"Spacecraft crash" such a serious accident, no matter in which country, will attract widespread attention.

What's more, this is the hot news with high attention in the past few weeks.

For a time, "Reed Richards: the fall of genius", "Waterloo of Nirvana group" and "the largest scientific research accident in the 21st century", various news headlines aimed at gaining public attention were printed on the front pages of major news newspapers.

Many people in the scientific community think that reed Richards, a talented scientist, has lost his precious life in this bold space experiment. While regretting him, they also complain about the nirvana group that supports this project.

For nirvana group, which has become one of the largest groups in the United States in just two years and has a good corporate image without any scandal, the media seem to have a mentality of saying that grapes are sour.

Don't you have a good image?

You see, now there's such a thing, how can you pretend?!

Unscrupulous media, like an appointment, like a swarm of hyenas, want to tear a piece of fat from Nirvana group.

Compared with the booing of the media, Wall Street and some other enterprises and consortia have chosen to stand still and want to see how Nirvana group responds to the crisis and make plans.

After all, Nirvana group is not a small enterprise, but a large group with a market value of hundreds of billions.

This is not enough to hurt the nirvana group.

When the situation is not clear, rash action will only cause unnecessary trouble to yourself.

What's more, just because ordinary people or the media don't know, doesn't mean they don't know. Behind the nirvana group, it involves a wide range

In any case, under the influence of public opinion, the share price of Nirvana group fluctuated and began to fall slowly

Under the bad voice, Nirvana made crisis public relations in time.

As the vice president of the group, Oliver personally came forward and held a press conference.

At the press conference, Oliver dropped a heavy bomb on the multimedia as soon as he came up!

The four astronauts in the spacecraft did not lose their precious lives as reported by the media, but all survived!

Without any casualties, the nature of the accident suddenly changed.

Coupled with the official endorsement of stark industries and Osborne group, the wind suddenly turned one-sided.

People began to applaud Nirvana group's crisis handling ability in this experimental accident.

While the heat receded slightly and the nirvana stock price stopped its downward trend, the four Reid people who had been dizzy for several days finally woke up one after another.

But what they don't know is that they are no longer the original themselves


"Ben! Ben! Are you okay?!"

Reed clapped wildly at the door of the room, but there was no response from the inside.

"Sue, do you have the password for the door?"

"I'll try..."

When we were just having dinner in the restaurant, reed, who found himself able to stretch his body freely, and Susan, who was invisible, went with Johnny, who was able to control the fire,

However, when they came to Ben's room, they found that Ben locked himself up.

Through the transparent gap on the door, reed found that Ben's situation was very abnormal, which made him anxious. He wanted to open the door and rush into the room immediately.

Just as the three stood outside the door, worried, Reed's super brain with an IQ of 200 immediately thought of a possible solution.

When he used his just discovered super ability to shrink his right hand into a thin white paper, through the gap under the door and open the locked door, he got a slightly surprised look from his girlfriend and a "disgusting" from his brother-in-law

However, he was not in the mood to refute.

The situation of friends is what reed cares about most at this time

As soon as they pushed the door into the room, they heard a loud bang. A big hole was smashed in the wall of the room.

The three were startled.

Looking around, they found no trace of Ben in the room.

"Where has ben gone?"

The bent bedstead and the damaged big hole, which are unusual, clearly reveal a trace of strangeness.

Did Ben, like several of his own people, also have physical changes?

Just as reed was thinking about this problem, Johnny's exclamation made him suddenly come back to his senses:

"Look! What's that?!"

Through the hole, the three vaguely saw a yellowish figure disappearing into the hazy night in the forest in the distance.

Just then, a slightly surprised voice sounded behind the three people:

"What happened?"

The three turned around and followed the same path.

Lyon, wearing a hooded sweater inside and a motorcycle jacket outside, stood there with doubts on his face.

"Leon? Why are you here?"

"I heard Oliver say you were awake, so I came to visit..."

After a pause, Leon quickly scanned the room, frowned, and then asked:

"What happened here? How did it look like a fierce fight?"

Facing Lyon's inquiry, Reid didn't think too much and told the truth directly:

"If I'm not mistaken, Ben did it."

"Because he was exposed to the clouds, his body had some reactions..."

Susan, on the other side, also took over the conversation and continued to add:

"The clouds have completely changed our chromosomes, resulting in different symptoms for each of us..."

Before Susan finished, she used only a women's down jacket to cover her crotch and expose Johnny's strong upper body. She didn't change her showy habit at all times and suddenly interrupted.

"No, no, no, that's not a symptom, but a superpower!"

After refuting his sister, Johnny immediately looked at Lyon and said proudly:

"Man, I can control the fire, you see!"

Before the words fell, he rubbed his fingers, and an orange flame burst out from his fingertips!

"How's it going, cool?"

Seeing this scene, Lyon could not help but coagulate his eyes and burst into waves in his heart.

Sure enough, everything happened as he expected

When Johnny, reed and Susan saw the magic scene of making fire with bare hands, Lyon was not shocked as expected, but looked indifferent and indifferent.

"In that case, I can't continue to hide..."

As soon as the voice fell, Lyon reached out, took out a black certificate and raised it to reed.

I saw that on the black certificate, in addition to a certificate printed with Lyon's handsome bust, there was a winged Eagle!

The next moment, Leon smiled and showed a kind smile:

"Let's meet again. I'm agent Lyon of the Divine Shield Bureau. Of course, you can still call me Lyon!"