Somewhere in the void.

He noticed that there was a threat of half emperor breaking the territory again over Daixing city.

The ancestor of Longjiao, who was sneaking secretly, couldn't help looking back and glared at Yinjiao Shenzi.


Who just said that the fifth new semi emperor could not appear among the Terran warriors in Dai Xing City?

Now, open your dog's eyes and have a look. What's the smell wave that just appeared over Daixing city?

Sensing Longjiao's fierce, cannibal eyes, Yinjiao's divine Son was so excited that he unconsciously shrunk his neck and dared not look at Longjiao.

It's also very wronged. You mu you.

It's not an immortal. How could it be imagined that the luck of the warrior of the human race would be so prosperous? It was only a chance of emperor's death that five and a half emperor's strong men could be born at once!

In the past, even when the first emperor's death occurred, there had never been such a situation, you mu you?!

However, two hours have passed, and the time is really coming to an end. This one should be really, really, really the last one.

Yinjiao Shenzi opened his mouth slightly and wanted to say another prophecy to cheer him up. It is expected that after the Terran half emperor, there will never be a sixth new half emperor again.

However, as soon as he came to his mouth, he saw the gloomy and serious old face of Longjiao's ancestor and a pair of dragon eyes full of violence and killing opportunities. Yinjiao Shenzi stopped it and swallowed them all back to his stomach.

"Be careful not to make a big mistake. You'd better stop talking nonsense. If there is another half emperor breaking the territory in the Terran later, the old ancestor will have to kill the son of God."

Thinking of this, Yinjiao Shenzi withered at once. He felt that closing his mouth and not talking might be the best choice at this time.

Because no one knows whether those Terran warriors in Dai Xing City will jump out and fight in the face again.

At this point.

Two hours have passed, two hours and five minutes.

However, there is still no sign that the spirit rain outside Daixing city will stop, and the rule vibration outside the sky is still the same as the beginning.

Yinjiao Shenzi tightened his neck again, tried his best to restrain his breath, and tried to treat himself as an invisible person. He hoped that Longjiao's ancestors would not pay attention to it again.

When all the people and Demons thought that the second emperor's death was bound to end naturally after two hours, just as it happened in Beijing for the first time.

Reality, but it really slapped everyone and the demon in the face.

Two hours later, the emperor's death vision is still there!

The momentum is rising, and there is no sign of weakening or even disappearing.

Such an unexpected situation.

The Terran side is naturally very happy. After all, the center of the land of the emperor's death is in the human territory. The Terran side is most affected and has the most abundant opportunities.

But the mood of the demon clan, especially the Dragon Jiao and Xiong Yun, is far from so beautiful.

No, it's terrible!

Long Jiao specially arranged the time of the surprise attack on Yang Fan at the moment when the emperor's death vision ended, when everyone was relaxed and thought that the attack and killing of the demon family could not suddenly appear at this time.

What it wants is an unexpected effect. What it wants is to kill Yang Fan and all the Terran elites and semi emperors in Daixing city when the enemy is relaxed.

To this end, long Jiao is even willing to detonate a demon emperor Lingbao in advance to destroy the moat outside Dai Xing City.

But now.

The expected death of the emperor, which should have ended, is still going on. Yang Fan's Dharma phase is still broadcasting live, provoking deser wantonly in the void.

In addition, in Daixing City, the broken atmosphere of Terran warriors at all stages is still rising one after another.

Almost every minute, the strength of the Terran warrior is improving. Almost every moment, the Terran may have another new semi emperor.

This is definitely a kind of suffering for Longjiao, a half emperor demon.

"Lord long Jiao, why don't we just break through! Otherwise, we'll wait like this. When will it be the end?"

"What if the emperor's death vision can last for three hours, four hours or even five hours? Are we really here to watch the strength of those warriors in Daixing city break through and improve again?"

At this time, among the three half emperors who came from the Huofeng family, a half emperor named Fengqiao whispered a proposal.

I can't wait. Seeing the enemy's strength rising rapidly, they do nothing. What's the difference between this and actively funding the enemy?

If you don't do it now, do you really have to wait until all the half step kings of the human race in the city break into the half emperor realm?

It is said that at this time, there are more than 100 warriors in the half step emperor's territory in the Dai Xing City. If they all break through the territory and advance, they will have a fart chance of winning at that time!

In its view, the surprise tactics of long Jiao is a fart!

There is a difference between killing now and killing later. Is Yang Fan's trap not a trap after the death of the emperor?

Anyway, it's necessary to harden the anus. Naturally, it's better to do it early!

"Shut up!"

"This is a tactic, a surprise tactic, do you understand?!"

"If you don't understand, don't fool around here! Don't take out Feng Xijiao's outrageous means to confuse the people. That will only make our losses more heavy and our failure more thorough!"

