If it was in the Western Chu City period, whether inside or outside the city, Yang Fan would never dare to release his Qi and blood so arrogantly even if he had ten courage.

Because it's not fishing, it's pure death.

At that time, or in the future more than 100 years later, Reiki has completely erupted. The vast majority of monsters on earth can awaken almost at birth, and their strength can not be underestimated.

Yang Fan, who is only a martial apprentice, is not even as strong as a primary school student. He can only send vegetables when he meets any one. He dare not take risks easily.

But now, the psychic power seems to have just recovered, and the concentration is far lower than that required by the monster to fully awaken. Only a few monster with high blood purity or special opportunities can be awakened.

Like the innate warriors in human beings, there are some highly gifted monsters. They will awaken more easily than ordinary monsters and be promoted to a higher level.

At the moment, Yang Fan's eyes are undoubtedly the best of the monsters of this era.

"A long worm, two big dogs and a big mouse." Yang Fan licked his lips excitedly. "It seems that there are only these four monsters nearby. Kill them, and my blood strength may be increased by another level!"

Get rich!

There was no fear in Yang Fan's heart, and his mind was as stable as Mount Tai.

The four monsters kept approaching him. Although they were on guard against each other, they had no intention of attacking each other. They all drooled at Yang Fan one by one.

The attraction of human flesh and blood to monsters is enough to make them temporarily forget their hostility to each other.

They will devour the blood food in front of them in turn according to their respective strength. Unless they are two monsters with a great gap in strength, the imaginary struggle between protecting food and seizing food will rarely reappear in the monsters.

This is the case now. A snake, a mouse and two dogs are on guard against each other, but they exercise extreme restraint and prey together.

This is a very strange phenomenon, and it is also the fundamental reason why many demon animals can live in peace among different ethnic groups.

Until the Western Chu City period a hundred years later, humans did not understand why this was the reason, why even humans could do things that were difficult to do, but these monsters could do it easily. What forces were constraining them and enabling them to overcome their inherent nature and wildness?

"Why didn't they fight?" Zhu Huawu looked sad and wondered: "isn't the snake the natural enemy of the mouse? Why did the python turn a blind eye to the rat, and the rat didn't run away in a hurry when he saw the python, but kept trying to get close to the python?"

This is so unscientific!

"Shut up!" Zhu Zhengqi scolded, "four monsters came down, and Yang Fan must not be his opponent. I'll help him stop two later. You keep your sister here obediently. If she lacks a cold hair, I'll cut you!"

Zhu Huawu's legs are tight. Do you want to be so cruel? I'm your grandson!

Yang Fan stood motionless on the lawn and quietly looked at the four small bosses coming to him. His face gradually showed a sunny smile.


When the four monsters moved to a distance of less than five meters from him, Yang Fan gently raised his hand and greeted them kindly.

Then, the four monsters were stunned, looked obviously stunned, and stood in place at a loss.

"You use the enchantment skill on the first-class monster golden python. Enchantment is successful. Skill proficiency + 2."

"You use the enchantment skill on the first-class monster earth dog. Enchantment is successful. Skill proficiency + 2."

"You use the enchantment skill on the level-1 monster bone penetrating beast. Enchantment is successful. Skill proficiency + 2."


"You have used the enchantment skill for the first-class monster golden python. The enchantment is successful, and the golden Python has greatly improved its favor for you."

"You have used the enchantment skill on the first-class monster bone penetrating beast, and the enchantment is successful. The bone penetrating beast has greatly improved its favor with you and expressed its submission to you."

"You have used the enchantment skill on the first-class monster earth dog. The enchantment is successful. The earth dog has greatly improved his favor with you and expressed his submission to you."


One enchantment skill enchants all four monsters. Their hostility to Yang Fan disappears completely, and even improves their favor.

Among them, the two big dogs and the mouse bowed their heads and showed a posture of submission, while the golden Python only improved its popularity, and its head was still high and did not mean to submit.

It can be seen that this golden Python is the most powerful of the four monsters.

Yang Fan's smiling face is as beautiful as a flower. His charm skill once again shows its strength. Except for some accidents when enchanting Yang Guo, at other times, the enchanting skill has never disappointed him.

Yang Fan raised his hand and touched the soft meat on the Chins of the two local dogs. It was good. The dog meat hot pot also landed.

Then he looked up with satisfaction at the golden Python who had bent down. The scales on his body were like steel, but the fine scales on his lower abdomen were extremely soft. He cut from here when digging snake gall.

Finally, Yang Fan looked at the bone penetrating beast lying on the ground with its tail wagging.

This thing is useless except eating too much.

The hair is not soft enough and the meat is not crisp enough. The only sharp front teeth are very smelly. Basically, no one is willing to collect, and there are few buyers.

In general, this is a waste. The demon hunting teams in the last world don't rare the garbage they hunt.

In a friendly and harmonious atmosphere, Yang Fan narrowed his eyes, impolitely waved a fist, directly hit the seven inches of the golden python, smashed the soft scales on its neck and abdomen, and left a blood hole the size of a bowl on its body. The bloody brush spewed out two meters away.

To catch a thief, first catch the king. To kill nature, first kill the most powerful of the four.

Yang Fan retreated with one blow, avoided the snake blood sprayed on him, and looked warily at the golden Python awakened in pain.

Python did not immediately fall to the ground to die, but raised his head. His body, which was more than ten meters long and nearly two or three tons, was directly vacated to a height of more than ten meters.


In mid air, the python stretched out, moaned, and then fell to the ground.

