"Five minutes, get ready, we'll start right away!"

After discussing the details of the action, the people immediately began to prepare.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare. The main thing is to put on a suit of clothes convenient for combat, check and sort out the required equipment.

As superheroes, each has his own uniform.

However, this does not include the Maximov twins who have just temporarily joined the ranks of Avengers.

Fortunately, Lyon has long thought of this.

Therefore, he asked the scientific research department of Nirvana group to tailor a set of special combat clothes for Wanda and Pietro.

The material of the combat suit is the same as that made by the scientific Duo for him. It is a polymer mixture plus ten layers of treated mixed materials.

In this way, it not only ensures the certain effect of bulletproof, but also retains the lightness and comfort of clothes.

At least there won't be another case of Pietro being accidentally injured by his own people in the film

As for the style of combat clothes, with reference to the basis of s.h.i.e.l.d. agents, and in some details, plus their personal characteristics, one red and one blue, it seems to be particularly consistent.

After all, since ancient times, red and blue come out of CP

Because the combat suit is a relatively tight style, Wanda's good figure covered up at ordinary times can be seen at a glance.

This also made Lyon's eyes stop unconsciously.

I didn't expect this girl to grow well

It seemed that she noticed Leon's eyes. Wanda's face was slightly red, but she didn't remind him. Instead, she seemed to straighten her waist inadvertently.

While standing on one side, Pietro, who was tidying up his clothes, suddenly felt a subtle citrus in his heart when he saw this scene.

Shit, that annoying feeling is coming again!


While waiting for everyone to prepare, Lyon suddenly received a phone call.

After looking at the caller ID, he couldn't help pausing. After taking a deep breath, he pressed the answer button.

The next second, an extremely flat voice came from the other side of the phone:

"Hey, Leonardo, long time no see!"

Of all the people Lyon knew, only one would call him that


"Man, you must be very confused. Why did I call you all of a sudden? Don't worry, I don't do base. I'm sincere to Vanessa. We've just been married, and I won't..."

Listening to Xiao Jianjian's endless words, Lyon resisted the impulse to hang up the phone and said in a deep voice:

"Get to the point!"

"The point is, I heard you've been in trouble lately?"

Hearing the speech, Lyon was a little stunned and immediately said:

"How did you know?"

"Who do you think I am? I'm a dead man! Is there anything I don't know in New York? I'm the God of mercenaries, I..."

He rolled his eyes, and Lyon immediately interrupted the continuous fire of a mouth gun:

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you! I'm going to go out and have a vigorous war with a large number of crazy killing robots..."

Hearing this, Wade's interest was suddenly provoked.

"Damn it, you guy who can only shoot supermodels all day. You don't call me for such fun and exciting things!"


Before Lyon reacted, Wade's next words really made him serious.

"I don't care. If you want to get in close contact with robots, I also want to participate. Of course, the cost of hiring me must be. 50... One million dollars! What do you think of this number? It's very reasonable. I know this number is..."

Without paying attention to Wade's ridicule, Leon faded his smile and became more serious. "Wade, are you serious? Are you kidding?"

Although I know Wade is a very casual guy who can't guess what he's thinking. But he doesn't joke about some important things.

In other words, Wade really wants to help

"In fact, to tell you the truth, Vanessa always wanted me to quit the mercenary industry after I got married. When I ate a cheeseburger, I accidentally agreed to her. Then, in order to continue to kill the bad guys legally, I had to take my resume and find myself a new job. Such as superheroes..."

"So you came to me?"

"No way, you are the only guy I know, who can afford me and suits my taste. I like you better than the little beard who appears on the cover of the magazine all day and the ice hockey captain who is full of justice and tutors high school students in class."

Even through the phone, Leon can make up for the little bitch's face at the moment.

In his mouth, as if he could like himself, what an honor

At this time, Lyon finally realized that xiaojianjian was serious.

The waiter wanted to help, and Lyon certainly welcomed him with both hands.

After all, many people have great power

After hanging up the phone and looking at the ready teammates, Lyon cleared his throat and shouted:

"Sorry, everyone, we may have to wait a while."


"I found us a helper..."


Twenty minutes later, a red figure jumped out of the elevator.

Stand at attention with both legs. Xiaojianjian salutes everyone like a soldier under review.

What follows is a mindless self introduction:

"Hello, everyone. I'm the death waiter loved by everyone. My runaway child has finally returned to the Disney family!"

Of course, people did not understand the stem in his words. All his attention was attracted by his name and strange clothes.

"Dead waiter?"

Tasting the name carefully, the black widow seemed to think of something, and then said, "wade Wilson?"

When he heard someone say his real name directly, the waiter immediately screamed as Macaulay kalkin, the kid in charge of the house, covered his face with his hands and said very grandly:

"My God! It's a great honor for this red haired sweetheart as beautiful as Scarlett to know my name!"

Looking at the waiter who spoke to Natasha, stark pulled Leon aside and asked in a low voice:

"How do you know this guy?"

Before Lyon could answer, the waiter who was discussing "is there any exciting arrow" with eagle eye answered first:

"Oh, we are old friends. We met a few weeks ago..."


Upon hearing this answer, stark suddenly looked puzzled.

"Hahaha, man, you should look at your face now..."

After the laughter, the waiter did not forget to imitate Stark's question mark face.

Before stark could get angry, Lyon came out in time to explain:

"This fancy red guy's favorite thing to do may be joking... So just ignore him."

"I have to say, he's really annoying..."

As soon as the corners of his mouth were drawn, Leon gave a fake smile and whispered:

"Hehe, you can't imagine his annoying degree..."