What the hell?

The moat outside the federal central city can continue to expand outward, and the expansion is thousands of meters?!

What kind of devil operation is this? I've never heard of it before!

Xiong Yun's grandfather was stunned directly.

What do you mean stealing chicken is not eating rice? That's it!

These Terran cubs are too cunning. Who could have thought that the city defense array that trapped their 50000 troops was not in its heyday?

Even in the attack of five and a half emperor demons, under the attack of 50000 demon soldiers, they can still keep a hand in the dark?!

It's too insidious!

They are deliberately luring the enemy in. It is obvious that they are pit demons!

After this battle, who dares to easily approach this moat again? Who knows where the specific boundary of this moat is? It's too close. What if it gets stuck again?

"Grandpa, even the son of Xiong Yin is trapped in the array. What should I do now?"

It's definitely not advisable to attack. They are just ordinary black and white bear people. They may be cruel and can ignore it.

But now, even the gods of Heifeng valley have been loaded in. Who dares to shoot easily? What if they are killed?

Moreover, the moat array seems to be a little evil. If the four and a half emperors hadn't flashed quickly just now, they might have been shrouded in the sudden expansion array like bear seals.

Even if they are half emperors, they can't guarantee that they will come out safely when they enter the array.

The five and a half emperors Xiong Fei, Xiong Shan and Jiao Anyi are living examples. If one of them is dead, the remaining four have not appeared until now.

This is no longer as simple as throwing a rat repellent. Now even their own safety has been threatened.

Xiong Yun stared at the moat shrouded in the fog and was very upset.

What should I do? Don't be so special. Always ask me what to do, okay?

Don't you have brains yourself?

The moat now covers the whole federal central city. The white fog has isolated all their spies, and even Zhuge Xincheng, who could look at and talk with them before, has disappeared.

At the moment, they knew nothing about the situation in the central city and the moat.

In addition, their four and a half emperors did not dare to approach easily even within ten miles of the edge of the big array. They were deeply afraid that the scene just now would repeat itself and devour their four demons.

"This is a hedgehog. The whole body is covered with thorns. How should I mouth?"

Xiong Yun was annoyed. If she had known this, she shouldn't have been following Yin Jiao's ass with Xiong Yin.

Now it's OK. The Dijiao people don't care. Their black-and-white bears are difficult to ride a tiger and can't advance or retreat.

If one can't handle it well, not to mention the three semi Royal people, maybe even Xiong yinshenzi will lose his life.

"In any case, bear India God son must not have an accident!"

Xiong Yun's father clenched his teeth and looked determined.

Bear seal is a favorite son of the white bear demon emperor. If he really dies here and under their eyes, once the demon emperor returns, one of them will count as one. I'm afraid none of them will survive.

These half emperors of the Terran are obviously crazy and inflated. God knows whether they will directly kill the bear regardless of the face of the demon emperor?

Xiong Yun dare not let Xiong yinshenzi's small life rest on the reason and fear of these cunning Terrans.

"ZHUGE Xincheng, Li Liangcai, tianchanzi! The emperor knows you can hear!"

Xiong Yun suddenly shouted at the moat array in front of her.

"The emperor doesn't joke with you. Now he gives you two choices."

"First, we surrender and admit defeat. Let's stop the war. You will release our half emperor and Lord Shenzi right away. We are willing to compensate some natural materials and earth treasures as compensation for this war!"

"Second, if you insist on fighting and refuse to release our half emperor and Lord Shenzi, the emperor will take the demon to several surrounding human cities now, immediately and immediately, kill and kill the city wantonly, and let thousands of people of your human family bury our half emperor and Lord Shenzi!"

"Don't think the emperor is joking with you!"

"Lord Shenzi, if there is an accident, the emperor and none of these people around him will want to live. Instead, it's better to pull more people to be buried!"

"As for whether you will retaliate in the demon domain in the same way afterwards, the emperor doesn't care! You Terrans have a good saying, 'after I die, I don't care about the flood!' if the emperor can't live, none of you will feel better!"

Xiong Yun stood outside the city and roared loudly.

The roar of the bear was heard everywhere.

Not only Zhuge Xincheng, Li Liangcai, but also tens of millions of people in the city heard it, but also the Demon power such as Jinjiao Shenzi, Yinjiao Shenzi and Longjiao Laozu who have been secretly monitoring here.

Hearing the threat roar of the old bear, all the people and Demons changed color.

What's the matter? Xiong Yun, an old man, wants to kill the fish and break the net.

However, once we take the lead in starting to fight against the ordinary cities of the human race and break the rules and agreements that the strongest of the human and demon races have kept for more than 50 years, the whole world is bound to be completely chaotic.

At that time, not only the ordinary residents of the Terran will suffer, but also the demon race.

When all the emperors, banbu demon emperors and even banhuang began to ignore the rules and began to wantonly and recklessly bully and kill the weak and small people in the other family on a large scale, the huge losses caused were definitely not what the high-level leaders of the human and demon families wanted to see.

