As soon as she saw Chloe’s smooth handwriting, her complex thoughts unraveled on their own.

Yurina calmed down, sat on the sofa and carefully read the letter. It all started with a greeting, then there were words of encouragement about the upcoming tournament, and a desire was expressed to see her.

At the end, there were good wishes addressed to Marquise Carthia.

Yurina immediately pulled out the writing paper. Everything was going well while she was writing her answer. However, after the sealed envelope had already been sprinkled with perfume and delivered to the servant, a sense of melancholy washed over Yurina again.

She tried to brush off the feeling, but her eyes kept darting to the drawer that contained Reynard’s letter.

‘You just have to be patient.’

Dave said graduation was like going through hell. Moreover, perhaps the new semester has only recently begun. Reynard has always been busy, but now that he’s entered his senior year, it’s safe to assume he’ll be doubly busy.

‘You have to be understanding.’

Yurina scolded herself for her earlier thoughts.

‘So what if I didn’t get the letter?’

She gets so nervous every time she finds out that there are no new letters.

‘I know what is right. I know but…’

Her very nature was opposed to this opinion. Yurina has always considered herself a reasonable person. Now her emotions overwhelmed her mind.

Yurina sighed and sat down at the table again. It was necessary to prepare for the tournament, but now it was impossible to find motivation in it.

Day passed. Two days passed. A week and even ten days passed.

The letter that Yurina was waiting for, repeating the mantra, ‘You just have to wait. It will arrive tomorrow,’ never came.

In the meantime, Yurina reread Reynard’s last letter several times a day. It happened because she wanted to check if there was a word that he was very busy.

However, these words couldn’t appear in the letter by themselves, if you look at it over and over again every new day. The letter still contained nothing new, and Yurina had to fold the letter over and over again in frustration.

‘What’s going on with us?’ Yurina unconsciously murmured as she put sugar cubes into her tea.

It was like talking to herself, but her voice was louder than intended. Yurina hurriedly added to Betsy, who was about to reply:

“I was just talking to myself.”

But Betsy missed Yurina’s line. After all, she was focusing on Yurina’s hand as she endlessly added sugar cubes to her tea.

Yurina said that she doesn’t like sweet tea. Even if she added milk to black tea, she didn’t add sugar.

Betsy, who found this action strange, belatedly realized what Yurina had said, and asked:


“I was talking to myself.”

“But what did you mean?”

“I hope you didn’t hear that.”

Yurina replied and shook her spoon hard to make the sugar cubes dissolve in the tea cup. Betsy looked at Yurina, who was frowning as if she was concentrating or didn’t like something. Then, as if a revelation had come to Betsy, she chuckled and smiled.

“I haven’t seen a letter from Reynard in a while.”

Yurina was taken aback by the sudden statement and dropped her spoon into her cup. Glass clinked in the room.

But right after, she picked up the cup again, feigning calmness.

“Yeah. It haven’t come for a long time.”

Yurina tried to speak as if she only realized it now. But Betsy couldn’t be fooled.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Yurina spoke to Betsy, who couldn’t stop smiling.

Betsy answered that she always smiles like that when she sees her lady. Yurina looked at her, still smiling, and took a sip of her tea.

As soon as the sweet tea touched the tip of her tongue, Yurina unconsciously frowned.

“What the…”

“Because you put in four sugar cubes, milady.”

Betsy poured new tea into the extra cup and looked Yurina in the eye.

“I think Reynard is just really busy.”

Yurina nodded as she sipped her hot tea. Encouraged by her reaction, Betsy sat across from Yurina and began to chat.

“Anyway, don’t worry too much, milady. You always knew that this is the busiest time of the year. Reynard is in his senior year now, so he won’t have time to write letters. If he has a little time, he will immediately send you a letter. If something really happened, the academy would contact the estate. Or…”

“Or… what?”

“Or how about asking Dave? He recently met Reynard. Doesn’t he know anything?”

“Dave has gone south for magic materials. And as far as I know, he met Ray a few months ago. And besides that…”

Betsy looked at her and made a puzzled look, but Yurina shook her head as if nothing had happened.

She could always ask Dave, but if she found out about Raynard then other people, it would upset her even more.

She had a conflicting desire to know what was going on with Reynord, but also a hope that Dave didn’t know anything.

Yurina sighed as she leaned on the table.

‘It’s all too complicated.’