chapter 11


Yurina smiled as Mrs. Lauren blinked at her. Yurina glanced at her for a bit and then beckoned for the maid who was behind her.

“Bring it.”

Soon, the maid came in with some of Yurina’s dresses. They were dresses made by Mrs. Lauren. Mrs. Lauren gulped at the sight of the dresses the maid had brought in with her without being able to comprehend what was happening.

“Those are…….”

Yurina inhaled deeply through her nose. She needed to prepare her heart for this.

‘I didn’t want to go this far.’

Although Yurina said he was a member of the Carthia family, she didn’t want to ignore the people under them because of power. But first, for disregarding Raynard, Yurina wanted to do the same thing Mrs. Lauren did. Yurina wanted her to suffer as much as he did.

Yurina clearly spoke to the maid while her eyes were fixed on Mrs. Lauren.

“Tear it.”

Every time the maid cut the clothes without hesitation, the sound of clothing ripping filled the air. Snip. The thread of decorative beads was cut and the beads rolled all over the floor. Mrs. Lauren let out a small distressing cry. Yurina couldn’t care less about her and beckoned the maid beside her once more.

“Tear it.”

Again, the maid tore up another dress without delay. Yurina ordered the maid to tear one dress after another. Mrs. Lauren’s face turned white as sleet and trembled as she watched the maid rip the very last dress to shreds and looked at Yurina.

“Did you say that the advice you gave to Raynard was for the sake of House of Carthia? I really do appreciate that, but if it really was for the Carthias, then you should’ve instead heeded the advice to not mention Ray’s eyes.”

Yurina, as she looked at Mrs. Lauren who was still in a state of shock, smiled like a child.

“You didn’t mean to run your mouth so thoughtlessly, did you?”

From now on, she will never make clothing for another aristocrat again.

Yurina watched Dave as he seriously healed Raynard’s wounds. Every time he placed his fingers on Ray’s face, a small glow would appear and the swollen wound would vanish. Looking at his face now, it’s good to see that he has regained his original appearance, a white and clear complexion. She looked on in surprise and admiration.

‘Magic is amazing.’

In Korea, medicine was advancely developed, but it took a considerable amount of time for the wound to heal and clear without scarring. Even if just an unlucky scratch, she still had to rub on ointment and place a bandaid to help avoid scarring. Now, she has learned to appreciate the greatness of magic.

“What, why do you keep staring?” (Ray)

“Just curious.”

“If you keep staring like that, your face will wear off.”

Still, Yurina continued staring at his face and was startled that Raynard peered away from her gaze first.

“By the way, Young Lady.” (Dave)

“Hm?” Yurina turned around to look at Dave and tilted her head.

“I heard that your face was wounded, where is the wound? The maids had been worried and made a big fuss about it.”

“Oh, that.”

Yurina lightly scratched the area where the wound should have been. She even checked in front of the mirror and not even the tiniest scar was left.

“It should be here but then Raynard rubbed it with his finger and it disappeared. Was it magic?”

Dave nodded as Yurina pointed to where it was.

“Yup. It’s magic. If a wound was treated without leaving any trace, then it must be magic.”

“Are you sure? That sounds like a sham.” She had no special reason and would have just said ‘The wound is gone! It’s magic!’ but Dave, who was a mage, should not say it like that as well.

Dave had burst out laughing while Yurina eyed him suspiciously. In his eyes, Yurina looked cute no matter what she did.

“Of course, it’s not like it’s baseless. I know it’s magic for sure since there were magic trails left on your cheek.”

“Magic trails?”

“Magic is called forth by using the natural mana around you. When you use a spell, it will warp and deform, and then it will remain there for a period of time. There are few altered mana parts on the lady’s cheek.”

“Huh?” Yurina rubbed her cheeks.

“But how can Ray use magic when he was never taught it?”

“Sometimes, gifted children like Raynard, may use magic unconsciously. Of course, high-level magic is impossible. It’s not something simple like healing your wounds. It’s not surprising that he unconsciously used healing magic because he’s good at harvesting mana around his body without knowing.”

Dave wiped the corner of Raynard’s eyes who had been laying on the couch from exhaustion. She didn’t like seeing his wounded face, but now, it seems that his wounds had disappeared and were nowhere to be found.

“Truly… the more I see him, the more talented he seems to get, Milady.”

“No.” (Yurina)

“I know.”

That’s what he says, but he couldn’t take off his eyes off of Raynard.

Raynard already had fallen asleep due to exhaustion. A soft sound like a sleeping baby breathing resonated in the quiet room. Yurina leaned over the sofa and brushed off the hair on Raynard’s forehead that had fallen over his eyes.

His unmanageable stiff rough hair curled and tickled her fingers.

“Don’t…..mhmh,” Raynard muttered in his sleep as he drooled and turned his back towards Yurina. After staring at his back for a while, she draped the blanket over him and rose from where she sat.