The reason why the emperor's agreement was successful was that all the eight emperors had similar scruples and didn't want to see their clansmen disappear one by one in such chaos.

This is true of Terrans and demons.

Even if they are better than the emperor, they can not guarantee the absolute safety of their own people and their children in the secret attack of the enemy emperor.

But now.

Xiong Yun wants to take the lead in breaking this unwritten agreement that everyone is vaguely following. She wants to kill the cities where the human race has no half emperor in person.

"It's crazy!"

"It wants to introduce this scourge into the whole demon domain and hold all demon families in the water!"

"The old bear is as cunning as ever. It is threatening to force the half emperor of the Terran to stop. At the same time, it is also forcing the emperor to do it!"

With a gloomy face, Longjiao looked at Xiong Yun coldly across the air.

It didn't doubt Xiong Yun's decision when she said these words, because although it was the old bear's trick, if she was forced to a desperate situation, the crazy bear could definitely do such a thing.

If Xiong Yin really dies in the Terran city defense array, Xiong Yun will be liquidated by the white bear demon emperor afterwards. What worries will a madman who knows he will die have when he does it?

"Lao Zu, are you ready to do it?"

Yin Jiao asked softly.

Dragon Jiao shook his head slightly: "it's no use for the emperor to go. The emperor can't see through the moat in the central city of the Federation. I'm going, and I'm not sure I can break the array and save Xiong Yin."

"Now, it depends on what the three half emperors of the Terran want. If there is no accident, they don't dare to kill the bear seal God son easily. After all, their Terran can't bear the anger of losing a demon emperor."

Long Jiao didn't have the slightest intention to show up to help, so he continued to hide next to the play.

In the federal central city.

Li Liangcai and tianchanzi have returned from the array and stand at the head of the city with Zhuge Xincheng. Through the mist over the central city, you can clearly see the four demons of Xiong Yun standing 100 kilometers outside the city.

"This crazy bear is obviously frightened. Now he doesn't even have the courage to get close to the central city."

Li Liangcai laughed and didn't take Xiong Yun's threat to heart.

No way, they almost hear similar threats every once in a while, and their ears are about to grind out cocoons.

Every time they lose a battle and can't stand down, these demon cubs will come to this set. The louder they shout, the more guilty they are and the more they want.

To deal with such fierce monsters is to dry them for a while, and there is no need to reply in a hurry.

"Amitabha... The Buddha!"

"Not to mention these demon cubs, even the poor monk was startled when the city protection array suddenly expanded. Unexpectedly, there were such changes in the ten purgatory demon killing array."

Tianchanzi didn't take Xiong Yun's threat seriously, and whispered a Buddhist name. The other party was amazed at the changes of the city protection array.

He himself is the great master of magic array. He knows more how difficult it is to change the array just now. Yang Fan has played the ten square Purgatory and devil killing array!

"If the poor monk guessed right, the mist enveloping the periphery of the moat array should be the array protection formed after the six reincarnation combination virtual magic array is fully activated. It is also a kind of Psychedelic array."

"Isolating the semi emperor's mind should be just its simplest effect. If there is no accident, now the six reincarnation combination array has been integrated with the whole city protection array. Any semi emperor involved in it will be transmitted into the reincarnation illusion at the first time, and there is no possibility of coming out again!"

Before they tried the array, and when the five half emperor demons first entered the array, they first entered the ten square Purgatory and kill demons array, and then they were guided step by step into the most kernel six samsara virtual magic array.

This is a frog cooked in warm water, and the way is relatively mild.

Among them, for a period of time, they actually had the opportunity to break through and escape by force with the strength of the semi emperor.

As long as they avoid the core six samsara virtual combination magic array, the outermost ten party Purgatory and evil killing array can't trap them at all.

But now, the six reincarnation array directly coincides with the ten Purgatory and evil killing array, and the only glimmer of vitality has been completely cut off.

"Little benefactor Yang Fan has perfectly matched the ten Purgatory and evil killing array with the six reincarnation combination magic array, set off each other, complement each other, take the long and make up the short, and forcibly raised the array power of the two large arrays to a small level!"

"What we see in front of us should be the complete form of the moat array. The previous array in the array is just a cover up deliberately released by little benefactor Yang Fan."

Li Liangcai and Zhuge Xincheng inhaled at the same time.

Just a cover up swallowed up 50000 demon soldiers in the two holy places of the demon family, and even their five and a half emperors were put in.

How strong is this complete moat?

"Of course, such a complete form must consume surprisingly and should not last long. It is similar to the state when the psionic protection array is fully activated. It can only be activated at the most dangerous moment."

"However, as a warning and deterrent to these semi emperor demons, it is enough!"

With that, tianchanzi whispered a Buddha's horn again, and then turned to look at Li Liangcai and Zhuge Xincheng.

"Guys, it seems that the old bear can't help himself. It's time to go out and meet him, lest he really jump off the wall!"

Li Liangcai and Zhuge Xincheng looked positive and nodded at the same time.

Next second.

The space rules around the three Terran semi emperors surged, and in a twinkling, the three figures disappeared at the head of the city at the same time.