"I sent Romanov to download the files in this USB flash drive on Lemuria. You should know the relationship between Lemuria and insight..."

Without Frey's explanation, Lyon could hear the subtext behind these words.

The star of Lemuria is a warship of the Divine Shield Bureau dedicated to launching mobile satellites.

The satellite launched from the star of Lemuria is the key to operate the three insight motherships and accurately attack the selected targets.

Now, these launch documents are sealed by Frey himself.

From Frey's expression, it is obvious that the person authorized to seal the documents must not be himself, but someone else.

Well, the answer is coming

Throughout the s.h.i.e.l.d., only two people have the ability to rewrite the authority of the director, one is Frey himself, and the other is former director pierce!

In other words, Pierce is hiding something!

Who's pierce?

He is the supreme leader of Hydra lurking in the Divine Shield bureau!

According to his identity and the information he has, it is basically 100% certain that Hydra plans to use the insight plan to complete his evil plan.

As for the content of the plan, it is nothing more than using the satellite launched by Lemuria to control three air and space carriers and eliminate all targets threatening hydra

Until now, Frey understood why pierce made great efforts to mobilize a lot of manpower and resources to speed up the construction of the insight mothership.


"He deserves to be the king of intelligence agents."

After making fun of Frey, Lyon then asked, "I'm a little curious. How did you know there was something wrong with the ship?"

"It's easy. Sitwell is on that ship."

In Frey's eyes, the identity of pierce and bald brother is no secret.

He will send someone to stare at these people for 24 hours, trying to catch their feet.

This is not, with a small fish, catch a bigger fish!

Looking at the holographic projection on the wall, Frey said slightly disappointed: "it's a pity that we can't open the launch file. If we can master this evidence, maybe we can stop the insight plan before the hydra..."

As long as you open the launch file in the USB flash disk, you can know who authorized the launch satellite and the operation algorithm used by the satellite.

In this way, we can connect pierce with these activities and bring pierce down.

However, Lyon, who heard this sentence, did not think so.

"That's not necessarily..."

Leon got up from the sofa, bypassed the desk, moved his hands and fingers, and said:

"Let's see if there's anything we want in here!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lyon showed his ten fingers and quickly knocked it on the virtual keyboard on the desk.

The slender ten fingers, like a butterfly flying, quickly type a string of codes on the screen.

Before long, Lyon used his superb programming ability to crack the system of the Divine Shield Bureau and unlock all the sealed files in the U disk!

"Decryption succeeded!"

With the female voice of the machine ringing again, folders that can be accessed at will appear on the virtual screen.

"Open the launch file of Lemuria star!"

This time, with a different person, the situation is very different.

As soon as the voice fell, several files suddenly jumped out of the screen. A closer look showed that they were all the launch files of the star of Lemuria.

With his hands open, Leon raised his eyebrows at Frey and said with a smile, "whatever you want to see."

"However, compared with stopping the insight program, I think it may be more beneficial for us to continue the insight program."

Hearing this, Frey frowned and asked:

"What do you say?"

"Which do you think is better, the Hydra hidden in the dark or the Hydra exposed to the light?"

Hearing this, Frey immediately understood Lyon's meaning.

"From Pierce's attitude, we can know that Hydra attaches importance to the insight plan and his inner sense of urgency."

"Strack's disappearance must have made them feel the seriousness of the situation. They must want to use this insight plan to eliminate all of us who are in the way at one time."

"The more Hydra attaches importance to the insight plan, the less we can scare the snake in advance!"

As he spoke, Leon's face was no longer smiling, and his tone gradually became serious.

"If we stop this time, they may change their plans. This time we find out each other's plans, but what about the next time?"

The reason why hydra can hold the banner of the Divine Shield Bureau and continue to grow under the eyes of the Divine Shield bureau is mainly due to the asymmetry of intelligence and the advantages brought by hiding in the dark.

But once the other party climbs out of the dark snake hole, no matter how many heads your Hydra has, nine or 90, they will all be cut off!

"Instead of trying our best to guard against the enemy's next plot, we might as well make good use of this opportunity to lead the snake out of the hole and catch all these mice hidden in the dark!"

After listening to Lyon's point of view, Frey just looked at Lyon without saying a word, with an unusual brilliance in his eyes.

Frey's eyes made Leon feel a little flustered. He couldn't help but move his foot and step back. He joked:

"I know I'm handsome, but I don't do base. Besides, even if you do base, you're not my dish. I don't like..."

Before Lyon finished, Frey ignored his joke and praised:

"I really didn't read you wrong!"


Leon blinked with a "what are you talking about?" expression on his face.

Frey stepped forward, put his hand on Leon's shoulder and said seriously:

"Originally, I thought Colson was my best successor. But now it seems that you may be more suitable to sit in this office than your uncle..."

In the face of such a clear hint, freon make complaints about his hands, and he said, "

"Cut, when I sit in this office, the first thing I have to do is turn off the damn air conditioner!"

After that, Lyon did not forget to make complaints about his style of dressing.

"If the director of s.h.i.e.l.d. wants to wear a black windbreaker like you and pretend to be deep all day, I'd better forget it..."

Looking at this completely elusive guy in front of him, Frey raised his mouth slightly and sighed in his heart:

"Phil, you have a good nephew..."