Not to mention, even though Andy has been very calm, he is excited by these young guys at the moment, and his heart is boiling with blood.

Now that I've met them, I can't just go away. It's good to fight side by side with these young people.

But even so, Andy is not ready to call his little partner out, because he doesn't know what the secret is in this secret place.

But looking at those strange Warcraft, we can see that it has a great impact on Warcraft for unknown reasons.

The little friends are also Warcraft. Andy can't let them out in danger, even if the probability is very low!

"Go to hell!"

In Andy's outbreak, all the Warcraft that had not yet got close to Andy were directly divided under Andy's black sword.

In Andy's eyes, there was a chilling light, and the third-order breath was surging. All the magic covers surrounded the body surface. With a wave of the black sword and a sword breath, he went straight to the Warcraft in front.

With Andy's current strength, in the face of this group of Warcraft who are only frightened and have no third-order strength, it's just pushing all the way.

Poop poop!

Andy's sword wielding slash is extremely powerful. Under one sword, he instantly killed more than ten Warcraft in front and emptied a way directly.

"Rush out this way!"

Andy yelled at the crowd, then waved his black sword and directly killed a road formed by the corpse of Warcraft.

When the people on the side saw Andy's performance, they immediately looked very happy. They fought one after another and withdrew to Andy.

The tide of animals kept surging. Every minute, Warcraft came. People from all sides gathered behind Andy.

Under Andy's leadership, take Andy as the tip of the sword, like a sharp sword, long and narrow, straight into the animal tide.


Countless sword Qi was wielded by Andy, taking several Warcraft lives each time.

Maybe they noticed Andy's terror. Most Warcraft saw the murderous spirit and immediately instinctively went in other directions. They didn't dare to approach at all.

Only a few Warcraft animals rushed over and were directly killed by Andy without hesitation.

In the end, no Warcraft could survive within ten meters of Andy,

Unfortunately, only Andy can do this here. Other people's strength is really good. If they fight alone, they are not afraid of these Warcraft.

But this is the wave of Warcraft!

There are so many Warcraft that they can't kill them. Often before you can kill the Warcraft in front of you, other Warcraft rushed over immediately.

Even if Andy is added, he is also in the arm!

They were so many that the front was too long. Andy finally cleared a path in front.

But the rear is awesome enough, and it will soon be blocked by the Warcraft. The cut that Andy just killed is always blocked by more Warcraft after a moment.

The hot blood will also be watered out. If people can summon up courage and fight hard at the beginning, the number of people around them will decrease one by one with the failure of fighting again and again. In the face of such a situation, people can't help but shrink back more and more.

"Fierce flame!"

Zhang bilun let out a roar, and the magic wand in his hand sent out a dazzling red light, like a flame burning. At the same time, fireballs emitting a smell of destruction sent out, and instantly fell into the Warcraft group.

If Andy's lethality to the Warcraft group is the first, then Zhang bilun is the second stable!

Boom, boom!

As soon as the violent fireball fell into the Warcraft group, it appeared with an explosive sound.

The violent fireball is like a bomb. It will explode as soon as it is touched, followed by boundless flames. All Warcraft affected by the explosion will be burned into ashes in a moment.

But that's all he has!

Poop, poop, poop!

The guys behind suck no force, which also led to Andy's sword tip, but also from time to time he came back to rescue one.

Andy's sword will kill, and sometimes there are even several.

It's this meaningless rush that annoys Andy.

"Ha ha, brother, you have such means when you are young. It's really extraordinary."

At this moment, a rough and crazy laugh sounded not far from Andy. Andy looked up and saw a middle-aged man at least thirty or forty years old, holding a machete in his forehand and chopping again and again.

"I'm flattered, but I didn't say that only the younger generation came in?" Andy, who already felt hopeless to save these people, also talked with the middle-aged man.

"Well, this!" The middle-aged man seemed to have something to hide, and his face was slightly red.


Perhaps the mood was agitated. The middle-aged man even made a mistake and was almost attacked by a Warcraft nearby. Fortunately, Andy, who was paying attention to this side, found it and rescued it in time.

"The so-called young people refer to those students. They are not strong enough and need experience. I am also a student, but I have been in the college for a long time!"

Andy: "......"

As soon as the middle-aged man's face relaxed, he immediately dared not be careless. He swam not far from Andy and tried his best to guard.

He knew that the young man was terrible, and even most Warcraft instinctively avoided him. He even said that only by staying with Andy can he be good all the time.

"Eh? Someone else came to help? Are you stupid? "

Andy was a little tired of rescuing. When he was ready to leave, he found that a team was rushing laterally here in the distance. Obviously, it came to rescue.

Seeing this scene, Andy is not ready to go immediately. He has a hunch that Zhao Hongying's silly girl is likely to be there.

If the other party is really there, there must be students from the first soldier college. He promised that Mr. Chen would try his best to keep the people in their college.

"Go that way!"

So Andy quickly shouted, immediately turned the direction and rushed with the people in the direction of the rescue team.

Andy waved the black sword and turned into the tip of the sword again. The wave of Warcraft was in front of him, just like paper paste.

Maybe Andy's previous performance was too conspicuous, and he also saved a lot of people and shared a lot of pressure for everyone.

Now when they hear Andy's words, most people immediately turn around and rush away with Andy.

In particular, seeing the blood that was also fighting with Warcraft not far away, everyone's blood, which was still watered out, is boiling again now.

Boom, boom!


The morale of the people increased greatly, and their combat power immediately improved a lot. The least performance is that they barely kept up with Andy's killing of Warcraft.