The eagle saw through the details of the two forces at a glance.

A level-9 spiritual master, a level-6 spiritual master, oh, and the little girl of the last level-1 spiritual master.

What is this to do? Do spiritual practitioners in human beings send meals here in groups?

The eagle carefully poked out his mind and carefully explored the surrounding environment within tens of kilometers. It was determined that there was no other ambush except the three fresh and delicious Terrans in front of him, and the saliva at the corner of his mouth began to drip uncontrollably.

"Young Lord, you just closed up. Haven't you ever eaten the fresh and tender flesh of the Terran? Now the opportunity comes!"

The eagle raised his finger to the three people in front of Yang Fan and whispered to the young eagle with a pair of blood colored eyes behind him: "look at the three people in front of you. Their bone age is no more than 20 years old. At first glance, they are the Tianjiao of the human race. Their flesh and blood are not only fresh and delicious, but also full of spiritual power. After eating them, your cultivation will certainly go further!"

The young eagle, known as the young master, lit up, licked his tongue and said in a cut voice, "elder Chang'an, what are you waiting for? Go and catch them to the young master. Today, the young master mainly drives people to eat meat!"

opposite side.

Yang Fan and an Sheng look a little ugly.

They were completely ignored!

It's unreasonable. Who is the prey? They're robbing. They don't give any face at all.

"Hahaha..." Ansheng suddenly laughed and pointed to the little Eagle Lord, as if he were looking at a fool.

"No, brother fan, you're really teasing me! Did you hear what that silly bird was saying? It even wants an animal king to kill us in the Terran realm. Do you think it's stupid, isn't it?"

"The appointment of Zhendang emperor is a decoration. So many Terran kings on Zhendang mountain eat dry food, which will make a demon beast king show off under his nose?"

With that, Ansheng arrogantly walked forward for two steps and raised his finger to the eagle sky: "Hey, old bird, your master has spoken. Aren't you going to give me a try?"

"Come on, I'm standing here now. Just do it. If I frown and do it again, I'm your grandfather!"

"Come on, grandson, if you don't kill me today, you're my grandson!"

Ansheng started first, and even took the initiative to provoke the eagle king opposite.

Yang Fan was speechless.

The fat man, in order to show his face in front of his fiancee, the whole person began to expand. Look, he was arrogant and robbed the limelight of being a teacher.

This was Yang Fan's prepared line. Unexpectedly, Ansheng robbed him in advance.


Yang Fan knows the reappearance of the flying knife in the sea. Tiangang stab turns into a silver light and hides in Yang Fan's hair. If necessary, as long as Yang Fan moves his mind, it will fly out quickly in front of Ansheng.

The same is true for mu Qianqian. Her spiritual strength is ready to go and she is on full alert. As long as the animal King opposite dares to do it, she will rise up in the sky at the first time, instantly breaking out of the king's momentum, attracting the eyes of all the human kings around her.

The killing machine in the eagle's eyes flashed away, but it didn't win an Sheng's fierce method. Instead of going forward to make an fat man, it took a step back and whispered to the eagle young master: "the young master went out of the mountain for the first time. Maybe he doesn't know much about the outside situation. Listen to the eagle slowly explain to you."

"No." the little Eagle Lord waved his hand and said, "I've heard of the emperor's appointment, even if I'm ignorant. This fat but not greasy little fat man in front of me is obviously using the exciting method. He wants to deliberately lead you to war, so that he can borrow the human emperor level or even the emperor level to get rid of you, right?"

The eagle raised his eyebrows and didn't want to see through the little Eagle Lord: "the little Lord is wise, indeed."

"Just ten days ago, in the Northwest Garrison house of the Terran, in one day, two imperial elders of the demon family were lost in the hands of the emperor of the Terran. Now it is a sensitive period for the human and demon families. I really shouldn't do it here."

The Northwest Garrison took over two imperial monsters and died, which caused a great sensation and awe among the major tribes of the demon family.

Many King level monsters who acted recklessly in the past also began to converge a lot. They did not dare to attack the Terran warriors wantonly, for fear of falling into the treachery of the cunning Terran and following the footsteps of two imperial predecessors.

"Understand!" said the young eagle master, "so you are useless now. You can only stay aside and sweep the array for us to prevent the king of the Terran from attacking us. If the young master wants to eat the three delicious blood foods in front of us, he has to do it himself!"

The eagle nodded again.

The words of the young Lord are not very pleasant, but they are on the point.

It believed that the two forced youths in the two Terrans should see this, so they became so unscrupulous.

Unfortunately, they made a wrong calculation. As the strongest seven level demon king among the Red Eagle family, it's not too much to say that he is the first Demon Under the king.

