Xie Rushan lowered her head and grabbed the data on the virtual light screen.

Since Yang Fan was still wearing open crotch pants until he graduated from college, he failed in love, work, betrayal of friends, depression and drunkenness, and Teddy who killed others in the street yesterday.

Xie fan's ability is outstanding. It's amazing to be able to investigate such detailed information in such a short time.


This information is a little abnormal.

Xie Rushuang frowned. This material seems to have no problem. There are even many life videos of Yang Fan from small to large. It doesn't look like a fake.

In this material, Yang Fan is a poor hanging wire that can't be ordinary and forced any more.

Whether it's a friend he knew, a major he studied in college, or a dozen odd jobs he participated in after graduation and was fired just after the probation period, none of them is related to psychology or hypnosis.

The only chance to have access to psychological knowledge is his regular psychological counseling every half a month after suffering from depression, or the free business of benefiting the people in the community.

It happened that the psychological counseling center originally selected by Yang Fan's community was their heart language. Xie Rushan easily called out all Yang Fan's counseling records.

The first time was half a year ago. At that time, Yang Fan was unemployed and lovelorn. He was hit hard. His life was irregular. He had slight communication obstacles, and began to have insomnia symptoms. The degree of depression was mild.

Yang Fan, who had not slept a minute before the last day at five p.m., was about to collapse. After the counseling of the psychologist, Yang Fan left three bottles of Baijiu and left him to the hospital at about ten o'clock p.m.

Such patients have a serious suicidal tendency and belong to high-risk patients. The doctors in the center have been paying attention to them all the time.

In order to confirm the authenticity of these psychological comb guidance videos, Xie Rushan also personally communicated with Dr. Zhao, the psychologist in charge of Yang Fan.

The results all proved that Yang Fan did suffer from depression, and he was an endangered patient who developed rapidly from mild to moderate, and then began to develop to severe depression in just six months. If he was careless, he might become an underground worker.

"How is this possible?"

Xie Rushuang scratched her head depressed. She was sure and sure that Yang Fan was a psychological expert who was very strong in heart and was very good at hypnosis. Such a person was either crazy or crazy, or as quiet as mountains and rivers, or as hot as fire. He would never be depressed.

A person with such fragile psychology is a kind of psychological defect. Such a person can not become a psychologist, and it is more difficult to master hypnosis.

However, how to explain these comb guide videos in front of us?

Said he was faking, pretending?

Where's the flaw?


Who will be bored for more than 20 years to act and show to whom?

In particular, this depression is almost the same as a real patient with moderate depression. Even if Xie Rushuang diagnosed it himself, there will be no second possibility.

I can't see any flaws at all! From light to heavy, it is getting worse and worse. Can anyone really disguise depression like this?

Impossible, unless he has depression!

But in this way, the problem returns to the origin.

Depression patients with psychological defects are difficult to become real hypnotists, and it is even more impossible to be at the expert level or above, but Yang Fan's hypnosis has obviously reached the expert level or above, which makes no logical sense.

Even if it's a special case, it won't be so outrageous.

Xie Rushan picked up Yang Fan's recent behavior record, and was surprised to find that Yang Fan published an anonymous post on a popular forum in China last night.

The title of the post is "spiritual recovery, the end is coming, and monsters will be human natural enemies. Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The three killing words are shocking, and there is a sense of hostility from inside to outside.

"Is that why Yang Fan killed those pets last night?"

Xie Rushuang immediately raised some interest, clicked the post and watched it carefully.

"The spiritual power is revived all over the world. Everything in the world has the opportunity to awaken and transform in the baptism of this spiritual power outbreak.

At the same time, the apocalyptic crisis of mankind will also be opened.

Monsters are rampant and demons are planted everywhere. Human beings will no longer be the master of the world, and their living space will become worse and worse day by day. It is not impossible to be completely annihilated by this era.

