“I didn’t want to do that.”

Such an answer was of little use. Emily, not noticing that Yurina’s face was getting colder and more irritated, continued to gibberish.

“I was threatened, I was threatened!”

“Yes, and?”

“I was ordered to bring any item stained with the lady’s blood. Before the tournament! Otherwise, my mother and sisters would…”

“When did it happen?”

Emily bowed her head.

“Before I arrived at your mansion…”

“It’s been six months. But why didn’t you say? Not a day or two. A whole six months.”

“My family…”

“Didn’t you think that I would protect your family if you told me the truth?”


Emily clung to Yurina’s dress even tighter.

“I was afraid that something terrible would happen if I told you. I also hesitated.”

Yurina roughly pulled on her dress and pushed Emily away.

“After all, didn’t you keep it from me until the very end?”

“I swear I didn’t think it would hurt you.”

“But why didn’t you tell me all this after the attack?”

Emily could no longer speak, as if her tongue had been torn out, and burst into tears again.

“The threat? You must be being threatened right now. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have gone this far. I understand your reluctance to hurt your loved ones.”


“But because of your actions, I almost lost something precious to me.”

In this situation, it was funny and a bit surprising to say that she ‘almost lost something precious’, instead of something like: ‘I almost died’.

Presumably, the risk of losing Reynard was now a greater blow to her than the possibility of her own death?

Yurina giggled softly, then beckoned Sir Aaron inside.

“Sir Aaron, take her.”

Sir Aaron saluted her and dragged Emily outside.

Emily’s alarmed cries echoed throughout the cottage, but Yurina only looked out the window and tried to distract herself from the extra noise.

‘Emily had something to defend. Not that her actions didn’t make sense. But that’s all. I had no intention of forgiving her or sympathizing with her.’

However, for some reason, Yurina felt a pinch in her chest.

“Milady, milady!”

Emily grabbed the doorknob, but Sir Aaron pulled her roughly and dragged her away. After leaving Yurina’s room, Emily was expecting a full-scale interrogation.

As they talked, Raynard, who was waiting outside the door, stared indifferently at Emily’s back. His expression was blank, but his gaze was cruel.

Still replaying what happened to Yurina in his head, it seemed like Reynard even bled backwards.

“She’s just following orders.”

Raynard suddenly turned and quickly ran towards Emily.

Sir Aaron, noticing his presence, stopped.

“What are you doing?”

“Wait a minute.”

Raynard knelt down on one knee and looked at Emily, who was now lying face down on the floor. Emily met his bloodied eyes and stuttered.

“This is…”

She spoke unintelligibly, but Reynard already knew what she wanted to say. However, it didn’t matter now. He was no longer the little boy who would be embarrassed by annoying looks and slander about his eye color.

Raynard, his face unmoving, suddenly reached for Emily’s neck. She staggered as a large hand carelessly touched her neck.


“Even if I don’t touch you, don’t you realize how many people will want to take your life now?”

It was a cold tone that he had never shown before Yurina. Emily winced. Raynard looked at her and plucked the necklace from her neck.


Emily suddenly clutched her neck. Raynard was now staring at the necklace in his hand, Emily forgotten. In appearance, it was an ordinary decoration. A necklace with beautiful stones that any maid of her age could wear.

But this has never been common. Raynard smiled, feeling a tingle in his stomach, just like when he saw the corpse of that wolf. The question, which hadn’t yet been answered, was now resolved.

“And how the hell did the House of Carthia get one like that?”

He gripped the necklace so tightly that even his hands trembled.

“Probably used illusion magic.”

Who is pursuing Yurina with such ingenuity?