsessive interest in the unknown space.

To be close, such an experience, she has never imagined

"Wow, it's really beautiful... Speaking, this is my first time in a spaceship..."


"Yes, I'm from earth. I don't have the opportunity to take a spaceship every day..."

"So, I haven't tried to take such a spaceship. In the past, when I went to other countries, I usually used the rainbow bridge..."

As soon as they got on the ship and found that Lyon could not die for the time being, Thor and Jane hid aside and fell in love.

The speechless Lyon can only go to the area where the treatment device is located with rocky, who also doesn't want dog food.

Along the way, rocky tried all kinds of temptations, as if he wanted to get useful information from Lyon.

However, Lyon, who saw through his intention, did not answer him, but chose silence.

Rocky, who asked for nothing, couldn't get a response and had to stop

Walking through various areas of the spacecraft, Lyon kept in mind the internal structure of the spacecraft while paying attention to the signs made of dark elf words.

The history of the dark elves dates back to the big bang a long time ago.

These races born in the dark are more advanced in science and technology than Asgard.

Just from their ship stealth technology and black hole grenades

There are all kinds of advanced technologies on the spacecraft. Naturally, therapeutic devices that can repair cells and restore injuries are nothing.

When I came to the treatment room, I saw several egg shaped cabins in the center of the room.

According to Lyon's interpretation of the dark elves' language, these egg shaped cabins are the dark elves' healing cabins.

Just as he was about to step forward and enter the treatment cabin, Lyon seemed to think of something and gave a sudden meal.

Just as Rocky was puzzled, Leon turned slightly, looked at rocky and said with a smile:

"By the way, you won't kill me when I enter the treatment module, then throw Thor and Jane into space, and then return to Asgard alone to get work?"

When he heard the speech, rocky was a little stunned. Then he pulled the corners of his mouth and drew an evil arc:

"Oh! That's a very good idea. Maybe I'll do it, maybe..."

As he spoke, rocky smiled and couldn't tell whether his words were sincere or joking.

However, Lyon is more inclined, rocky is joking.

Because, from the "favor: Harmony" on the head of the God of deception, at least the ambitious man who once invaded the earth is no longer his enemy

"Well, if you really want to do that, no one will stop you..."

After leaving such a meaningful word, Lyon turned around and operated for a while on the panel of the treatment cabin.

The next moment, I heard only a "click", and the whole egg cabin opened like an automatic sliding door.

Entering the treatment cabin, Leon leaned against a seat and closed his eyes.

Looking at Leon in the treatment cabin, with his eyes closed and unprepared, rocky stood in place and bowed his head in meditation.

A moment later, as if he had figured something out, rocky suddenly turned and walked out of the treatment room.

In the air, only such a meaningful word is left:

"Perhaps, leaving you will be much more interesting than killing you..."

Speaking of it, there is no complicated reason why rocky likes him better. It is entirely because Leon saved Freja when the dark elves invaded Asgard!

Even after learning about her life experience, she was very dissatisfied with Odin and Thor and complained a lot. However, rocky regarded her as her own son from beginning to end, and regarded her as the only person who understood and loved herself.

That emotional fetter is the fundamental reason why he still retains a trace of goodness in his heart.

Therefore, when he heard the guard talk about it in the dungeon, rocky unknowingly had a certain gratitude to Lyon.

Of course, Leon, lying in the treatment cabin, didn't know about all this

In fact, what rocky didn't know was that Leon's consciousness was very clear when he was treated in the treatment cabin!

He could even sense Rocky's inner struggle outside the treatment cabin.

Even if he felt that rocky would not do it, Lyon still did not fully trust him and presented his defenseless side to him.

After all, the "harmony" level of goodwill is not enough to let Lyon put down his guard

Leon, who felt that Loki was leaving and closed his eyes, was secretly relieved.

Taking advantage of the space of treatment, Lyon could not help sinking his mind, entering the system and began to count the rich harvest of his waterheim trip.

Not to mention the real gem, one of the six infinite gemstones, and the giant ship that can be invisible and navigate in space. The skills inherited from malkis alone are enough to make Lyon happy.

Having said that, among the more than ten skills, in addition to the dark magic that most of them need to borrow the dark power to use, there are not many skills that really play a direct role in Lyon.

Among them, the most useful skills are [Dark Elf body (EPIC)], [black hole grenade production Mastery (EPIC)], and [Dark Elf language mastery (extraordinary)].

Black hole grenades, needless to say, can kill almost everything in a second; Language proficiency makes Lyon the only person in the whole universe who can understand the language and words of the dark elves!

The rest of the dark elf body directly enhances Lyon's own combat power!

I have to say, spicy shredded chicken is really a good comrade