But now the original has been radically changed. Raynard loved her so much that he valued Yurina more than his own life.

Even if he sees Lydia, his heart won’t change in an instant.

But even though she knew this, Yurina shielded Reynard from Lydia with some hesitation. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him, it was that she didn’t trust Lydia De Flon.

‘What did you want from Ray?’

Yurina still remembered the moment seven years ago, on Reynard’s thirteenth birthday.

Although the Marquis showed hostility towards the Carthia family, he also showed his affection to Raynard. Even knowing that he was patronized by another family, he tried to take him away with him.

To be honest, Yurina knew that Marquis De Flon would go after Reynard one way or another. Fortunately, so far there have been no intrigues on his part.

‘Maybe Lydia is trying to impress Ray with her sweet smile?’

However, contrary to his fears, Raynard didn’t even look at Lydia, but went straight to Yurina and looked her in the face.

“Yurina, what’s wrong? What’s going on?”

Yurina relaxed at his caring look and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Never mind.”

Then she smiled again and looked at Lydia. What was surprising was that Lydia was also looking at Yurina all the time, not at Reynard.

“Oh sorry. Didn’t I introduce myself? I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to meet until next year, but I’m glad I met you here. I am Lydia. From the house De Flon.”

Lydia bowed and straightened her knees.

Her tone suggested that she had met an old friend. However, Yurina, unable to take it for granted, carefully studied Lydia’s expression as she curtsied.

‘If your target isn’t Rey, why the hell are you playing with me?’

Marquis De Flon hated the Carthia House. If she had been raised under such a person, Lydia should also be hostile to the Carthia family and Yurina.

And although the daughter didn’t have to harbor the same hatred as her father, even if she didn’t feel hostility, at least she wouldn’t impose herself on a girl she didn’t even know.

‘What are you thinking?’

Could it be that she has other ulterior motives? Did the Marquis send Lydia to meet Yurina, to gather information that could be fatal to her family?

However, Lydia was so sincere right now, Yurina even felt sorry for her suspicions.

There were only two reasons for Lydia’s behavior:

She really liked Yurina, without a second thought.

‘Or maybe she’s good enough at acting to be able to make a face like this.’

Yurina turned to the second one and laughed along with Lydia.

“Nice to meet you. I wouldn’t have thought I’d see you at the party today either.”

“All the preparations were done in the manor and I came up to the capital a few days ago, so maybe the rumors about my arrival didn’t spread. Anyway, did you know that this is not our first meeting?”

‘How could you know that?’

‘How well do you remember the day I met the Marquis?’

Lydia grabbed Yurina’s arm, unaware of the her doubts.

“Actually, I wanted to say hello to you that day, but I couldn’t because my father wouldn’t let me. I know it was bad. And from that day on, I was looking forward to our meeting, but the opportunity never came. If I lived in the capital, we would see each other at a tea party or at a birthday party.”

No, even if Lydia had been in the capital, none of this would have happened. Because Yurina wouldn’t invite her. The previous Yurina was like that. Because the relationship between Carthia and De Flon wasn’t very good.

Still, Lydia was talking like someone who didn’t know that fact.

‘Or are you pretending not to know?’

If you intend to use yourself on the other side, you can use the other side as well. Yurina squeezed Lydia’s hand in her own.

“Be that as it may, on that day, my father also said that it would be great if the two of us became friends, because we are the same age. So he wanted us to be friends, what a pity. Why did you stay at your territory all the time?? If you had been in the capital, he would have been able to meet him often.”

“Ah, that…”

Lydia looked at Yurina in embarrassment and hid her gaze. She turned away and began to roam the banquet hall with her eyes.

“Looks like I asked a difficult question.”

“Oh, it’s not. But rather than explain, I’ll just introduce you… Ah, there he is. Kai, come here.”

Lydia beckoned to a certain man who was watching them from afar.

Lydia’s voice wasn’t very loud, but the man immediately noticed and approached her.

“I still wanted to introduce him to Lady Carthia and sir Reynard. It would be fun if we became friends, and Kai and Reynard could get to know each other better.”

“It would be great. After all, Ray has been at the academy all this time, and doesn’t know anyone in the Empire. If we make friends, I will too…”

Yurina couldn’t continue and widened her eyes. Although the distance was still quite great, he got close enough to make out his features.

“Young lady?”

But she no longer reacted to Lydia, but only looked at that man.

‘I’ve seen that face before. If I remember correctly, this is the same guy with blond hair and purple eyes that I accidentally met on a hunting competition a month ago. Very suspicious guy. Who, at the same time, shed tears when I said that I had never seen him before.’

‘So you’re from the De Flon family?’

Then it is understandable why he knew Yurina Carthia, and why he disappeared so suddenly, as if retreating. As someone from the De Flon family, he probably didn’t want to mess with Carthia for nothing.

But something was strange. Yurina remembered purple eyes.

As he approached, step by step, the anxiety within her grew more and more.

When he finally appeared at Lydia’s side, she smiled as she handed Yurina the glass he had brought.

“It’s probably the first time I’m introducing you to the young lady. This is a wizard sponsored by our family.”

As if seeing Yurina for the first time, the man calmly bowed to her.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Karion.”

The moment the two eyes met, Yurina covered her mouth with both hands against the sudden urge from inside her abdomen.

The pair of eyes in front of her were as red as Reynard’s.