"When you think Yang Fan is a fool, he will not be prepared for such blatant provocation for most of the day?"

"Now jump out and have a hard anus with him. It's just in his arms. He wants us to throw ourselves into the net and take the initiative to jump into the trap he arranged!"

Dragon Jiao forced the murderous spirit at the bottom of his heart and glared at Feng Qiao who had just spoken nonsense.

These three guys are all sent by the old witch Feng Xijiao. They have no good intentions.

The tool man should have the consciousness of the tool man, and the cannon fodder should stand at the position where the cannon fodder should stand. What are you doing here when you are idle?

This time, it will not only attack and kill Yang Fan, but also minimize the loss of the holy land. It will fight a beautiful turnaround.

Then it will also have a live broadcast of the Dharma phase, holding Yang Fan's head to announce to the world that it is not a counsellor. Its temporary forbearance is only for greater harvest. It is also a demon with great wisdom!

Therefore, this battle will not only win, but also win greatly. It will exchange the smallest price for the greatest victory. It will not only kill Yang Fan, but also destroy the hope of the Terran!

Only in this way can dragon Jiao wash his former shame and stand up again as the ultimate winner!


Fengqiao was unconvinced and wanted to argue again, but he was pulled by his companion and stopped by force.

"Lord long Jiao is right. Since this operation is led by Lord long Jiao, we naturally obey your arrangement!"

After controlling the grumpy Fengqiao, Lao Huofeng smiled and said two soft words to long Jiao, which temporarily suppressed their unhappiness and conflict.

I'm kidding. Don't you see the banhuang present? Do they have the most people in demon Shengling and Heifeng Valley? At this time, they conflict with long Jiao. What's the difference between them and their own death?

Fengqiao, an old man, really doesn't have a long mind. At this time, he still wants to argue with long Jiao. Didn't he even notice the murderous spirit in long Jiao's eyes?

They came to help long Jiao and Xiong Yun attack and kill Yang Fan this time. Originally, they risked a great risk. If they were bad, they might have no return.

If you still offend the principal of Longjiao at this time, aren't you afraid that it will really arrange their three old Huofeng to the position of cannon fodder?

"Brother Fengqi is right. This time we all follow the lead of elder Longjiao. All actions are under the command. Just tell us what you want us to do!"

At this time, the half emperors of the iron toothed crocodile and the white tiger also began to say their positions. They were all clever gestures that I was a brick of the demon family, where I needed to move.

In terms of EQ and IQ, they are more than one level higher than Fengqiao.

Hearing the statement of the nine and a half emperors of the three families, the anger in Longjiao's chest was calmed and calmed a lot.

"Still act according to the original plan!" long Jiao waved his big hand and stressed again in a loud voice: "take the end of the emperor's death as the sign, and attack at top speed when Yang Fan and the defenders around him are relaxed!"

"Don't care about the city protection array, and don't care about the Psychic Protection array!"

"The emperor of the city protection array will personally destroy it, and the power protection array of Dai Xing City is only a class B superior defective product, which can't stop the attack of the strong above the peak emperor!"

"This time, the emperor will not only kill Yang Fan, but also catch all the elite warriors of the Terran family!"

"Now, the more warriors they are promoted to the semi imperial realm, the more heavy losses they will suffer later!"

"You are all veteran semi emperors who have stayed in the semi emperor realm for at least half a century. It shouldn't take too much effort to kill several Terran cubs who have just been promoted?"

When long Jiao looked at them, the other 21 half emperor demons, including Xiong Yun, shook their heads decisively.

The semi imperial realm is just a general title. In fact, it can be divided into strong and weak.

More than half of the half emperor demons in their line are above the level 4 emperor realm. Although they are incomplete emperor realm, the level also represents the exact strength.

They are quite sure that they will go out to deal with the little guys who have just been promoted to the first level of emperor territory.

Of course, the premise is that the number of these new semi emperors should not be too large. If there are dozens or hundreds of them, even if they are added together, they may not be able to do too much.

After all, they are not real emperors. The Taoist wounds in their bodies are destroying and killing their Demon power and spirits all the time. They can't fight a long war at all.

"That's right!" long Jiao looked much better and said, "in that case, what else do you have to worry about?"

"Even if the emperor's death vision lasts for three or four hours, what can it be? Can all the half step kings in Daixing city break through the territory and advance?"

"I believe the emperor, the death of the emperor will soon end, and it is impossible for more new semi emperors to appear in Daixing city. If you have a mental calculation but don't care, the effect of the surprise attack will reach the extreme, and the final victory will belong to us!"

Dragon Jiao's voice was full of encouragement, and his words were also impassioned. It seemed that he was really confident.