“But Dave… why was Ray, who was able to treat my wounds, not able to treat his? You said he had enough power to do so.”

“Oh, there’s a reason.”

Dave smiled as he looked at both Yurina and Raynard.

“Maybe… Raynard didn’t want you to feel hurt more than he did.” (Dave)

The wounds around Ray’s eyes were easily treated with Dave’s magic. Nonetheless, the heart that had been wounded didn’t seem like it would heal easily.

Raynard started to feel feverish during the evening. It wasn’t particularly bad for him, but it was clear that he was having a hard time. The doctor explained that this was a good thing though. Originally, Ray had barely been able to manage his negative thoughts and feelings but this incident caused it to explode out all at once.

She wondered if he had been tense all this time and now finally felt relieved.

‘Looks like this is a fortunate thing.’

Even if the man finally left his boat, there is no doubt that he would not have felt safe on an island full of strangers.

As soon as Yurina confirmed that the situation was no longer deemed serious, she sighed in relief. Despite the maids dissuasion, she firmly stayed by Raynard’s side. She felt guilty about what Mrs. Lauren did to him and thought of nursing him herself, but honestly, there was not much that she could’ve done.

The maids stressed that she cannot ruin her fine hands and so the maids were the ones who changed the used towels.

He also said he could eat by himself so he did. But his hands kept on shaking and some of the soup kept spilling over.

‘In the first place, I never meant for this to happen.’

In the end, all Yurina could do was sit still on the bed beside him.

“Stop looking at me. You’re going to burn a hole on my face.” Raynard, who had been sleeping well all night long, muttered in a hoarse voice.

“If I get a hole in my face, will you be responsible for it?” (Ray)

“Fine. I don’t want to be responsible, so I’ll stop staring.” (Yurina)

At the teasing answer, he pursed his lips then pulled the blanket over his head. He turned around and asked her, “Why are you still here? What are you going to do while I’m sleeping, huh?”

Yurina poked his forehead over the blanket, “Since I keep coming and going, I guess it’s a nuisance for you, isn’t it? Implying such an indecent thing, there’s nothing a tiny little boy like you can’t say, huh. I’m sorry, but I don’t have even the tiniest interest for a little boy like you.”

“I’ve lived 2 years longer than you. Plus, I’m bigger than you.”

“Honestly, you’re not big.”

She has lived 10 years longer than him. Yurina muttered to herself as he shook his head.

“I guess you don’t feel sick anymore since you can talk back now.”

Instead of an answer, she heard a callous cough from the blanket. The sound was so strange that she couldn’t tell whether it was real or fake.

“Do you want water?”

She could see his head lifting from under the covers. Yurina was about call for a maid, but changed her mind and instead poured the cup of water herself, directly from the pitcher on the table. Once the cup was placed on the small table next to the bed and raised the blanket of Raynard’s up, a dreadful cough came out.

“Here, drink it.”

Raynard grabbed the cup with both of his hands and drank the water till the last drop. His hands were shaking and caused the water to spill and drip down his chin and neck. He handed the emptied cup to Yurina.

He then started to shiver, “Ugh, It’s so cold.”

His clothes were already soaked with his sweat and adding the water that spilled earlier, it only made him colder.

Yurina wrapped a blanket around him whose arms were tightly wrapped around himself. Since it was summer, she did not clean the fireplace so the firewood couldn’t be used.

“It’s because of your sweat that you’re getting cold. I’m glad your fever is going down. If you do this, it will keep you warm… or would you like to change your clothes instead?”

“How could I change my clothes if you’re here?”

“I can stay outside.”

Still shivering from the cold, he obstinately shook his head. Yurina didn’t like that and couldn’t take it anymore. Instead, she enveloped his body with her arms. She could feel the trembling coming from Raynard’s body very well.

“Is it that cold? I feel a bit hot.”


“I’m going to ask them to clean the fireplace. After that we will burn some firewood, it’ll be better.”

“I’m fine now.” He buried his face on Yurina’s shoulder, then mumbled to himself.

He then hid under the covers like a mole burrowing underground. At the same time, she could barely see his face and his disheveled hair protruded from under the blanket.

‘Is your face cold too?’

Yurina lifted the blanket carefully to keep the wind from entering. That gesture made Raynard squirm and a little voice slipped out of the hole.

“Hey.” (Raynard)


“Can you smell me right now?”

“Why are you asking that all of a sudden?”

“……Can you smell me?”


Maybe he was bothered over it.

Yurina inhaled deeply through her nose. Compared to the first time she brought him here, he smelled pretty good, but he was sweating so much that there was a damp smell.

“Mhm.” (Yurina)


Raynard looked like he was digging into a tunnel as buried his head deeper under the blanket. Yurina laughed as she inhaled deeply through her nose once again. At the sound of the little laughter that floated in the air, Raynard looked up and observed her face.

Yurina stared into his bewildered eyes and smiled, “You smell good.”