Other students may have no clear feelings about logistics, freight and express delivery.

But Zhao Dezhu used it skillfully.

It can be said that this area is an area developed by relying on the expressway. Lao long also took a piece of land as a school in this new development zone.

The catering, automobile repair, middle and low-grade hotels and the same level of leisure and entertainment industry around the logistics industry are much more lively than those around the campus.

It's only one stop from the bus.

Zhao Dezhu called four small freight cars and dragged the things back to the yard. To be exact, it was his own yard.

The five young men in the dormitory went to battle and worked hard together.

Huang Panpan and her colleagues were so excited that they ran around to help. Zhou Mengxia even inquired about the company's procedures. Zhao Dezhu was very satisfied and asked her to prepare for the procedures.

Feng Xiaoting helped Zhao Dezhu make a box of business cards!

Casually took the title of general manager of Dexi liquor sales company

Zhao Dezhu's meaning in Southwest College.

In fact, this company is a very common small courtyard of Jiangzhou farmers.

There are three rooms side by side, with pigsty and thatched cottage on the side. Except for tap water, everything else is broken.

Zhao Dezhu asked the old man how to apply for power restoration.

The old man who is addicted to cleaning the car can't extricate himself. Let him pull a plug-in board. Anyway, it's only a few tens of meters away.

Zhao Dezhu is right to think about it. There is no electricity for filling wine at all.

Four five hundred kilogram barrels are very antique and beautiful, but they are really heavy.

When he rolled down from the wooden track, even he followed him to push the steady force.

The rest is to put the plug with a tap into the mouth of the barrel, fill it bottle by bottle, and don't even want the funnel.

Twelve empty bottles in a box are stacked in less than half of the room, and there are more wine labels.

In the future, if wine bottles are recycled repeatedly, the cost can be reduced.

All Sunday, a group of young men and girls began to work in the workshop amid the strong fragrance of foreign wine.

Yang Qian also paid special attention to letting the boys bathe and change clothes, put on some white coats and overalls she found from the drug inspection and testing specialty, put on masks, gloves and even headgear, and began filling solemnly.

Feng Xiaoting took photos and kept them, which shows that this is a hygienic sub packaging process.

Even Zhou Mengxia borrowed several beakers and test tubes, put on a mask and a white coat, and looked like she was doing tests in front of her laptop.

Zhao Dezhu looked, and the liquor hanging on the wall was pretty good.

Huang Panpan is haggling over the bottle capacity, emphasizing that each bottle of wine is less lost, and at least more bottles are filled in a barrel.

Anyway, it's like a group of young people working hard.

Zhao Dezhu was also very satisfied and felt that this was a good sign of self-reliance.

Quietly ask Zhou Mengxia to calculate the cost. It's about 40 yuan per bottle. Then let's sell 80 yuan, which is much cheaper than 170 yuan in the mall.

In fact, the wholesale price of wine merchants is also 120 and 130.

As if rolling gold was in front of us.

Five boys packed forty or fifty bottles in a morning!

But it was really a little dizzy by the strong smell of wine.

The girls' faces are all pink. Don't mention how beautiful they are.

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly asked everyone to have a rest and have a bean meal to sober up at noon.

But after dinner, Liu Jiangtao, who felt recovered, rushed back to the workshop with full energy.

The four girls talked about the next sales job.

Yang Qian, who is tall in appearance, and Feng Xiaoting, who has the best Mandarin, first followed Zhao Dezhu to bars and nightclubs.

Huang Panpan and Zhou Mengxia are waiting for transfer in the workshop. Maybe they will arrange delivery soon.

Originally, the four girls wanted to follow Zhao Dezhu to work.

But I can't take a taxi.

Not to mention the Z4.

So Zhao Dezhu also said proudly that he would buy a car when he made money... He still couldn't stand the van with gear and buy a second-hand car from the public.

We should learn the driver's license as soon as possible.

That's right, guys. The girls are hot all over.

The passion for entrepreneurship is rampant. I have begun to fantasize about what to do after dominating the wine industry in Jiangzhou. If I carry out work in surrounding provinces and cities, I don't have to consider stationed abroad. What to do when I go to school?

As like as two peas, Yang Qian and Feng Xiaoting immediately went back to the bedroom to change their clothes and make up. Huang pan pan and Zhou Mengxia assisted Liu Jiangtao in packing boxes and checking whether they could be exactly the same as those imported in pure imports.

