Yurina looked down at Lydia in a daze, unable to agree or refuse. No matter how you looked at Lydia’s dangerous appearance, as if she would lose her mind at any moment if she refused, her reckless antics didn’t seem like a game at all right now.

To the extent that she replied that if Lydia hadn’t been for the De Flon family, Yurina would do it without thinking about anything else. Maybe it would have been easier to choose if someone she didn’t know asked her this.

‘But why…’

The question lingered on the tip of her tongue, ‘why did you come here for help when your father hates us so much?’

‘I’m probably the only one she can ask.’


Reynard grabbed her arm as she hesitated. He used his magic to whisper in her ear.

‘Send her back.’


He couldn’t read Yurina’s mind. But, as if figuring out her thoughts, a low voice came right into her head.

‘I don’t know what’s going on over there. Even if it’s real, we can’t do that favor.’

It was a cold answer, but actually, if you think rationally, Reynard was right. However, there was a reason why Yurina couldn’t brush off that delicate hand holding her skirt and trembling; because she saw herself in Lydia’s face.

If she found out that Marquis De Flon hid Betsy, Yurina would also crawl to Lydia on her knees and beg to tell.

It didn’t really happen, but if Karion hadn’t brought Betsy back, and if Reynard and the knights couldn’t find Betsy for a long time, she would be pleading with Lydia  like this too.

In addition, didn’t Karion suffer just in return for saving Betsy?

While Yurina hesitated for a moment, a stout man in a hood jumped from afar and grabbed Lydia’s arm.

“My lady, don’t do this…”

It was Karion. He seemed to be wrapped up in a hood, but Yuri I caught a glimpse of his face. His face was so messed up that she couldn’t believe he was the same person who had come looking for her a few days ago, with a neat and handsome appearance.

His eyes were so swollen that he couldn’t open them properly, and his lips, cheekbones, and bridge of the nose were severely damaged. It was hidden from view by her clothes, but judging by the somewhat awkward gait, he seemed to be out of shape.

Yurina held Reynard’s hand while watching Karion, who tried to take Lydia by force, and Lydia, who didn’t want to be taken away.


As if he refused, he tried to free Yurina’s hand. Yurina held his hand tightly and looked up at him.


* * *

At Reynard’s offer to treat him, Karion refused several times, saying that he was fine at first. However, when Lydia cried and told him to seek medical attention, he swallowed his sigh and followed Reynard.

Yurina guided Lydia, who couldn’t take her eyes off Karion’s back, into the living room.

Lydia, who had been crying as if she had drained all the moisture from her body, slumped on the soft sofa and closed her eyes. She looked so exhausted like she forgot that she was an uninvited guest at Carthia’s mansion.

“Have some tea. It will calm your mind a little bit.”

Yurina placed the chamomile tea in front of Lydia. Come to think of it, Lydia was a little more emaciated than the last time Yurina saw her. Lydia narrowed her eyes and gazed at the steaming teacup before sitting up with difficulty.

She held the hem of her dress with both hands and stared at the cup, but didn’t pick up the tea. Originally, when it was quiet like this, it was her host’s duty to throw at least a light topic, but Yurina just stared at her without saying a word.

Lydia, who had been still for a long time like an emotionless doll, carefully raised her teacup.

“I’m sorry. Once again, I sincerely apologize for my rudeness.”

Yurina didn’t respond to that. Even empty words didn’t say that there was no need for such an apology between them.

“And thank you very much.”

Tuk. Tears from Lydia’s eyes finally stopped crying and dripped into the teacup. Yurina looked at her and said.

“You don’t have to be so grateful. It’s not because of the young lady’s request, it’s because I have a debt to pay back to Mr. Karion.”


As if hearing it for the first time, Lydia’s bloodshot green eyes widened.

“A debt to pay?”

“Mr. Karion saved my maid.”

Lydia blinked with a puzzled look on her face, as if she didn’t understand. She was such an innocent child. She thought about it a moment as she watched Lydia waiting for her own words with her face as if she needed more explanation.

‘Shall I tell her?’

Looking at the current situation, Lydia seemed to have no idea what Marquis De Flon had planed. The fact that he’s a warlock and that he’s trying to break into big politics, and the fact that he even kidnapped Betsy and tried to draw Yurina out.

If she knew all this, Lydia wouldn’t have been able to come to Yurina so calmly, even with the injured Karion in her arms.

Yurina didn’t want to criticize or resent her. However, her feelings were very different from her thoughts, so to be honest, Yurina was a little resentful towards her.

‘I’ve been running and hiding all this time determined to survive and protect those I love. But now you say that you want to be my friend, not knowing anything. Could you say that when you know what your father did to me?’