Xu Zheng also walked very fast. While fighting the destruction of the world, the two emperors destroyed the virtual Yuan Temple and opened the "door" of the sky.

A "door" several dry feet high hung in the gap, and the "door" in the sky on the other side was deep in the fog.

Fang Xiaohan, Jin Tong and Yin students returned to the virtual yuan hall and used the virtual yuan hall first. They didn't enter the sky of the gate. I wanted to clamp the emperor's sword and jump into the sky of the gate at the same time. I could hear the endless majestic sound in the distance.

"I'm a friend. Be friendly.

Although this sounds familiar and makes my soul tremble, my people are not half dead. So many of them are not bluff. Now they have entered the door of the sky for the first time without hesitation and mixed chaos. 'seeing the wild animals of aliens killed by the other two emperors again, I do not hesitate to rob the nine' mixed 'chaos in the world!

Xu Zheng destroyed the virtual temple and opened the "door" of the sky. Although he could not go too far, it was enough to leave the two emperors behind, but surprisingly, the voice suddenly came from nowhere.

This man is undoubtedly the master of the three emperors, but how can these words reveal the meaning I have long known?

In my practice life, there are many different people who can help. The teacher Sultan, Fang Xiaohan, the half blood ghost and Chen Xueer have all played an important role in my practice in my life. However, no one has ever heard me mention that the existence space of such a quasi golden fairyland may be completely unbalanced. If they are a little stronger and face the sky, I'm afraid they can directly Let the whole "mixed" chaotic fire destroy.

The chaotic devil of "mixed" is eager to go out, grab the real soul fire, and wait for the bull troll to be cut off. When the status of the black and devil family has not settled down, the black and devil family suddenly rushed to kill them.

Although he is xingxu's real newborn devil, his spirit and intelligence are close to the "mixed" chaos from the previous life to the end, which really can't give everyone any good suggestions. At this time, when he heard Fang Xiaohan say so, he was a little suspicious. He asked, "is there any difference between the chaotic flow of time and space in the core area of xingxu and the channel of time and space?

"Of course!" when Fang Xiaohan spoke, his eyes were still staring at the battlefield outside. "The space-time channel is fixed, and a new space-time ban will be formed inside. As long as the space-time ban is broken, it will lead to a certain or dozens of places; while the space-time 'chaotic flow is formed by the extreme order of space-time energy after the spatial balance is completely broken. Who can resist the suspension of the space-time law?

After Fang Xiaohan finished, my eyes twinkled with a good light: "look at the situation, the devil and the black don't seem to be aware of the danger of chaos in time and space. We may not be inorganic things to use“

Isn't it too risky? "Fang Xiaohan saw the burning of tianbaolian. I sacrificed. I know where he said the opportunity is, but I'm still a little worried

Rob the fuck! "The mood of half blood ghosts is so great that they can't resist them in the" cave "house.

I firmly said: "black people have meant that no matter how dangerous it is, we should try it!

Now I have made a decision. Daoxu no longer deliberately conceals his breath. Lang smiled and said, "after life is terrible, the old man will first duel with you.

The troll of the bull's body was sandwiched in the middle by the huge black hand and could not move in the middle. The fierce roar and the burning flame could no longer gather together, forming countless energy "chaos" and splashing everywhere. The black mouth 'lips' were impetuous, and countless heaven and earth symbols contained the road of destruction of power, and the well continued to condense into a huge palm.

I got it! "At this time, the power of the giant palm almost crushed the troll in his hand.

At this time, the gap in the battlefield continues to collapse, gather and then collapse, the more dazzling light mass increases rapidly, the "chaotic" flow in time and space is very complex, and the errors of "intersection" of Tianli stars in the core of airspace continue to appear.

Daoxu concentrated a magic power. When he saw his green clothes, he wore a crown like jade, as if the Dharma body had fallen on the core side of the kingdom of heaven. No one could see that it was just a virtual shadow, and he was condensed with the core strength of the kingdom of heaven.

If the devil's remaining sins disturb my husband's peace and death!

His voice just fell, and a huge golden head condensed on the void and crashed into the outer world at the core of the heavenly star.

The powerful Celestial Star shook violently.

When people see their hearts, do you want to be crazy for the old man? Are you an old boy not afraid of flying and destruction when you push and destroy the core of the star? However, in the second thought, there are eight demon kings and twelve dark gods in the magic family defending the twelve day magic array. These are all condensed by the sky. This sprint can not directly shake the essence of the core of the star.

But enough to scare the demons and let them "touch" their heads.

In this way, on the contrary, in order to protect the devil's main team from being defeated, blacks must strengthen their defense against the core of Tianxing. For Daoxu, the more they don't know their depth, the safer they will be.

Daoxu's primitive spiritual knowledge is combined with the core of the celestial body. He can no longer practice, but he can use the core power of the celestial stars.

Even if the core of Tianquan star has not been refined, it can not change the expected size. There are still many imperfections, but as the core of the world, it is also the highest level of heaven and earth instrument. This power is by no means an ordinary and extraordinary instrument.

At this time, the gray clouds gathered in the heart of the star were a little fragile. Bi Jing, without the participation of black leaders, the other six lost

Ning Dongchen hopes to become a strong man like Jin Shihai after being repaired into a yuan fetus.

Listening to Jin Shihai's tone, this time he had to wait for Ning Dongchen to heal his wounds, and then enter Fulong mountain to kill the green eyed devil. However, Jin Shihai just regarded me as a child in the early stage of tanning, just nodded and gave me a gift.

The two purple robes said impatiently, "since Denning has enough people around the devil, we won't delay and add snakes here.

Thank you for your help! "Seeing two purple robes passing through Fulong mountain, they had no choice but to go straight back without fighting the green eyed devil. Ning Hao dared not express his dissatisfaction and sent them away respectfully.

The battle of red armour put the big knife in front of him, hummed coldly, half narrowed his pupils and looked at the mist in the distance.

After the two purple robes left, it took Ning Hao and Ning Jingtian's subordinates a long time to separate several team ships from the wind.

Ning Dongchen's father, Ning Hongde, was also on these ships.

Ning Hao, Ning Jingtian, Ning Hongde and others led the Department between Huangniling and Tianma peak. They cast the net of heaven and earth to live the head of the green eyed devil. When the aid team came, they closed the net and surrounded the big ghost.