At about four o'clock, the taxi arrived at the school gate. Huang Panpan waved goodbye carefully.

The two girls sat in the back row, looked at the two boxes of exquisite foreign wine between them, and quickly began to get familiar with the introduction of foreign wine in their hands, a full set of customs procedures, quarantine certificates and so on.

Feng Xiaoting has taken out the skills of reciting the broadcasting platform.

Zhao Dezhu sat in front without saying a word.

He was a little nervous.

Based on his experience of countless failed investments in his last life, I don't think it will be so smooth this time.

But he thought about every link seriously. Bars and nightclubs need this kind of wine. He also asked about the wholesale price of wine merchants to the mainland. The clear and real price sold in shopping malls is clearer.

The cost is so low now.

That is, the standard import landing directly to consumers, eliminating the intermediate links.

The parallel import business model emphasized by later generations.

Theoretically, it is also completely reasonable and legal.

But he just thought there might be something missing.

Maybe it's a conditioned reflex. There are too many failures.

So he just mechanically held the mobile phone in his hand, ejected, retracted, ejected, retracted.

Let the taxi brother take a peek at the young boss and admire him very much.

Not only is the mobile phone expensive, but there are two beautiful women in the back.

Feng Xiaoting wanted to go home last week and bought a gray suit and skirt.

With white bottomed shirt, beige high heels, and light makeup, she can be photographed as an anchor. She looks very dignified as a secretary.

Yang Qian didn't lose either. She put on her cheongsam for etiquette in the summer vacation, combed a very complex wave roll model of the Republic of China, and repeatedly practiced how to bring foreign wine out of the style of the press conference.

Feng Xiaoting also secretly took a camera to shoot her practice.

It seems that Zhao Dezhu's initial team is really a bit like a model.

Several boys are down-to-earth and willing to work, while girls have their own strengths and get on the table.

When she arrived at her destination, Yang Qian held both boxes of wine. Zhao Dezhu took one box. She made a move and went to tidy up Zhao Dezhu's collar.

Feng Xiaoting took another picture with the folder in her arms and said she was nervous.

Yang Qian is more stable: "in fact, when doing etiquette work, I don't talk less with people. The most important thing is to be with Lao Zhao. I'm down-to-earth. Let's go."

Three people chose the biggest bar they had ever seen. Around five o'clock is also the time when people just began to prepare for tonight's business.

Zhao Dezhu has thought about it: "don't worry, try to get one first, take your time."

Both girls nodded seriously.

In fact, the three rookies are encouraging each other.

Zhao Dezhu had never done it himself before.

Tidy up his T-shirt, go through the dark back door of the bar and find the office from the corridor full of wine bottles. On the way, he also pointed to Feng Xiaoting's wine bottles.

One of them is their brand.

Take a deep breath and knock on the slightly damaged office door: "boss, we make sulanger whisky and foreign wine. Do you have a chance to supply your company?"

At this time, he deliberately brought a little Cantonese accent.

Several men and women who were planning lunch boxes at their desks looked up in ignorance, and then subconsciously focused on the face of a big man with a gold chain and a flat head.

Zhao Dezhu immediately turned his smiling eyes.

They chewed the food rudely: "hmm? Did you come from East Guangdong to do this? Who did you talk to..."

The two girls who crowded in behind Zhao Dezhu trembled a little.

Such an obvious community atmosphere.

Zhao Dezhu was not flustered: "we can discuss with anyone. We are imported with original packaging and directly supplied by the manufacturer. We are absolutely original brand vintage wine, but the price is much lower than the market..."

At this moment, he wanted to ask Zhou Mengxia how much lower we were.

Fortunately, the two girls could hold the scene, and Yang Qian took a step forward with a bottle in her hand.

Feng Xiaoting unfolded the letter of authorization with fire paint seal from the other side.

Obviously, Zhao Dezhu really looks like a Kaizi who does millions of business.

Take such a beautiful secretary and etiquette model with you!

But the gold chain, heavily wiped his mouth, stretched out his hand to take the foreign wine taken out by Yang Qian and looked at it carefully: "original import?"

Zhao Dezhu took the product certificate and customs documents: "I entered the customs from Hong Kong last month..."

Jinlianzi looked around at his companions in surprise, because they all raised their heads from the lunch box: "we Jiangzhou night show... All use fake wine, don't you know?"
