On the outskirts of Munich, Germany, more than 1000 kilometers away from Paris, France, an extremely important meeting is being held in an ancient manor that has been handed down for many years

In the spacious hall, beside the long oval table, sat three leaders of Hydra.

Gideon Malik, Alexander Pierce, Ophelia Sarkisian.

Compared with the bright sunshine outside, at this moment, the expressions on the three faces are different.

Among them, Ophelia sargi, code named "Viper", is particularly different.

The little sister seemed to turn a blind eye to the solemnity on Malik and Pierce's faces. She just played with her golden hair and turned her eyes. She didn't know what to think.

There was no sign of uneasiness or uneasiness on her face.

A week ago, the news that Baron Strack, one of the four leaders, was captured by a man in black who could become anyone at will, reached the ears of the three at the first time.

It was like a heavy bomb, which was dropped in the hearts of the three people and made waves!

Not only because of Strack's status and identity in Hydra, but also because Strack's missing position is in his own nest!

A hydra leader hiding in the dark was captured from his hometown.

Doesn't this mean that such a thing is also likely to happen to yourself?!

At the thought of this, both pierce and Malik, who had been attacked by people in black, immediately put this matter at the top of the list of urgent affairs.

The two who hit it off immediately held an emergency meeting of Hydra leaders.

The huge Hydra organization used its ubiquitous influence and resources to investigate and track it.

However, after a week of investigation, they received very little information.

They know nothing about this mysterious man in black except that the other party's code name is "Dark Knight", who comes for Hydra and has super powers such as transformation ability and super power!

They don't know what the other party's purpose of taking Strack and Liszt is; I don't know why the other party specifically targeted Hydra.

However, they can be sure that if the "Dark Knight" does not die one day, they will have to live in panic and think about when the other party will attack themselves all day!

Ironically, only Hydra has ever treated others like this.

But I didn't expect that one day, Hydra will become a victim from the identity of the perpetrator

Since Malik took the lead in this meeting, the venue of the meeting was also set in the Malik family manor.

As the leader of the Hydra orthodoxy, Malik's ultimate goal, or ideal, is different from pierce and Ophelia.

Malik wants to return the powerful alien who exists on a distant planet to earth and rule the world.

But before that, he has to ensure his safety

The old clock hanging on the wall is ticking, and the time is passing second by second.

At this time, Malik, sitting in the upper position in a black suit, finally said after pondering for a long time:

"You all know why we are together today."

"This guy of unknown origin has seriously threatened the great cause of Hydra. We must find him and destroy him as soon as possible!"

After a pause, Malik glanced at Pierce, who was thinking, and suddenly asked:

"Alexander, what's your news?"

As the security minister of the global intelligence agency, Pierce's source is naturally the most well-informed among several people.

However, Pierce was hesitant about Malik's problem.

Pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Pierce said:

"The other party is very cunning. Last time, if we hadn't found the restored data from the broken surveillance camera, we wouldn't know who attacked the base."

"This time, although he was under surveillance, he left his own figure and even his voice."

"However, after the crack and research of the technical department, it is found that his voice has been transformed by the sound transformer, coupled with the interference of low-frequency sound waves, so that he can't distinguish the original real voice..."

Without pierce finishing, Malik got a less ideal answer from the other party's words.

This deepened the word "Chuan" between his eyebrows.

His eyes moved to the only woman present, and Malik spoke again:

"Ophelia, what did you get from Leon Colson?"

In fact, as early as after the Winter Soldier base was attacked, Hydra got valuable clues from the restored surveillance video.

Although I don't know who the man in black is, another person walking with me has exposed his identity.

That red dress and neat technique

The dead waiter, who is famous in the international mercenary list, soon became the target of key investigation.

However, when the hydra's secret forces wanted to break into Wade's residence and forcibly arrest it, they found that it was empty.

It turned out that Leon, who thought that Hydra might find Wade, had already transferred Wade and Vanessa, helped them change their residence, and erased all traces of residence.

Just like Frey did for the eagle eye family.

I didn't enter the files of the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. nor the residence of any records. Even the Hydra had to find it for some time.

There is no way. Hydra can only check the identity of people in black one by one through Wade's side.

Finally, Lyon undoubtedly became the most powerful suspect.

According to the hydra, Lyon, who has a close relationship with the death waiter, has the ability and motivation to fight the hydra, and is likely to be the mysterious man in black.

However, considering Lyon's personal strength and the cost of provoking the avenger alliance, Hydra dare not act rashly.

After discussion, it was finally decided to send a man's muse, Ophelia, code named "Viper", to test Lyon.

However, Lyon, who had known Ophelia's identity for a long time, would tell others about his own identity.

Finally, even Ophelia, who is full of charm, can only retreat.

Regarding Malik's question, Ophelia could only shrug her shoulders and replied:

"I talked to him. He shouldn't be the Dark Knight..."

"Are you sure?"

Hearing the speech, Ophelia, who originally wanted to say "to be investigated", somehow became:

"I'm sure."