The blood at seven inches was still raging, and two poisonous and sharp snake eyes stared at Yang Fan, a posture that would not close their eyes even if they died.

Yang Fan looked at the dying Python without shame. He liked to see the unwilling look of monsters, because only in this way could the Terrans who died in vain in the mouth of these monsters completely close their eyes.

To wash the hatred of the human race with the blood of the demon family is Yang Fan's martial will.

"The shape of the Jiao is like a snake, and its head is like a tiger. The elder is several feet long. Most of them live under the stone cave in the stream and pool, and the sound is like the sound of a cow!"

Yang Fan's mind suddenly flashed such a description, and his heart suddenly felt that no wonder this Python could rise up in the air when he died, and moaned like an ox. it turned out to be a python with dragon blood.

Fortunately, it has not fully evolved into a dragon, otherwise, who can keep a flying Python? Once it escapes, it will become a great disaster in the future!

Two local dogs and a giant mouse were awakened by the moan of the golden python. The local dog's eyes reappeared fiercely, and rushed to attack Yang Fan at the same time.

The giant mouse was retreating quietly, trying to jump back to the cave and escape. Bullying the soft and fearing the hard and being as timid as a mouse is the nature of their family.

Yang Fan sighed in his heart. Although the effect of charm is incomparably powerful, it has a fatal disadvantage. The enchanted monster cannot be disturbed. After being attacked or awakened by a huge voice, the other party is alert, so it is difficult to show it again.

The three monsters in front of us are like this. They have just expressed their desire to surrender, but now they are turning over again.

The moon shadow body method was instant. Yang Fan's body quickly avoided the attack of two local dogs and suddenly appeared in front of the bone penetrating beast's cave. He flew up and kicked it to the belly of the bone penetrating beast who was fleeing rapidly.


The bone penetrating beast felt pain and flew out upside down. Before it landed, Yang Fan came with him. At the same time, his right hand wielded a palm like a knife and split between the bone penetrating beast's neck like lightning.


The bones were broken, and the bone penetrating beast was completely killed by Yang Fan without even holding on to a round.

"You successfully killed a level-1 monster, bone penetrating beast, spirit will + 1, HP strength + 8."

The familiar strength of Qi and blood surged in the blood vessels. Yang Fan's strength increased instead of decreased. He became braver and braver. As soon as he turned around, he rushed to the remaining two local dogs.

With the moon shadow body method and the hitting force of more than 500 kg with one arm, Yang Fan also killed all the remaining two local dogs with only one move.

"You successfully killed a level-1 monster earth dog, with spirit will + 1 and HP strength + 6."

"You successfully killed a level-1 monster earth dog, with spirit will + 1 and HP strength + 5."

"You have killed hundreds of monsters in a row. You can understand the human level must kill skill - strangling the throat, weakness attack + 10, must kill attack + 10."

As soon as his body shook up, Yang Fan suddenly had some more skills about throat strangulation in his mind. At the same time, he also had a certain understanding of the role of throat strangulation.

Choke throat: a must kill skill, which can be used against any creature with a throat. The lethality depends on the strength of the warrior. The probability of being killed is 10%. When a must kill strike is triggered, you can ignore all physical defenses and completely crush the opponent's throat.

The first few sentences are nonsense, and the focus is on the last sentence.

But ignoring all physical defenses, doesn't it mean that as long as the throat strangling blow is triggered, even if the opponent is a demon king, he has to kneel?


Yang Fan couldn't help shouting 666.

In the living room, Zhu Zhengqi was surprised to see that Yang Fan had solved the four giant animals in front of him in less than ten seconds.

Zhu Zhengqi, in particular, exuded a cold sweat from his back and was terrified.

Fortunately, he gave up his plan to force Yang Fan to bleed to refine medicine, otherwise Yang Fan's combat effectiveness would be lost. It must be Zhu Zhengqi who wants to bleed finally.

Not to mention the others, Zhu Zhengqi can catch up with Yang Fan's amazing footwork.

Can't even grasp the corners of other people's clothes. Do you still play wool as a target?

"Good! It's really a young hero!"

"The little brother's skill is crisp, and his body method is like wind and shadow. It's better to be old!"

Zhu Zhengqi couldn't help but praise him. At the same time, he stood up and walked out of the hall. Behind him, Zhu Huawu, Zhu Caiwei and Yang Guo followed him one after another.

Yang Fan raised his right arm and made a stop for several people. Zhu Zhengqi's body gave a meal and looked at Yang Fan in confusion. He didn't know what he meant.

Yang Fan threw a dirty blood stained on his palm. Under the gaze of Zhu Zhengqi, Yang Fan slowly raised his step towards the golden giant whose body was obviously stiff.

Three meters away from the golden python, Yang Fan stopped, looked at the snake's head and said, "it's hard to pretend to be dead? You have to bear the pain of the wound and freeze your body motionlessly. I look at it for you. Do you want me to help you and get rid of it completely!"

The python on the ground was still motionless, as if it were really dead.

Yang Fan shook his head slightly: "if you don't speak, I'll take it as your default. Who makes me naturally like helping others!"

After that, Yang Fan leaned over and waved his palm to cut the snake's head directly. The golden Python couldn't hold on any longer. His stiff body suddenly softened, and the snake's head close to the ground suddenly held up.


With a long cry, he got up more than ten meters, and it really came back to life!

Zhu Zhengqi was so frightened that he quickly asked Zhu Huanan to accompany his two sisters back to the house. He himself stood vigilantly in place and was ready to support Yang Fan at any time.