Date: March 21, 2013

Location: Trident headquarters, Washington.

In the huge minister's office, Alexander Pierce, dressed in a gray suit, stood in front of the French window with his hands in his pockets, and his eyes quietly overlooking the scenery outside the window.

His sight remained on the sparkling Potomac River.

Below that position is the insight hangar

"To build a better world sometimes means pushing down the old. As for the pioneer who pressed the detonator, let me..."

In a low voice, pierce withdrew his eyes and suddenly asked:

"Jasper, have the directors left?"

This sound seems to wake up another person standing in the office.

The bald man standing not far behind pierce took the first half step and immediately said:

"Yes, we should arrive at the headquarters as scheduled."

"What about New York? Didn't he notice anything wrong?"

Although no name was given, as Pierce's confidant, bald brother knew very well who he meant.

Who else but Leon Coulson, who's number one on the Hydra threat list?!

"According to the report of our informant in the New York branch, he normally appeared in the New York branch and nirvana group according to his itinerary. Among the visitors to the manor, there was nothing special except Ophelia and stark who came from time to time."

"From his mode of action, he doesn't seem to care much about the start of the insight plan."

"Has our bait been released?"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly. Sitwell stretched out his hand, pushed his glasses and said with a smile:

"Yes. Ten minutes ago, my men just confirmed that Leon Colson is now in the conference room of the New York branch. We have a meeting with the branch agents to track down the mechanical puppets."

Altron was destroyed by the avenger alliance, but its remaining mechanical Legion production line was not completely destroyed.

It was the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. that ended up in the hands of Hydra.

At the critical moment when the insight program is about to start, in order to keep Lyon busy, they deliberately created a number of robot attacks all over the world.

I have to say, in order to divert Lyon's attention, Hydra really took great pains

From this, it can also be seen that the confrontation in the past few years, the underdog Hydra, is afraid of Lyon.

"Keep an eye on it. Today is a big day. I don't want to make any mistakes, okay?"

"I see."

Pierce casually took off the gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose and rubbed his sore temples due to excessive thinking. He didn't forget to say:

"Get the killer ready. Once you find anything wrong, do it immediately! Most importantly, stop him from leaving New York!"


Before leaving the window, pierce went to the tea table, put down his glasses and continued to ask:

"What about other potential threats?"

"Rogers and Romanov took the special team on a mission in Georgia. They won't be able to come back for a while. They are all our people, and their every move is under our control."

"It's best..."

Conveniently picked up two glasses of whisky already poured on the tea table, and pierce handed one of them to brother bald.

Some were flattered and took the glass. The bald brother pressed his inner joy, and his eyes were full of fanaticism.

"So now, just wait for those stupid directors to arrive, and the good play will begin..."

With that, pierce raised his glass slightly, looked at his confidant, smiled and said:



As soon as the voice fell, the two wine glasses gently collided and made a "bang"


The sun is clear and cloudless.

"It's a nice day today..."

"Yes, if there was the best weather for the mother ship to take off, it might be today."

Standing in the hall of the Trident headquarters, pierce and Frey, two big men of the s.h.i.e.l.d., accompanied by several heavily armed agents, chatted while waiting for the arrival of the members of the Council.

"By the way, Nick, wait for the launch order of the insight plan. Why don't you come? In the final analysis, you put forward the insight plan and it's more appropriate for you to give the order."

For this unexpected question, Frey took a deep look at Pierce's old boss and said without expression:

"You'd better come. I'm not interested in this kind of ceremony..."

Seemingly very embarrassed "well..."

They didn't have to wait too long. Five minutes later, the four members of the World Security Council, escorted by several agents, entered the hall.

Seeing this, pierce, as the host, immediately welcomed him.

"Did you enjoy your flight?"

"It's very good, but on the way from the airport to here, it's not very good," said the female director, who is the representative of the UK.

"Sorry, s.h.i.e.l.d. can't control everything..."

As soon as the voice fell, another male director immediately answered, "including the avenger alliance."

Hearing the speech, pierce subconsciously glanced at Frey and didn't speak.

As always, there was no change in Frey's black face.

At this time, an s.h.i.e.l.d. agent appeared in front of the crowd with a black box in his hand, which alleviated some embarrassment in the air.

Open the black box and there are four cuboids of micro ID cards inside.

"This device is controlled by biometrics and allows you to travel freely here."

Looking at the four directors pinned on the device, Pierce's smile became brighter and brighter.

"This way, please!"

Taking the elevator, the party went straight to the world security council conference room on the 45th floor.

In the originally empty conference room, there was a long table on which a bottle of champagne had been opened.

It can be seen that on the screen, it is the countdown screen for the launch of insight plan. There are only the last two hours before the three space observation carriers rise into the sky.

Pass a glass of champagne to Frey and the directors. Pierce stands in front of the virtual projection screen and starts his speech:

"I know there are a lot of bumps along the way. Some of you want to kick me out of the car..."

"Finally, we're here..."

In a low voice, pierce turned slowly, faced several people, raised his champagne in high spirits and said:

"The world should thank us!"

Then he sipped the champagne.

At this time, a powerful magnetic male voice suddenly came from the indoor broadcasting system:

"Attention of all agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.!"