Even if the beast king doesn't do it, the little Lord can still pack up these two forces and obediently become the blood food in the little Lord's belly.

For their little masters, the eagle is extremely confident.

Sure enough, the little Eagle stepped forward, raised his fingers in contempt and said proudly, "OK, don't talk so much nonsense. Don't just want to win the quota of our little Lord's secret place. If you have the ability, just put your horse here!"

"Little fat man, do you want to fight with me first?" the eagle little Lord coldly glanced at Ansheng, who stood in the front, raised his hand and wiped the saliva at the corner of his mouth, and said: "I like your figure. It's fat but not greasy. It must be refreshing to eat!"

Being looked at by the young eagle Lord, an Sheng brushed and stirred up the spirit, and hurriedly retreated, "think beautiful! Haven't you heard of it? How can you kill a chicken with an ox knife to deal with your little bird? You don't need Ben Shuai's hand!"

An Sheng swished behind Yang Fan and said with a flattering smile: "brother fan, all the brothers you can do have been finished. Now it's your Lord's turn to go out and kill the four sides. Please!"

"Well done!"

Yang Fan raised his hand and patted Ansheng on the shoulder, so that half of Ansheng's feet sank into the soil below, and the corners of his mouth hurt.

"Let your mouth be cheap, which makes the master angry!"

Mu Qianqian was a little schadenfreude. Ansheng immediately covered his chest with his hand when he heard the speech, and his heart was too painful to breathe.

Thousands of girls, even you are bad at learning!

"OK, stop pretending." Mu Qianqian gave an angry look at Ansheng and said, "seriously, I think the young eagle master seems to have some origin and cultivation should be good. Will there be any problem with him, master?"

An Sheng shook his head in disapproval and said, "put your heart into your stomach. You haven't seen brother fan's ability. At first, he killed almost a thousand demon kings alone in Daixing city. The cattle are about to go to heaven. How can he beat such a small bird?"

Mu Qianqian nodded gently. Yes, although Shifu is not at the king level, his powerful strength broke out in front of Dai Xing City that day. In fact, he is no weaker than any first-class king of martial arts.

The little Eagle Lord opposite, no matter how powerful, is just a level seven demon king. Can it be stronger than the level one king of martial arts?

"Now, you just need to stare at the old bird, but don't let it find a chance to kill brother fan!" Ansheng whispered to Mu Qianqian: "these demon cubs have never been the kind of guys who will obey the rules. If you see the bird lose later, the old bird must be in a hurry!"

"You know!" Mu Qianqian nodded vigorously, "if the beast king dares to shoot, I'll run immediately and I'll never let him catch it!"

An Sheng suddenly gathered around Mu Qianqian and said in a low voice, "remember to take me with you when you run. I can't stay here to add burden to brother fan."

Mu Qianqian: "

There seems to be no such one in the countermeasures just discussed, right? It's not good to leave the master alone and run away by themselves, isn't it?

"Don't worry, I'm saving Rune treasures for Shifu. Such a good thing can't be wasted outside the secret realm, can it?"

Ansheng caresses the best Fubao in his pocket. Yang Fan doesn't know that firewood and rice are expensive. He is used to losing his family. He can't be as handsome as he is. He should save.

Good steel should be used on the blade and refuse to be a loser.

"Well, it's really a burden to keep you anyway."

Mu Qianqian thought and nodded seriously.

An Sheng's mouth pulled out: thousands of girls, in fact, you don't have to say the last sentence.

Once again, he was despised by his own women. Ansheng held a breath in his heart. This trip to the secret realm, he must break through as soon as possible. Even if he can't be promoted to the spiritual master, he must not be as useless as now.

He wants to pull dung, he wants to paint the wall, he wants dung to catch up!

Bah, bah, bah, it should be that he wants to work hard, he wants to be strong, and he wants to become a real man like brother fan. Yeah!

"Little Lord!" the little attendant around the eagle little Lord also stood up and joined in the fun: "that fat meat was right just now. How can you kill a chicken with an ox knife? Give the blood food in front of you to your subordinates!"

The little attendant was full of confidence and looked disdainfully at Yang Fan, as if he were already looking at a dead man.

"Young Lord, do you want to eat it raw or barbecue later? Do you want your subordinates to strip his clothes first and fade his hair on the way, so as not to eat it later?"

The little attendant whispered to the eagle little Lord for instructions, but his words made Yang Fan's handsome face instantly black.

Nima's raw or barbecue!

Nima's peeling or hair fading!

Do you want to be so proficient in business? Do you really think you are a cook?

The murders in Yang Fan's heart are everywhere. This eagle cub must have eaten less human flesh and blood before. The crime should not be forgiven. Damn it!