“We haven’t seen each other for five years?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Did you follow the Count Kinsell to study political science?”

“That’s right.”

However, after exchanging a couple of remarks with him, Yurina reconsidered her conclusions.

‘He’s the same as then.’

Compared to the past, when he couldn’t even speak properly due to embarrassment, now Rupert looked at Yurina more naturally and even responded to her. However, the interests and topics of the story continued to subtly diverge.

Even though it was a small thing, Yurina felt some discomfort. Something she would never feel with Reynard.

Yurina wanted to interrupt this conversation, but Rupert didn’t think of going anywhere.

‘Why isn’t Ray coming?’

Yurina glanced in the direction where Reynard had disappeared and found him walking with a glass.

“Oh, there’s my partner. It was nice to meet you today.”

Saying goodbye, Yurina approached Reynard.

“Why so long?”

“I was looking for something without alcohol. This is harder to find here than I thought.”

Yurina really wanted to drink the green cocktail he handed over. The sweet aroma of melon reached her scent. As Yurina sipped the cocktail, Raynard smiled in satisfaction.

“Is it delicious?”

“It’s sweet. I like it.”

“I’m glad. But who were you talking to?”

Raynard narrowed his eyes at Rupert, who was still staring at Yurina from behind.

“Rupert Kinsell. You probably don’t remember.”


“But you’ve heard of him before, haven’t you?”

“Oh, right.”

Yurina sighed.

Raynard grabbed her hand, as if urging her on, and pulled her aside.

“He was once in a mansion. Right before you entered the academy. Do you remember?”

Yurina laughed as if teasing him when she remembered this incident.

“You came here stealthily and secretly.”

Rupert once visited Carthia’s mansion when Raynard was already settling in there. Count Kinsell brought him under the pretext of visiting Marquis Carthia, but Yurina saw that the Count had done it on purpose to set Rupert up with her.

At the time, Reynard had somewhat adjusted to the mansion and wasn’t intimidated by its guests. But at that moment, some wind brought him into the living room, where Rupert and Yurina were.

He stated that he came to ask a question about spelling, but his trembling eyes told Yurina that it was just an excuse.

“Oh, that Rupert Kinsell,” Reynard snapped, remembering the incident.

Then he muttered so quietly that only Yurina could hear.

“I didn’t like him back then.”

He grabbed Yurina’s hands and squeezed them tightly.

‘It can’t be helped.’

Raynard looked around at the men glaring at Yurina and clenched his jaw tightly. Some of them turned away in surprise when their eyes met, but some still didn’t take their eyes off Yurina, ignoring his silent warning. Some even laughed at him when he held Yurina’s hand.

You may have come today as her partner, since you have the patronage of House Carthia, but don’t think that a mere wizard can actually get her.

Even if he was given the title of knight in recognition of his abilities, there was a gigantic wall between them.

‘Even if you guys are like that, it’s me who is by Yurina’s side right now.’

When Reynard raised one corner of his mouth with such feelings in mind, the man who had been laughing at him twisted his face.

‘The only thing you have in your arsenal is a noble background. My pride is built on merit.

His self-esteem was so high that it pierced the sky when the only thing he could boast was that he was born as an aristocrat.


Hearing Yurina’s friendly voice, Raynard relaxed, looked at her and smiled.


“Don’t think about it. They are not worth your attention.”

‘But how did you notice?’

Yurina read his mind as if she could see right through Reynard’s heart. At the same time, Raynard felt how much she loved him, and his heart began to pound like crazy.

“I don’t care.”

“Now you are part of the Carthia House, and no one will be able to look down on you. So don’t be offended.”

“I understand. I’m not a child.”

“Than I’m glad.”

Yurina looked at him and smiled. That eternally beautiful smile.

It was natural for her to attract people’s attention, because she was pretty and sweet.

‘I would prefer that all this was seen only by me. But that’s not possible.’

Reynard, feeling thirsty for some reason, licked his dry lips.

‘I can’t believe Yurina would swap me for one of these. But I wouldn’t want others to even look at her.’

‘However, I can’t pressure Yurina or build barriers for her. Yurina is only the most feminine and beautiful when she can do whatever she wants.’

‘So, I have no choice but to conquer her entire world. So that there is no place left for other men here.’