Monsters regard human beings as elixir and blood food. They are kept in captivity, fed, slaughtered and sold. Pigs and dogs are not as good as dogs.

Don't think this is alarmist.

Everywhere in the world, anomalies have gradually appeared, and the end of the world has begun to show signs. As long as you are careful enough, you will find that you don't know where:

There are flowers and trees that grow for tens of feet overnight and contain exotic fruits to attract all kinds of creatures to come near.

Some animals devour hundreds of kilograms of food at a meal, grow in shape and become increasingly ashamed and violent.

Some birds are as big as rocs, several times larger than ordinary airliners, flutter their wings like hurricanes, and can fly thousands of miles a day.

Some people feel that God has clear eyes, can never forget, can see things at night, and can move things by thought.

Some people suddenly increased their strength. They can lift hundreds of kilograms with one hand and jump three or five meters away in one jump. They have superhuman physique.

All this is a sign that the end will come. If mankind does not prepare as soon as possible, it will be in danger!

Not everyone is gifted and can awaken independently, but monster is not. Any monster, even a bug and an ant, may awaken at any time as long as they have sufficient spiritual power.


In short, those who like to keep pets, as well as all kinds of large, medium and small farms, any pet store and zoo, are the hardest hit areas when monsters wake up.

If you want to live, you have to act now. As far as you can see, it's best to kill all the aliens, and never leave such a time bomb that may eat you at any time.

Note that the spiritual power is getting stronger and stronger, and the awakened monsters are becoming more and more powerful. There is not much time left for you.

I left a Luohan boxing teaching video in the attachment of the post, as well as a cultivation method of "basic tuna".

In the end of the world, martial arts is the only way to save the world. It can improve the success rate of human natural awakening while exercising human individual physical quality. If you want to awaken in time, start practicing martial arts now. Only your own strength is your only survival capital in the end of the world.

I hope all those who see this post, even if they don't believe it for the time being, will keep a trace of vigilance in their hearts. Whether they can live or not depends on your own luck.

After so much wordiness, I don't know how many people can see it. I hope it's just a dream. The end will never come and the tragedy will never happen.

If it does happen, I hope all Terran compatriots can remember one sentence, no matter how tragic they have experienced, don't forget:

Mankind will eventually rise. I must swear not to be a slave!

Live, there is hope!

Kill! Kill! Kill! "

Seeing the last few words, Xie Rushuang was shocked, and an unspeakable hot blood was boiling in his chest.

It is tragic and solemn. It seems that every word is soaked with the blood of countless people, which makes people feel sad and sad.

It's unexpected that Yang Fan still has such an eschatological feeling.

It's just that paranoia seems to be very serious.

In other words, he killed 108 pets and stray cats and dogs nearby overnight, which should be caused by his mind of the coming end of the world.

In his view, he is not deliberately damaging other people's property. He is saving people, killing human natural enemies and a heroic act.

In this way, it makes sense logically.

But this has another function. She still didn't find Yang Fan's psychological flaw. Maybe this post is also a trap he deliberately put out to confuse people.

Now, almost every two years, a group of people will jump out to preach eschatology, and everyone is right and justified. Everyone's ears are almost worn out. Who will believe it?

Xie Rushuang bit her teeth. Whether it was a trap or not, she had to try in order to understand Yang Fan's thinking mode.

Click nearby in the post. Xie Rushan first watched the teaching video of Luohan boxing. She felt very general and didn't have the standard of her bodyguard.

Then, she opened the basic tuna, which described a very simple method of breathing. After only reading it once, Xie Rushuang easily remembered it.

"Even if it's a lie, please use your heart. I can see through such a simple trick at once!"

Xie Rushuang chuckled and curled her lips. Her sense of superiority in IQ made her feel more comfortable. As soon as her mind changed, her mind swam around the lower abdomen Dantian according to the steps recorded in the basic tuina.


Her elixir field was really full of spiritual power.