"Can you make a noise when you walk?"

Wanda, who was cooking Potato Cream Soup in the kitchen, turned her eyes and said immediately.

Hearing this, Leon just shrugged and spread out his hands, "sorry, I should have knocked on the door first..."

"It's not about knocking. Don't you have a place to go? Why come here every day..."

Before Wanda finished, Leon's nose moved and seemed to smell the fragrance in the air. He couldn't help interrupting her with a voice:

"Well, it smells good! What are you cooking?"

During the conversation, Leon went into the kitchen, sat down on the high chair next to the stove and looked at Wanda with his cheek:

"Where's Pietro? Why didn't you see him?"

While concentrating on stirring the thick soup in the soup pot with a spoon, Wanda said casually:

"Where else can he be besides staying in his room and playing games..."

At this point, Wanda seemed to think of something. She suddenly stopped her hand and asked:

"Then again, you haven't answered my question."

"What do you mean?"

Looking at Leon pretending to be a fool, Wanda couldn't help but curl her mouth and said slightly disgusted:

"Even if your task is to monitor us, you don't need to come here every day?"

With that, Wanda raised her head slightly, reached out and fiddled with the ability inhibition collar at her neck, "or are you still afraid that we will run away even if there is this thing?"

After several months of contact, Lyon became familiar with Maximov twins and had a general understanding of their personalities.

Although Pietro looked like a fool, he didn't seem to care about anything. However, it can be seen from the details that he is very responsible.

Especially for Wanda, the twin sister, he always tries to make himself more trustworthy.

As for Wanda, she is actually a precocious and arrogant big girl.

Although her attitude is a little cold and her words are always thorny, Leon knows that this is just a self-defense to cover up her true feelings.

After all, growing up in a war-torn and poor environment like sokovia, it's understandable to be more vigilant

"What would you think if I said I wanted to see you?"

Wanda was a little stunned by Lyon's flirtation, and then sneered:

"Hehe... Do you think I will believe what you say? You liar!"

Lyon didn't care about the sarcasm between Wanda's words. He just spread out his hands and looked indifferent: "believe it or not..."

Inadvertently, Lyon evaded the important and took the problem to the past.

Of course, no matter how Wanda guesses, he won't guess. What's the reason why Lyon often comes to visit them

Since seeing altron at the dock, Lyon has been thinking about how to stop each other's plan to destroy mankind.

After kirian's incident, Lyon speculated that aochuang, like in the film, would probably find Maximov twins to deal with the reunion together.

After all, the saying that "the enemy of the enemy is a friend" is still very persuasive.

It is in view of this possibility that Lyon will appear frequently in front of Wanda these days

With the increasing fragrance in the pot, Lyon seemed to notice something interesting and suddenly said:

"By the way, Wanda, I've always been curious. You seem to like punk and Gothic, don't you?"

"What?" Wanda put on a question mark face.

Leon leaned forward slightly, pointed to Wanda's body and face, and then said:

"Every time I see you, you seem to draw deep black eye shadow and wear punk wind clothes..."

"This leather jacket looks good on you, but..."

Listening to Lyon pointing at her like a fashion expert, Wanda felt ridiculous and speechless.

Did I hear you right? This guy is questioning my dressing style?!

"I think if you don't change your eyeshadow and change into a floral dress, there may be another feeling."

Halfway through, the conversation stopped abruptly.

At this time, someone who knows later finally realizes that he seems to have said something he shouldn't say


Wanda suddenly picked up the spoon, pointed to Lyon and said fiercely:

"Don't think I have no ability, I can't help you! I swear, if you say one more word, I'll pour this pot of thick soup on your head!"


Lyon leaned back and waved his hand again and again: "Why are you so serious? I'm just saying it. You can also not accept my suggestion. After all, this is your freedom..."

"What did you say?!"

Just as Wanda's anger was about to burst and beat people, Pietro appeared in time to save Lyon.

"Oh, I seem to smell the smell of cream soup!"

Without superpowers and the environmental factors of war and poverty, the unsophisticated simplicity of the Maximov twins is gradually revealed.

Without free access, she developed her interest in cooking and her cooking level improved by leaps and bounds.

Every day I enjoy reading recipes, watching various cooking programs and studying new dishes on the Internet.

Peter Luo, like every boy, has a strong interest in the game.

Recently, the brother became addicted to the game "call of duty" and stayed in his room all day to be a loyal game house.

If his stomach had not been growling with hunger, he might not have left the room that made him happy

"Yo, Leon!"

After saying hello to Lyon, Pietro brightened his eyes when he saw the steaming soup pot on the stove.

A lunge, come to yourself

"Wow, it's really cream soup!"

Before he picked up the spoon and was ready to taste it, Wanda slapped him on the arm.

"Pa", what a crisp sound!

Even Lyon, who was sitting on the side, felt the same and shook his eyebrows.

Clutching his red arm, Pietro asked, "why did you hit me?"

"Not yet, the heat is not enough!"

Looking at Wanda with his hands on his hips and a ferocious look, Pietro had to give up.

"Am I a brother or is she a brother..."

Muttering, Pietro opened the refrigerator and asked casually:

"What would you like to drink?"

Hearing the speech, Lyon immediately crossed his fingers, put his elbows on the kitchen table, put on a cool look, and deliberately lowered his voice: "give me a martini, shake it well, don't stir it."

Wanda, who has seen 007 movies, certainly knows this classic line. She didn't miss the opportunity to ridicule someone and immediately said:

"Who do you think you are? James Bond?"

"I think I'm much more handsome than bond..."

This narcissistic answer, not surprisingly, got Wanda's white eyes.


Just when the atmosphere was happy, a sudden telephone ring suddenly rang!