As Thor and rocky joined the battle, the balance of victory began to tilt towards Lyon.

Thor, who lost the hammer of Thor, was very angry. Instead, he burst out with more powerful combat effectiveness than usual.

In Thor's view, the hammer was a relic left by his father.

What was crushed by Hella was not only his own weapon, but also Odin's expectation and care for him

As for rocky, who has always judged the situation, he started even harder.

Judging from Hella's attitude of asking the three to "kneel down" as soon as she came up, he knew that once Hella became the master of Asgard, his comfortable little days would no longer exist.

Rocky, who had given up the idea of becoming king, decided to stand on his brother's side after weighing for a few seconds.

In this way, under the joint efforts of the three people, Haila gradually retreated, and even left several scars cut by the darkest blade.

Although Haila has a strong character, she is not a fool.

In the fight with Lyon, she has realized that she is not the most powerful existence in the world.

If she continues to fight, she will only be defeated by Lyon and even locked up in the cage that will never see the sun again.

This result is not what Haila wants.

After thinking, Hella chose the wisest choice - retreat temporarily!

Lyon, who didn't expect Haila to escape, saw the other party wave and open a portal out of thin air before he could use the power of real gemstones.

Watching Hella run through the portal, Lyon, Thor and rocky can only look at each other and say nothing.


Odin's fall and Hella's rescue are warning Lyon that there is not much time left for the earth!

There is only one of the two guardians of the earth.

The only person who can make mieba afraid is the supreme mage Gu Yi.

When the supreme mage Gu Yi is still alive and has a little deterrent to mieba, he must grab in front of mieba and collect infinite gemstones!

To this end, Lyon, after informing hill and Colson and paying close attention to Hella's whereabouts, returned to Asgard together with Thor and rocky.

When Odin died, Thor, the eldest son of Odin, naturally became the new guardian of the nine worlds and the king of Asgard.

The whole Asgard, in the sadness of losing the former king, ushered in a new king

After attending Thor's accession ceremony, Lyon found Thor who had just ascended the throne and put forward a somewhat excessive request:

"What? You want to borrow the cosmic cube?!"

Facing Thor's surprise, Lyon was not surprised, but explained:

"Yes, I need to go to a place as soon as possible. And the space gem in the cosmic cube is the best way to save a long distance."

Seeing Lyon's serious expression, Thor couldn't help but look sad and asked:

"What happened? Why are you in such a hurry?"

When asked by Thor, Lyon did not hide it, and directly spoiled the news that "there is a big villain on all planets who has killed more than half of his life and plans to collect infinite gemstones, so as to kill half of all life in the whole universe".

Thor was shocked when he heard the news.

However, after so many things, Thor's trust in Lyon has reached a certain height.

It can be seen from the "perseverance" shown by the favor above his head

After only hesitating for a while, Thor, with a firm face, reached out and patted Lyon on the shoulder and said in a deep voice:

"In that case, I'll go down to the treasure house and give you the cube."

A moment later, he handed Lyon the cosmic magic cube with dazzling blue light. Thor seemed to think of something, and then asked:

"By the way, you haven't told me where you're going?"

Hearing the speech, Lyon flashed a light in his eyes, pursed his lips and spit out a name:

"Magic rag star!"


Abandoned planet, Morag.


With the sudden emergence of blue light, a portal appears on the dangerous landscape of Morag.

The next second, Leon, holding the cosmic cube, came out from the other side of the portal.

The purpose of his trip is very clear. It is one of the infinite gemstones stored on this planet - the gem of power!

He already has three of the six infinite gemstones in his hand.

Time gem, in the hands of the supreme mage Gu, is safe for the time being; Soul jewels can only be obtained by sacrifice.

Among the six infinite gemstones, only the power gem is left, and there is no owner for the time being.

The power gem is the easiest way to get all the infinite gemstones.

It is because of this that he will go to melag for the first time and want to get the power gem stored there before a fool.

However, what Lyon didn't expect is that even if he made use of the transmission ability of space gemstones to make him arrive at melag from Asgard in an instant, he was still half a step late

Standing in the weathered ruins palace and looking at the empty cylindrical containers, Lyon looked around and had plans.

After a moment of meditation, Lyon opened the portal again and went to the next place


Shandar, the capital of the new star empire.

Shandar, who has just signed a treaty with the Kerry Empire, is as peaceful as ever

However, it is located outside the headquarters of the New Star Corps, but it has entered the military alert mode.

Several fighter planes, suspended in mid air and shaped like starfish, aimed their weapons at a brown haired man at the gate.

The target figure surrounded is Leon!

As for why the scene became so tense, we can see a few new star soldiers lying on the ground.

"On behalf of the Nova corps, I arrest you! You are guilty of threatening life and attacking government troops..."

Without paying attention to the content of the fighter broadcast, Lyon just raised his hands and Lang said:

"OK, OK, I admit I'm a little... Too much. However, on behalf of the earth, I propose to have a meeting with your new star leader."

"Of course, you can tie me up first, whatever you want."

After that, Lyon stretched out his hands and showed his harmless side as much as possible.

After putting on the handcuffs very cooperatively, Lyon was touched by the soldiers all over his body.

Of course, the Nova Corps did not find any weapons or dangerous goods

Escorted by a large group of soldiers, Lyon finally met the leader of the new star Empire and the head of the new star.

As a rare female leader, the face of the new star is full of the determination of women not to let men.

She stared at Leon, an uninvited guest, and asked in a deep voice:

"Earth Star man, we don't have any information about you in our archives. So tell me, what's the purpose of your coming to shandar?"

Hearing the speech, Lyon's mouth rose slightly, as if he had been waiting for a long time, and immediately replied:

"I'm glad you asked. In fact, I'm looking for someone..."

"A criminal code named" star Lord "